Sister Li smiled and said, "Madam has a kind heart, even if they can't find a relative, ten copper coins are enough for the mother and daughter. They have lived a frugal life in the capital for a month or two. It is possible to survive forever.”

Pei Xiu nodded with a smile, she just didn't want to cause any more trouble.

If there was no wheat to start on the road just now, she might give them money directly and let them go to Linxian to take a carriage.

Ten copper coins are equivalent to ten taels of silver. The reason why copper coins are given but not silver taels is because copper coins are easier to circulate.

The two mothers and daughters were in a state of embarrassment, and suddenly they took out a silver ingot, which always made people suspicious and added trouble.

After entering the city, the carriage stopped, and the mother and daughter looked at Auntie Li, who was walking towards them, at a loss.

Sister Li took out a bag of copper coins and handed it to the girl.

"The woman ordered me to give it to you. Since you have been sent to the capital, you can go look for your relatives. There are ten copper coins here that will be enough for you to spend for a while. We also have something to do, so let's just let it go."

The girl clenched the purse tightly and said unwillingly, "Thank you for your generosity, Madam. The little girl's name is Li Jingyi. I don't know where your mansion is? If we find a relative, we can come to thank you."

"No, it's just a chance encounter. I hope you can find relatives and friends as soon as possible."

Li Jingyi bit her lower lip lightly, and knew that people didn't want to get in trouble anymore, and to be able to send them to the capital and give them money was already a benevolent act. Array lost.

Who knows if her mother's cousin is reliable or not, this family is quite reliable.

When she was hesitating whether to fight for it, her mother spoke first, "Cough...then...then I would like to thank Mrs. I have a chance to see you again."

"Yi'er, help me out of the car..."

"Hey, mother, please slow down." Without thinking about it, she hurried to help her mother out of the car.

Sister Li was very satisfied with this woman's knowledge.

Watching the carriage go away, she kept in mind the mark on the carriage, Zhou, and the face of the man who was riding a tall horse.

A little unwilling to say to her mother: "Mother, why do we stop begging them, take us in for a while, let us find relatives and then leave?"

"Everyone has given us money to send us away, so why bother?"

"But we are not familiar with the capital city, what if we can't find my cousin?"

The woman patted her hand soothingly, "No, let's find a cheap inn first, and then go to find out the location of the Zhongshu Keyamen."

"Ah? Why don't you directly inquire about Uncle Biao's mansion?"

The woman shook her head, "Listen to me..."

The Zhou family, after returning to the mansion, threw this episode to the back of their minds, and never took it to heart.

Zhou Cheng sent his wife and children back to the house and went to the study to do his own business, and he would start going to the government office tomorrow.

A few boys wanted to go out when their father left, but Pei Xiu couldn't understand, where did they get so much energy?

Zhou Yong promised again and again, "Mother, we will only go to Zhou Shan, and we will not run around!"

"No, I'm going to the academy tomorrow. Today you stay at home and take care of yourself and read books. You are not allowed to go anywhere!"


"Obey, go back to your yard."

"All right…"

In fact, only Zhou Yong and the third child wanted to go out. The second child really wanted to read at home. The stupid bird flew first, and he hadn't read a book well for more than half a year.

"Mother, let's go back first."

Pei Xiu grabbed it and stepped forward to follow the collar of Mai Mai.

"Don't quarrel with your brothers, go back to the house with Ginkgo to play for a while, and then my mother will teach you to read."

"Really?" She looked at her mother with bright eyes, "Is your mother going to teach me to read?"

"Well, you can also do simple arithmetic. You can start to learn the harder ones, and you can also enlighten."

Gu Qiu

She turned around happily, "Okay~ Mother is going to teach me to read!"

"Be careful not to get dizzy," Pei Xiu took her hand and asked Ginkgo to take her back, "Go, you go back to the main courtyard with Ginkgo first, mother will sort out the affairs of the house first, and then teach you Recognition."

"Well, mother, you have to come back quickly, I'll wait for you."

She happily jumped to her yard, and finally she could read like her brothers.

Pei Xiu also thought that Mai was almost five years old, and it was time to start reading and picking up a pen.

She can only teach enlightenment recognition, and other piano, chess, calligraphy and painting will make her blind, but fortunately, Mai is still young, so she is not in a hurry to learn those, she can teach her own recognition first.

Wait until she is older and see her interest and invite another old master.

Seeing that she was empty, the housekeeper stepped forward to report the matter and handed over the account book to her for review.

Looking at the running water recorded earlier, and listening to the report of the housekeeper, she nodded. The housekeeper made the book very clearly, and the price was not too different from the market.

After she was done with the matter and the accounts were settled, she returned to the courtyard.

Mai Mai sat on the stone bench in the yard, resting on his chin with both hands and swaying his legs in boredom. When he saw Pei Xiu's figure, he happily slid down and ran towards her.

"Mother, you are back..."

Pei Xiu took her hand and went into the room, "Why don't you enter the room and wait."

"Sit in the yard to see you come back."

As soon as she entered the room, she trotted to the desk and stood waiting for Pei Xiu to get her a book. She knew that this was her mother's desk and she could not move it casually.

Pei Xiu has always kept a set of enlightenment books just for wheat. She hurriedly pulled out the Three Character Classic from the bookcase behind her and waved to her.

"Come on, sit next to my mother, and my mother will teach you to read the Three Character Classic first."


"In the beginning of man, nature is good..."

"In the beginning of man, nature is good..."

One crisp and one immature, two reading sounds were heard outside the house through the window. Zhou Cheng heard it as soon as he stepped into the yard, and his serious face became gentle.

In order not to disturb the mother and daughter, he didn't enter the house, he just sat in the yard and waited for the sweet soup at noon from the kitchen before he opened his mouth to the cook.


The cook almost knelt down in fright, "What is the general's order?"

He walked over to and opened the porcelain lid. After seeing it was a bird's nest, he said with satisfaction, "Give it to me, you can go down."


The cook tremblingly handed the sweet soup to him.

When Pei Xiu heard the knock on the door, she thought it was Ginkgo or Mrs. Li, but she called in without raising her head, and then continued to teach Wheat to read.

It turned out that the footsteps were wrong, and when he looked up, he knew it was Zhou Cheng.

She put down the book and said unexpectedly, "Why are you serving sweet soup?"

"Seeing that the cook brought you dessert, I will take it. Let's eat it first. After talking for so long, you must be thirsty."


She replied with a smile, and took the wheat to the table to eat snacks first.

"Busy working?"

"Well, take a break, some things can only be done by going to the yamen tomorrow."

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