The third pondered for a while, and explained to her in another way, "Maybe you fall down, get up again, fall down again, get up again, repeat three or four times, and the third brother will have to fall with you too."


This explained her to understand.

"That's not great!"

Wednesday: Huh? ?

He squinted and looked at her with contempt, and Mai also learned his eyes and looked up at him with slanted eyes!

Like cross-eyed, they do not give way to each other.

Seeing their funny little actions, Pei Xiu was speechless and coughed twice before the third child took back his small eyes.

At the same time, the wheat could not support it and fell to the ground again.

"Chicken! I'm too embarrassed to say I'm not good! Hmph..."

"The third brother is also a chicken!"

"Stronger than you, I'm still stable!"

"You are shameless to compare with me! If you compare with eldest brother, eldest brother must be better than you!"

Zhou Yong nodded with satisfaction, "Have vision, do you know that Big Brother is the most powerful?"

"I know, big brother is the best!"

The second brother also turned his head and suddenly said, "Second brother is also great!"

Wheat nodded in face, "Yes, the second brother is also good, but the third brother is not good!"

The husband and wife watched the three brothers and sisters fight with each other in disbelief, and they didn't know when Mai became Zhou Yong's little fan sister.

It seems that I can listen to him recently, and the two play extremely harmoniously.

"Hmph... two sycophants get together..."

"Third brother is cheap!"

Staring at her on Wednesday, "Did Big Brother teach you to say it."

"A little bit~"

Zhou Cheng watched her stick out her tongue and make faces, and patted her head with a smile, "Don't be naughty, go, and continue squatting."

"Okay, Dad!"

Pei Xiu can already predict that when the wheat is a little bigger, it is estimated that he will be able to dominate the third child alone, right?

It's a bit unbearable to look directly, this child has a tendency to seek abuse, obviously can't beat the boss, but prefers to be provocative.

Now even wheat can stop him for a few words, he doesn't have a long memory and always wants to tease her.

Is this what it is commonly known as, food and fun?

Among the four children, the second child looked calm and honest, and occasionally he might be taken a little off by them.

Maybe accompanied by her brothers, Mai fell down and got up and kept repeating. Although she was tired, she did not say that she would not learn, and she still felt a little happy.

When the third child fell down, she clapped her hands happily, so angry that the third child patted her ass

"Little white-eyed wolf."

"Hee hee~ The third brother gets up and continues to squat. When you fall down, get up, fall down, get up again, it is estimated that the second brother will fall down..."

She mischievously returned what he had just said to him.

"Fuck off, when you're still a little kid, you know you're going to take your third brother!"

The second child didn't hold on for long, and he squatted a cup of tea more than the third child.

Wheat said proudly: "I'll just say Big Brother is the best."

Zhou Yong said happily, "Just saying this to you, eldest brother has to squat for at least half an hour!"

Zhou Cheng nodded with satisfaction and said to the two brothers: "Take a break and continue, when will your eldest brother fall, and today will end here!"

The three brothers and sisters brushed together, turning their heads neatly to look at their big brother!

The third child simply walked to the steps in front of him and sat down, "Brother, hurry up, I'm hungry..."

Mai also sat down with him, holding his cheeks and watching, "Brother, come on!"

When the second child saw that they had all passed, he also went to sit and rest for a while, by the way, to see how long the elder brother could squat.

"Brother, don't be too strong, or I will feel inferior!"

Pei Xiu was about to go to the kitchen to see if breakfast was ready, but was staggered by the third child's words.

Gu Xi

Will he be ashamed?

The big joke of slipping the world!

Shaking his head, let's leave it to Zhou Cheng to worry about!

Zhou Yong also shook his legs under the influence of his words, and almost lost his stability.

"You don't want to destroy my Taoism! I said that if you want to squat for half an hour, you must squat to full!"

Zhou Cheng also looked at his third son with a black line on his face, it was so detached!

The third child also teased Zhou Yong with a hippy smile, "Hahaha, who made you so good, the younger brother, of course, has low self-esteem, and even the wheat likes you the most."

"Just admit that I'm good!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ Big brother is so thick-skinned, I don't know what modesty is..."

Zhou Yong rolled his eyes, "Hmph, your teeth are leaking, so it's not too bad, you should talk less!"

He said indifferently: "There are no outsiders here, what does it matter? No one feels embarrassed with a blue nose and a swollen face. What's the point of missing a front tooth?"

"It's okay to lack one, it's funny to lack two, do you also shake the other one? Would you like me to help you?"

Zhou Yong raised his right hand, clenched it into a fist, and gestured in front of him, so frightened that he covered his mouth and stood up and took two steps back.

"No, we have to obey the rules of nature and let it fall naturally."

"It's too late for you to change your teeth. Let me help you."

"Hey, don't bother you!"

Zhou Cheng looked at the two bickering indifferently, "If you have enough rest, continue to squat, and squat for another quarter of an hour."

The second child got up and squatted beside Zhou Yong, the third child sighed and continued to squat, watching Zhou Cheng frown.

"Children are not allowed to sigh, let me hear it, and then squat for half an hour."

The third child shuddered and hurriedly responded.

Wheat was giggling aside, but Zhou Cheng changed his tone in an instant, kindly reminding her to concentrate and not interfere with her brothers.

She stuck her tongue out and was quiet.

When Pei Xiu came out of the kitchen, she saw that the four of them were obedient, they didn't look like they were smiling just now, and even Mai was looking straight ahead with a serious face.

Is this cured?

The three of them fell down again, and Zhou Yong was still standing firm, but it looked a little more difficult.

The wheat face looked at him admiringly, "Big brother, it's really amazing~"

The third child squatted in front of him and made a few faces, but he didn't move.

"It's almost done, big brother!"

"Third brother, father is watching you."

Wheat poked the third child, reminding him that his father was looking at him coldly.

He laughed awkwardly, "Hehe..."

"Go out and run ten laps around the yard."

"Oh... that second brother..."

The second child immediately stood two meters away from him and said, "Dad called didn't call me..."

Seeing that his father didn't respond, he had no choice but to put his shoulders on his shoulders and walked out on his legs alone.

Wheat looked at it and giggled, "Third brother is so fun..."

At this time, Zhou Yong also slackened and straightened up and kicked his legs, "Shit!"

Pei Xiu also shook his head speechlessly, why doesn't he have a long memory?

"Hee hee, Dad, can we eat?"

Seeing that she was holding his feet, Zhou Cheng lifted her up and put his arms in his arms, "Are you hungry? Are you tired?"

She said pitifully: "Tired, so tired, my feet are sore, my stomach is so hungry, I'm going to be flattened."

"Do you want to study tomorrow?"

"Yes! Dad remember to wake me up~"

"Come on, let's go eat."

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