The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 40—Goku vs Nok


Knock, as soon as he saw Sun Wukong, immediately turned into a super 2 form, and launched a fierce attack on him. Golden screamed, punched and punched, as if he had a big fight with Sun Wukong. A punch, a punch is heavier than a punch!

Sun Wukong saw that Knock looked like this at the moment, and he was shocked: “This guy, even the can body transformation super 2? It seems that it is not just as simple as me!”

Only Sun Wukong under the ordinary form, just resisting a dozen tricks, was kicked out by Knock!

Sun Wukong shouted, instant body transformation super 2 form, full of arrogance, lightning entanglement! On the way to the flight, abruptly stopped the figure! The body is like an arrow from the string, and the Nock attacked the past!

“Hey!” Knock coldly snorted, not afraid, took the initiative to meet up, two fists collided, broke out with amazing destruction, the surrounding magma jets flow, once again formed the rivers and lakes of the magma!

Buu in the distance, but completely became a spectator, I saw that he did not know where to get a cup of juice, lying on a large stone, leisurely drinking, admiring the intense battle between the two!

“Boom!” The earth is a shock, both of them are in a confrontation with speed and strength, and their body shape is flashing, and the collision of startling the heavens is repeated once and for all!

Sun Wukong screamed, his fists fluttered, and a punch broke Nock out! Nokton felt a terrible pain in his body and felt a little paralyzed in his chest! My heart can’t help but be shocked by the strength of Sun Wukong! Super 2 is super 2, and his strength is obviously not the opponent of Sun Wukong!

“Sure enough, it is Sun Wukong! Forms like me, obviously not your opponent! If this is the case! Drink ahhh ahhh ~~~” Nok watching Sun Wukong praised a sentence, immediately began gatheringing Ki, the golden of the surface More sturdy berserk and grow up! Ki is improving at an alarming rate…

“This… this guy turned out to be super transforming Super Saiyan 3! Sure enough, my predecessor was right!” Sun Wukong watching a golden long hair, a rush of lightning in the nok, the look of surprise.

“Sun Wukong, you can’t win me with your current form, you also body transform Super Saiyan 3 form! I know you can! Because I am able to transform Super Saiyan, all from your body. Let’s do the transformation of the body! Now, let’s take a good look at it. It’s your original version, still I am stronger than you!” Nok watching Sun Wukong, a look of excitement!

“Since you are eager to find death, then I will be happy!” Sun Wukong faintly glanced at Knock and began to speeding up Kiating! An extremely formidable Ki broke out from his body, and even whole Earth began to tremble! With the scream of Sun Wukong, the successful body transformation became the form of Super Saiyan 3!

“This is interesting! Haha~~” Nock in the laughter, can’t wait to attack Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong disdained coldly and slammed away. The two men were shocked to fall back in the violent collision. Sun Wukong also suffered a lot, but he was much better than Knok. He just to fall back a dozen meters to stabilize his body shape, and once again attacked the past with Nok!

I saw a golden rays across the sky. Sun Wukong came to Nok’s side in an instant. His look was cold and ruthless. He pointed out a golden moment of light from his finger and instantly pierced Nock’s chest with a blink of an eye. ! This kind of injury is naturally impossible to get the life of Knock, but at this extremely high speed of light, naturally there will be a huge force of shirking. Under this huge shirking effect, Knock temporarily lost the right. Body control! What Sun Wukong needs is the opportunity of this moment!


In a flash, Sun Wukong fired a formidable Kamehameha! Although not the strongest, it is almost the same! Knock was immediately hit by Kamehameha, and in the golden rays, he was shot and flew out! A loud bang, explosion in the ground not far away! Strong energy wave and hurricane, Energy of Destruction has everything around! The earth collapses, the magma shines, the fire is full of the sky, like the end of the world! One-third of Earth was destroyed under the attack of Sun Wukong!

“I said, you guy, the low is protecting Earth still in destroying Earth!” Gigbit didn’t know when he was awake, and saw Sun Wukong smashing a third of Earth, in a hurry, Don’t let out loud!

Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and Gitbit flew out of the foot. The smashing impact hit a huge stone. The cold road said: “What do I need to do with you? Earth is destroyed, can Use the Dragon Ball to fix it, anyway, it’s not broken! Anymore~ Little yelling at Laozi! Be careful that Laozi has killed you!”

“Hey!” Gigabit painfully licked his abdomen, a depressed face! Is Sun Wukong not on their side? How do you start your own hands? It seems that his temper is not so good!

At this point, Supreme Kai has also recovered. He patted Gigabit’s shoulder and sighed. “Oh! Well! Our identity, for a strong person like him, there is no such thing.” The shock, we still watch the drama in the side!”

“Awful Sun Wukong! We obviously agree with realm, why is the strength still so different? I don’t believe it! I can’t lose it to you! Ah-“

Knock stood up in the gravel, and at this time, he was covered in blood and his limbs were broken, and his appearance was not miserable! I saw a roar in the sky, my voice was full of unwillingness and roar! The formidable’s gas swept away, the earth collapsed, the magma splashed, and each and every one of the darkened holes dripped on the ground!

The injury of Knock was under his regenerative Ability, and he recovered quickly. As the injury recovered a little, his gas grew at an alarming rate! Saiyan’s racial identity turned out to be fully visible on his body!

“Does this guy have the characteristics of strength growth after a serious injury? This is simply a perfect biochemical Saiyan!” Sun Wukong was shocked when he saw Nock’s appearance: “This existence must be Dead! Otherwise it is a curse!” Sun Wukong has already sentenced Knock to death!

However, at this time, in the gravel pile under the foot of Knock, suddenly a tentacles came out, which seemed to be the tentacles on Buu’s head! I saw that the tentacles seemed to have life. I actually moved myself. I slammed it on the body of Knock, and then quickly became bigger. I wanted to completely wrap Nock!

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