The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The first volume of the school record, the first chapter, reborn Sun Wukong

Li Ming, 21, an otaku of the ordinary. I like reading novels and anime, especially “One Piece” and “Naruto” is his favorite now. At this time, he is watching the newly updated “Naruto”. However, ten minutes passed, and the newly updated episode was immediately finished. Nothing was idle, he began to search for new anime, but suddenly saw “Seven Dragonball Z”. In other words, this “Seven Dragon Ball” is a classic classic! I thought that in the past, Brother could read him in one breath! Now think about it, it still has some aftertaste, so click on the play and start to revisit it…

Search for the Sun Wukong body transformation Super Saiyan episode on Baidu, click on the 95 episode, and watch it…

I thought that when I saw Sun Wukong body transformation Super Saiyan for the first time, my heart was excited! It seems that still is so exciting…

At this point, the sky outside the window suddenly darkened, for a moment, thunder, lightning, thunder, and drizzle…

This sudden weather has caused countless people to yell more then, and most of the people who are still shopping on the street leisurely have become soups. If they don’t open their mouths, then there is no reason…

“MD, what kind of ghost weather? How suddenly did it start such a big rain?”

“Grass! don’t tell me is the end of the world?”

“Nima! Isn’t 2012 gone in the past? How suddenly has it changed?”

“Grass! What is the weather forecast for? I am still cloudy and sunny, I am going to your sister!”…

Ok, this time it’s really a ‘resentment’! Li Ming is depressed and standing up, he has to shut down the host: “Nima! How is the weather so good and it is raining and it is raining? It is not scientific!”

“霹雳~~”, a flash of lightning fell again, and the roadside wires were smashed, but the current was constant, and a current that was hundreds of times stronger than the wire was rushed along the wire. Flowering up, the cortical line instantly Aura got up…

At home, Li Ming’s right hand just pressed on the switch of the computer, and then suddenly felt a numbness, the whole person lost consciousness, and even the consciousness was paralyzed and could not think…

The computer suddenly burst into electric and blue smoke, and the screen of the “Seven Dragon Ball” played unexpectedly without blackness… For a moment, a black dot appeared in the center of the screen, and then slowly expanded… formed a Half a meter wide black hole, Li Ming instantly sucked in… The black hole disappeared, and the computer ‘Peng’ slammed and exploded…

When Li Ming woke up, he found himself lying in a spacious hall, and he was puzzled: “Where is this? Isn’t Brother being charged? How can it appear here?”

However, when he saw that he had narrowed his body, he could not help but squeeze his thighs. He hurt him with a sigh of relief: “Nima! Will it hurt? Isn’t it a dream? Don’t Tell me Laozi met the crossing in the legend?” I thought of this, he immediately reached out and touched it, suddenly relieved: “Fortunately! Fortunately! Little brother is still! And bigger than before, hey Hey ~!”

Just when Li Minghey hey laughed, his head suddenly burst into pain, and countless memories appeared in his mind. The painful Li Ming hung his head and hum hum. It was not until seven or eight minutes later that the pain slowly disappeared, which made Li Ming slowly slow down…

“Sun…Sun Wukong…” After learning the memory in the brain, Li Ming almost didn’t yell out loudly: “No! I actually went through the world of “Seven Dragon Balls”? It became Sun. Wukong? This is the rhythm of going against the sky. There is wood!” Li Ming was excited when he thought of Saiyan’s terror physique. But when I think of those who are more than a perverted enemy, I am a little scared at the moment; but I think I can become super 2Super Saiyan 3… I am relieved…

“It seems that I want to mix well in this world, I have to try hard training! Well! According to Sun Wukong’s memory, I am now in The Lookout, I have been learning with God for almost two years! Two years? It seems that there is still almost a year’s time from the First Under the Heavens, and it’s almost enough for a year!”

Sun Wukong turned a few laps in The Lookout according to the memory of watching anime, and finally found the Time Chamber. Just when he wanted to go in, the ‘Black’ Popo appeared behind him: “Goku, I am not saying Have you passed? This is a static entry!”

Sun Wukong was a little embarrassed to touch his head and said: “I am not very curious, here is the end of the end? Made so Mystic/mysterious!” Saying, 趁Popo does not pay attention, one will Time Chamber The door is open…

“Wow! There is such a vast place behind this door? You don’t tell me with such a good training. It is really stingy to ask me to train in that narrow place!” Sun Wukong said that he would walk in.

“Wait, Goku, this place can’t go in!” Popo hurriedly stopped Sun Wukong. And ‘God’ also appeared at this time: “This place is called the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and the time flow rate inside is: the outside day is equal to one year inside. And the environment inside is extremely bad…”

Sun Wukong immediately screamed: “The day outside is equal to the inside of the year? There is such a good place, you didn’t tell me earlier, Poppo, hurry to prepare me enough food and water, and senzu bean, I I have to train him for a few years!”

“Training for a few years?” God shook his head and shook his head: “You can stay in it for a year, even if you are extraordinary!”

Sun Wukong doesn’t care about it: “It’s just a year, no big deal!” The title of my goddess is not white. Because of this nearly two years of getting along, Sun Wukong has played a very good relationship with God, and God knows that Sun Wukong is another spotless heart, so he also promised Sun Wukong to go to Time Chamber training.

So, with enough food and water, and after going to Jialin Cat (Jialin Xianren) for a bag of senzu beans, Sun Wukong walked into the Time Chamber with excitement…

Three days later, a raging Sun Wukong walked out of the Time Chamber: a height of about one meter and seven or eight, a muscular but unobtrusive muscle is perfect, and a haircut like the original work looks sunny and handsome. Sun Wukong in the original work has lost a naive and more domineering and domineering.

Although it was a three-day time, Sun Wukong still went back and forth several times on the way, and it was really unbearable to train alone in it! Calculating time, he also trained in the Time Chamber for more than two years, which is more than two days in reality.

“Well, training for so long, even if you have a otaku’s heart, you can’t stand the bird! It seems that it’s time to go out and breathe, well, then go to Bulma first, go with her to find the Seven Dragon Ball. ,hey hey ~~!”

They greeted them with God, Sun Wukong took a bag of senzu beans, left The Lookout, and flew towards the lower realm… After a year of training in the Time Chamber, Sun Wukong was recognized by God, at any time. Can leave The Lookout, but for training, he still stayed in The Lookout for two more days, and the strength has already surpassed the gods.

Coming to a bustling city, Sun Wukong first gave himself a handsome, comfortable dress, took a shower, and then ate a meal and flew to Bulma’s home…

I felt the familiar ‘qi’ in the huge wilderness below. Although I was surprised, Sun Wukong still small was surprised: “Is this the home of Bulma? It is really luxurious!” Flying down, looking for Bulma’s Ki flew into a luxurious room…

Sun Wukong just entered the room and looked around, and the bathroom door was opened. A beautiful girl in a sexy bathrobe squinted her hair and walked out… But when she saw Sun Wukong in the hall, she was shocked and lost back and forth several steps: “You…who are you?” How did you get into my room?”

Seeing the appearance of Bulma, Sun Wukong’s eyes suddenly brightened: “Is this Bulma? It’s sexy and beautiful! How can such a beautiful sister paper be given to others! Hey hey ~~Bulma, you are a brother!”

When he heard the voice of Bulma, Sun Wukong pointed to the window and said, “Fly in here!”

“Flying in?” Bulma looked suspicious. Sun Wukong looked at Bulma up and down and praised: “Bulma, I didn’t expect to see you for a few years, you are getting more and more beautiful!”

“Hey? Do you know me?” Bulma surprised Watching Sun Wukong, looked up and down, and said with surprise: “You…you shouldn’t be…Sun Wukong?”

“Is it recognized? I thought I was able to grow up and you can not recognize it!” Sun Wukong smiled.

Bulma turned around Sun Wukong a few times, and his face was unfathomable: “You really are Sun Wukong? I didn’t expect to spend more than two years, you are so tall?… You are not going to ‘God’ training. How come? How come here?”

“It’s already trained!” Sun Wukong came to Bulma and pretended to be a very pure watching Bulma. “In other words, Bulma, your chest muscles seem to be getting bigger and bigger! I heard that the girl’s chest muscles touched. It’s more comfortable, why don’t you let me touch it?”

Bulma listened to the red-faced, shy and angry voice: “Stupid! The girl’s chest is not to let others touch it! And it is not called the chest muscles, bastard!”

Sun Wukong pretends to be confused: “But I have seen the boy touch the girl’s chest before.”

Bulma is very poor: “That… that’s because the two people are very close… maybe the relationship between still male girlfriends!”

Sun Wukong ‘Suddenly Dawu’ nodded: “It turns out that only male and female friends can touch… I am a man, you are a woman, we are friends, so we are also a relationship between men and women. Then you let me touch it!” He said, he extended the hands of sinister to Bulma…

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