The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter VII Jenny Bonnie vs Fool Gate

“Hey? I didn’t get hurt! It seems a bit tolerant!” Jenny Bonnie looked at her astonished and surprised, and the fists were pinched again: “Come on!”

The previous blow was just a temptation, and it didn’t take much effort.

“I also want to know what happened just now!” The fat expression of the sacred door is serious, not in Tibetan mastiffs, squandering, activating its own food cells, the muscles of the whole body suddenly swell up, and Ki becomes stunned. ! For a moment, from the original more normal body shape into a burly muscle male.

At this moment, Yu Weimen finally took out the strength of TRUE and got serious. Suddenly there is such a powerful woman who has never heard of it. He naturally wants to find out the details of the other party.

Activate the perfect food cells, the body transformation muscle male, the foolish door immediately entered a daze form that does not want to.

“This is interesting!” Jenny Bonnie gave a sigh, “bang”, one foot on the ground, with a domineering, more wild, flying over, with a condescending attitude A fist hit against the foolish door!

The instinctive battle of the foolish door is on the verge of a fist, and slightly sideways, easily escaped the punch of Jerne Bonnie’s berserk!


When the blow fell, Jenny Bonnie’s fist fell directly on the ground, the earth trembled, the stones and so on were bumped, the cracks spread all the way, and the ground slammed, and the ground within twenty meters was bursting. And open!

And Yu Weimen is also in the same moment for a moment, swaying to the back of Jenny Bonnie!

The twinkling of the cold light, containing the torque of the force, can be described as cutting gold and breaking the jade!

However, Jenny Bonnie didn’t have a head, and the left fist slammed out against the back!

‘ka-cha’, the atmosphere is broken!

Then there was a loud bang, and the long sword that had fallen down had already arrived. Seeing that Jenny Bonnie was going to be cut, it suddenly stopped, and was arrogant by an invisible shock. Blocked it! Moreover, the force of the vibration is not reduced. Through the long swords, arms, and even the air of the fool’s door, it is directly transmitted to the body and body of the fool’s door!

The foolish door was slammed in an instant, and the body suddenly trembled. The a mouthful of blood spurted out, and the burly body flew out again! At the same time as the ground fell, the ground was cracked and opened!

It’s not that the strength of the foolish door is not good, but the fruit of the shock is too strong. The kind of vibration that transmits all directions and even the internal shock of the body can be said to be invincible. The intuition of the foolish door is completely useless!

It’s not a joke to have the fruit of destroying the world!

Moreover, the training of Sun Wukong has been trained, and the strength of Jenny Bonnie is also rising, which is enough to make the impact of the shocking fruit come to fruition!

In the pirates world, if the white beard is not betrayed, he is slashed, and he is too old to keep up with his physical strength. Otherwise, the navy may really not be able to do it.

“I was injured… How long ago was this?” The foolish door has already withdrawn from the daze, the facial expression is serious, wipes the blood from the corner of the mouth, and the internal organs are burning and painful. Watching Jenny Bonnie: “Is that the power of vibration? Just inside and outside, the scope is wide, it is hard to prevent! My Secret Skill is of no use to such a person! When did the food industry appear so powerful? The person?”

In his own words, his internal organs, which were shattered and shattered, began to heal at an alarming rate! I have to say that the so-called gourmet cells in this world really have something extraordinary! With non-human power, it also has the recovery speed of terror! Some people’s recovery speed is even faster than the ‘speeding regeneration’ in the “Death” world!

“Unconsciously, the old lady has become the top expert!” Jenny Bonnie squeezed her fist and her face showed a surprise color.

She hasn’t made full strength yet! You know, she has another Ability! These two kinds of Ability combination, it is really easy to insta-kill a lot of people.

“Jenny, the sky is already dark, and the road is critical!” On the sky, the voice of Sun Wukong came.

“Know it!” Jenny Bonnie said back, posing to the fool door: “Uncle, very happy to play! Thank you for your advice!” said, body vacated and returned to Caijing pterosaurs On the back, accompanied by a whistling of the color crystal pterosaur, the sky, turned into a stream of light disappeared here…

“There was such a powerful role from the food industry… It seems necessary to check it out… Well, there seems to be three people on the back of the ‘weird bird’…” saying that the strange bird seems to be Where have you seen it… is that?” Yu Weimen muttered to himself, and inexplicably entered the daze…

When you come to a brightly lit city, watch the skyscrapers building, red light car shadow! Jenny Bonnie is full of surprises! Pirate world, is not so full of the world of modern Ki.

“It’s a different world! Even the house is so special!” Baby-5 looked shocked and watched everything in front of him, looking a little excited. Unfamiliar world, unfamiliar scenes, naturally will create a great interest.

“Go! Go and see how this different world is different from our world in the end!” Jumping from the back of Caijing Pterosaur, Jenny Bonnie took Sun Wukong and couldn’t wait to go to the city! Peculiarly and baby-5 rushed to keep up, and my heart was full of expectations.

Along the way, the mighty and beautiful image of Caijing Pterosaur apparently caused the frequent appearance of passers-by, but Caijing Pterosaur is the living beings of the ancient prime condition, which has long been considered extinct, and it is impossible for the ordinary people to recognize it. Identity.

And in this world, next to a strange shape fierce animal pet, what is normal, people have long been eccentric!

What surprised them was that it was the appearance of the Caijing pterosaur, and had never seen such a living beings, curious that’s all.

Even the place where I lived has not yet been fixed. Sun Wukong is being strolled by the baby-5 girls in the city!

Speeding vehicles, TVs, mobile phones and anything are making them strange!

Even the coins are eating, which makes them more curious about this world.

After visiting the middle of the night, Sun Wukong came to a luxury hotel with a few women.

After the baby-5 returned to their rooms, Sun Wukong waved a big hand, a huge bed filled the whole room, and then the beautiful and huge figure of the white star appeared on the big bed…

“Hey? Goku! You want to take me out to play?” When the white star appeared, watching Sun Wukong suddenly looked happy.

“Take you out to play tomorrow, sleep now!” Sun Wukong hey hey smiled, and one jumped into the white star’s chest and couldn’t describe it…

This goods actually took Bai Xingmei paper as a soft bed…

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