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Chapter 235 Chapter of the Pirates

At this time, Sun Wukong, eyes are sharp and cold, full of cold, arms and chest are covered with red hair, the muscle is strong and strong, the hair color is no longer golden, but turned into a black long Hair, looks prestige and domineering!

What is even more frightening is that the Kir of his terrorist is just standing there, which directly causes the space of the whole world to collapse in a flash!

“How… maybe!” The Lord of this world was stunned by the image of Sun Wukong at the moment. The terrible Ki, even he felt the fear and trepidation.

“The body transformation is super 4. It’s really a little lifted up for you… but if you don’t do this, I can’t guarantee that you can kill and kill your world source beads!” Say, Sun Wukong runs through this world. The right hand of the main chest was slightly shocked, and it was the body of the Lord who saw the sudden emergence of a crack in the road. The cracks were exuding an endless dazzling sacredness, and then, ka-cha, to shatter and open!

A source of beads that exudes the light of chaos was caught in the hands of Sun Wukong!

The brilliance of terror shines in the world, and the source beads are doing the final struggle! Endless magical surging, all kinds of runes are full, exudes immortal power! Contains the terrible power of destroying world all living things!

The owner of this world is actually wanting a self-destruction source bead, and is with Sun Wukong!

The terrible destruction and volatility is that even Sun Wukong is moving! Self-destruction source beads, and so on, even if it is now, I am afraid it will be not hurt!

Because that is a terror explosion that is enough to destroy a universe! Even the most powerful landlord can’t ignore it!

The supreme power of imprisonment and seals emerged from Sun Wukong’s hands, and they were wrapped around the world’s source beads, wrapping them together! The power of engulfing and purifying comes out, invading the source beads, destroying the will in it!

The world source beads trembled fiercely in the hands of Sun Wukong, struggling! Under the influence of the supreme power of engulfing and the power of seals, it can only be eclipsed, and more and more weak…

With for a moment, along with the gradual disappearance of the will of the Lord of this world, the pirate world also declared the end! The mountain river collapsed and the space was destroyed!

Everything is calm, Sun Wukong watching the world’s source of a crack in the hands, but shook his head: “The source is really damaged… The means of increasing strength is really extraordinary, it is too much damage to yourself… However, it is a good way to save lives… It is also blame the owner of this world is too unlucky. When I met such a strength, I completely crushed his landlord and replaced it with another landlord. It is really difficult to beat him… Good skills, worth having!”

Just do it, Sun Wukong is just a thought, it is to split out countless shadows, sit cross-legged, fill the endless void, dense, looks so beautiful!

The world’s source beads float above the endless void, and the gods shine in the world. The endless laws and secrets are immersed in the eyebrows of Sun Wukong and shadow clones below, and they are absorbed by them…

This process, for the current Sun Wukong, may take decades, but with the inexhaustible feeling of clone, Sun Wukong has shortened this time to a few days!

Don’t think that Hui Night Ji’s time to integrate the world source beads is very short. In fact, she spent thousands of years! Just because the place she was staying was specially selected by Sun Wukong, and the time flow rate of the space where Sun Wukong is located is far from the sky!

Dozens of days for Sun Wukong is just a moment of fingering, completely absorbed the source of the source of the source, and the strength has also been improved accordingly, but the biggest gain is the strength of the outbreak of the trial of the power of the leader, now Has been completely mastered by him!

Although it is self-destructive skill, it is defeated and defeated, and it is dead! It’s a skill that you can’t use without a last resort! But I have to say that it is indeed very powerful!

“Next, is to pick a sister paper to inherit the position of the world leader of the pirates…” Sun Wukong watching the source of the beads, the gloss obvious dim a lot, it is because he absorbed a lot of the power of the source!

Sun Wukong did not completely absorb the source of the world, otherwise, whole sea thief world can be completely disappeared!

Because this world source beads, it represents the whole pirate world! The source beads are completely absorbed, so the whole pirate world is completely destroyed.

For the pirate world, Sun Wukong still prefers it, naturally she does not want to see her destruction. At the same time, there is more than one master and sister paper on your side, this is the key!

The mind of Sun Wukong disappeared directly between the heavens and the earth!

The mist is fascinating, the red clouds are flying, the air is filled with a touch of fragrance, and the smell of the gods is refreshing and comfortable.

The flowers and plants along the way are rare rare treasures in the world. They are rich in heaven and earth. Just take a sip and you can spray a thin glow.

The magnificent palace is inlaid with a variety of time rare rare stones, its luxurious level, staggering.

The peerless beauty of the past is very fascinating. Here, it is heaven.

On the plaque at the entrance of the palace, there are three brilliant golden letters: crystal palace.

So there is no name for the festival, and you will know that it is the residence of Sun Wukong’s creation.

In the flash of the figure, Sun Wukong has appeared in the lobby of the luxury palace.

“Goku brother!” With a crisp cry, a petite figure fluttered and was firmly embraced by Sun Wukong.

Little Loli arched in the arms of Sun Wukong, enjoying the color of her face.

This little loli is called Kusano, from “The Goddess of God”, I think everyone should not forget it. As a beggar, her growth seems to have stopped! Such a long time passed, still little Loli.

Then there was another scent of scent. Sun Wukong took it into his arms and watched the face of the happy face. Looking at her well-developed and unspeakable, Sun Wukong smiled. : “Hey, month, a period of time, no, grew up!”

The face of the moon suddenly showed a hint of fainting.

A little bit of life watched Sun Wukong, nodded lightly, and said hello! The cold character still has no slight change.

One piece of the world, also looked at Sun Wukong, and said hello to him! Continue to explain this world to Robin and other women!

Don’t look at Sun Wukong staying in other worlds all day long. In fact, he will come back every night to accompany the women a period of time, so the girls will be so accustomed to his return! Because I will meet every day!

It’s just that Robin and other women seem to be very upset. I thought they were only a group of people. I didn’t expect that their more than ten sister papers were just a part of a big wave of sister paper…

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