The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 5 Stormwind Condor

Sun Wukong is now in the world of food, whether it is the jungle, the mountain road, the sky, there is a terrible fierce animal everywhere!

Some are rare ingredients, some are purely fierce animal! The capture level is basically surpassed by 100, which is a very dangerous and terror world.

But there are also a variety of top and unfathomable ingredients!

And can appear in the food industry, most of them are high-powered people.

Sun Wukong, a group of four people riding on the back of the Caijing pterosaur, shuttle back and forth clouds, it is very fast! It’s just a ten-minute time. The way ahead is blocked by a huge living beings that look like a condor.

The two wings are unfolding, and there is a huge 50 meters! Ki is fierce and savvy, and his strength is obviously good.

Its claws are sharp and flashing cold! A pair of eyes are extremely sharp, and at first glance, this is a hunting hunter that is absolutely top-notch!

Such an unknown level of Condor, Sun Wukong has not seen in the original work, the world is so big, there are many living beings have not appeared, it is normal.

Storm eagle, the level of capture is unknown, named because the wings can be fanned out like a stormy wind! Feathers are strong like yin, sharp as a knife. Under the sturdy feather defense, there is a very delicious top meat! Strong strength, speed, and more than the aircraft are still winning! So wanting to capture is a very difficult thing.


Caijing pterosaurs now sing a loud songbird, watching the stormy eagle in front of it, the eyes of the extremely angry anger!

I was previously ill-treated by Sun Wukong, so that it has no anger to vent. Now even a small Storm Condor can dare to block my path? Just looking for death!

Without hesitation, the crystal pterosaur was transformed into a beautiful streamer, and its sharp claws, like sharp edges, were struck directly to the storm eagle!

The storm eagle originally had some threatening Ki from the crystallization of the pterosaur! But when you look at each other, you don’t even put yourself in your eyes, and you are furious at the moment! As the overlord of the sky, he was so underestimated by the other party, can he tolerate it?

A trace of taboo in order to endless anger, the storm eagle is also a loud tweet, double wings like a knife, a shock, a terror storm blade!


In the squally wind, the Caijing pterosaur still flies freely, without being affected by it, and the storm blade is cut on its crystal scale, but it is a good iron symphony! Did not leave even a trace of traces!

As the ancient heritage living beings, the strength is small!

When the storm blade cuts the Sun Wukong four on the back of the Caijing pterosaur, it is blocked by an invisible enchantment and disappears into the invisible!


Caijing pterosaur once again uttered a tweet, and the speed was stunned, which seemed to have sentenced the other party’s death! Intertwined with the storm gods…

A sorrow, the mighty stormy eagle fell weakly toward the ground! With a bang, pull out a terrible big pit!

“Strong strength!” Jenny Bonnie praised.

Caijing Pterosaur made a scream of screaming at the moment.

“This is a rare food, can not be wasted!” Sun Wukong gently patted the crystal pterosaur, Caijing pterosaurus immediately leaned down and landed on the ground…

Jumping from the back of Caijing Pterosaur, Sun Wukong came to the body of the Storm Condor and watched the scary claw marks of the six deep visible bones that cracked in the abdomen! The wound is sharp and unparalleled, and if it is cutaway by the peerless soldiers! This is a fatal blow!

In the face of Sun Wukong, the moment of Caijing pterosaur slag is seconds, but in the face of the world’s living beings, its strength is unfathomable!

“There is another barbecue can be eaten! Keya, go and bake it!” Jenny Bonny watched the body of the storming eagle, a look of the face.

“It seems too big, baby-5, trouble you cut the two thighs…”

“no problem!” baby—5 nodded, and the right hand immediately turned into a sharp ancient sword. The two giant bird legs were cut directly.

The feathers on it are as hard as iron, but they are not easy to pull, but for Jenny Bonney, it is too simple. A pair of bird’s legs banged out, and the force of the earthquake suddenly broke out, directly passing the feathers on it to the shock.

Use the Ability of the shocking fruit to pull out the feathers. If you let the white beard know, what do you think?

Busy, the two huge bird legs are finally roasted golden, exuding seductive meat!

Jenny Bonnie can’t wait to bite down, suddenly the gravy splashes, fat but not greasy, fresh and delicious! It’s hard to believe that under such a feather of yin, there is such a beautiful meat!

“It’s great! Although it’s quite different from the crystal pterosaur’s meat, it’s also a rare delicious! It’s the world of food! The barbecue here is delicious unfathomable!” Jenny Bonnie marvels One, unknowingly gorging.

Although the appearance is vulgar, but there is a flavor.

Sun Wukong took out a fine wine, poured it all over the cup, and sipped it with Jenny Bonnie! There is such a wonderful sister paper next to him, and for Sun Wukong, it is also a great blessing in life, eating and drinking is not lonely!

Less than two hours, not to mention the bird’s legs, is that even a stormy Condor has entered the stomach of Sun Wukong and Jenny Bonnie.

And Koya and baby-5 just ate a small piece of that’s all.

Sun Wukong’s belly is a bottomless pit, even if it is to eat a planet, there is no pressure! He eats th, just taste the delicious! Not to fill your stomach! When he arrived at this realm, he had no need to eat thing to maintain his life.

And Jenny Bonnie, who is known as a prostitute, is eating any time, as if she is never satisfied. The food is not as exaggerated as Sun Wukong, but it is also a bottomless pit, even more terrible than the aunt of this world! Because she has never eaten enough.

After eating the barbecue, the group once again rides the set of colored crystal pterosaurs off…

This time, all the way to the scene is extremely quiet, no monsters are blocking their way!

The night has already darkened, and the moon has already hung up the sky!

Sun Wukong and his party appeared in the way of Huang Quan!

This is a one-way street connecting the food world with the human world, and Sun Wukong is going to the world this time.

Here, having a single person is preventing the fierce animal from the food industry! Gourmet Fan Chang Yu Weimen! Its strength is at the top of the world.

As usual, even if the night has come, the foolish door is still sitting alone in the center of the one-way street, in a daze!

Only people like him, I am afraid that you can stay alone in this place for decades!


Only the foolish door in this daze suddenly looked up and looked forward. The expression of the dull expression was extremely dignified for the first time: “This is really a terrible guy!”

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