She said coldly in a deep voice, "Instruct the concierge, if they see Li Jingyi coming to the door in the future, let them drive her out and not allow her to stay at our door."

"Sister Li, you will go to the Zhongshu Keda Sun's house tomorrow, see Mrs. Sun, beat them, and let her take care of Li Jingyi."

"Yes, ma'am."

When Zhou Cheng came back in the afternoon, seeing his daughter-in-law staring at him, he just felt a little inexplicable and leaned over suspiciously.

"What's wrong, daughter-in-law?"

"You didn't encounter anything special today?"

"What's the matter?"

Pei Xiu pinched him, "Come back to the house with me."

Seeing that his father and mother came into the house on his front and back feet, Mai also tried to follow with his short legs, but was pulled by Ginkgo.

"Miss, the madam has something to say to the general, the servant will take you to find the young masters to play..."

Mai clapped his hands happily, "Okay! Go and play with the brothers."

As soon as Zhou Cheng entered the house, he locked the door and pulled his wife into his arms.

The moment he entered the house, he realized that his wife was jealous?

so rare...

He looked at Pei Xiu with a smile on his face, "Jealous? I ignored her."

"Aren't you excited? People are young and beautiful, I'm in my early thirties, and I'm old and pearly..."

He raised his eyebrows and said in a eloquent manner, "Young little girl can't have the charm of a mature woman. I'm happy for you who are over 30 years old."

Pei Xiu glanced at him contemptuously, "After becoming famous, you never thought about it? The young girl is shy, tender-faced, soft-bodied, and easily toppled..."

Zhou Cheng leaned over to block her chattering mouth, showing with actions that he didn't change his mind.

His kiss was full of tenderness, lingering on her lips thinly.

Pei Xiu also stood on tiptoe and hooked his neck, bit his lower lip as punishment, and responded enthusiastically.

Zhou Cheng was delighted by her enthusiastic response, and happily enjoyed her rare initiative to cooperate with her.

Gu Jun

The two of them kissed so completely that they didn't even know when their coats fell to the ground.

It wasn't until Zhou Cheng felt a little cooler that he came back to his senses and was shocked to realize what he had done.

The sweet but not greasy fragrance of her body drifted from the tip of his nose, and he just felt that his self-control, who had always been calm and self-controlled, was about to lose control.

Pei Xiu also felt a little cold, and bit down unwillingly, causing Zhou Cheng to snort and take a deep breath.

He called in a low voice, "Daughter-in-law, take it easy~"

Zhou Cheng leaned against the door and raised his head, only to feel the crisp, numb electric current rushing through his body, straight to his forehead.

He stroked Pei Xiu's hair on the temples, pinned the falling strands of hair behind her ears, and looked at her expression clearly, her movements...

The excitement rushed from the top to the bottom, the eyes were flushed, the temples were bulging, and the blue veins on the forehead burst out, and it became more and more unbearable.

With red eyes, he picked up Pei Xiu like a child.

Looking at her eyes glowing with love, with a charming look like silk, he quickly kissed the wet red lips and took it.

Seeing his impulsive appearance, Pei Xiu raised the corner of his mouth proudly.

As soon as she was placed on the kang, she twisted her waist and reversed.

Zhou Cheng clasped her waist with both hands, his eyes became deeper and deeper, "The waist strength is quite good."

She shook it proudly, causing the veins to jump on his forehead.

"Daughter-in-law, it will kill you~"

"Hehe, do you like it?"


"what do you like?"

"like you…"

Pei Xiu buttoned his chest, "Only like me?"

"Well, I only like you!"

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