The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 47—Amazing Growth

“French, you must taste it first!” Moon Hai gently put a piece of colored phoenix meat, placed on the mouth of Sun Wukong, a gentle face, tilted and proud posture outlines an extremely attractive Arc.

“Of course!” The scorpion of the sorrowful woman nodded very seriously.

The girls are also echoing and nodding, Sun Wukong is also welcome, when the next bite in front of the gem meat, for a moment, juice splash, instantly turned into a bright glow! The vitality is mixed with the aroma that is so addictive and addictive. It bites down and the mouth is filled with the fragrant juice, which makes the taste buds have an explosive feeling of refreshment!

The spirit of the spirit is only suddenly shocked at this moment, has not swallowed, the cells of the whole body are activated and crazy, even if it is Sun Wukong, the muscles of the whole body are autonomous expansion, swallowed in one mouth. It is even more gleaming, spurting out from the pores! When the Kami came to the world, people couldn’t help but feel adored!

The wonderful feeling like the ascent of the immortal, can no longer be expressed in words, the rich and delicious taste does not have to be said, the more shocking still gem meat itself comes with the vitality and aura! Almost turned into a torrent of water rushing into the body of Sun Wukong, that feeling, just like the aura of whole world is to massage him, it is really a second!

The indescribable sense of ang ang makes Sun Wukong’s mouths appear to have a thick and wretched smile, and almost some of them can’t resist the comfort and just go to sleep! Fortunately, his will is determined, and he does not want to sleep. Naturally, it will not have much influence.

“Goku !how?” Xiao Wuxian looked forward to watching Sun Wukong, looking at his extremely enjoyable and wretched expression, very curious to ask.

“It’s wonderful!” Sun Wukong raised a thumb and just said the four words, because he didn’t know how to express it: “You can experience it yourself! Even my muscles are involuntarily active. It can be seen that this gem meat is indeed a rare and rare treasure in the world. Although it can’t increase my strength, it is definitely a boost for you!”

“Then we can be rude!” Gaocheng Shaye immediately couldn’t wait to divide the huge gem meat into countless copies, and each of the women took one of them and stood in front of themselves.

I saw that the piece of meat was golden and bright, and it was as crystal-like sparkling and translucent, and the glow of the sky was fascinating.

Just look at it and you will know that this is definitely a supreme treasure. If you eat it, you will be able to make people feel good and powerful. The strength can improve a big chunk.

Only Tina Watching has been shrouded in the light here, a regret: “This light is too glaring, it can’t be filmed at all!”

“You still have a mood to shoot now! Don’t worry, let’s try this gem meat!” Tina of the emperor hurriedly took Tina to sit down. The two men, because of the same name, even the first time, the feelings are Inexplicable kindness.

“I… do I have a share?” Tina stared at her eyes and watched the gemstones in front of her, and she became obsessed. It was completely attracted by the light.

“Are you not nonsense?” Tina of the emperor took a look at her. Then the gem meat in front of the watch of the drooling DC, pick up the knives with the girls and cut a small piece into the mouth!

For a moment, every beautiful person’s watery or smart or flattering eyes are the bosses, the torrent-like aura flows into their meridians and every cell, that Ki even even the ordinary people are can Clearly feel the amazing growth! At the same time as the facial blush, the whole body is full of sunshine!

This time, it’s hundreds of times more powerful than the scent of the previous smell. It’s hard to open your eyes!

If there is no enchantment blocking, this amazing and terrible Ki will definitely make the whole world into shock!

The road is flashing, illuminating the sky, and even the clouds are violently rolling!

This is the world’s wonder, but it makes the people in this world even more shocking, even if a long and other people are moving, riding their own mounts to the fastest speed to rush to…

“What kind of ingredients have actually made a difference in the world? Is this series of changes not a sign of maturity?” A figure shrouded in a black robe, overlooking the distant horizon, the eyes that reveal the endless evil Out of the astounding greed: “I thought that only Acacia’s GOD could satisfy me, but I didn’t want it. The world even had such unfathomable ingredients to be surprised! Sure enough, people are changing, this world is changing. ……”

“However, no matter what kind of amazing food you are, it will belong to me! It seems that I don’t have to wait for the birth of GOD… Then let me wait… in advance in front of the world!” Discourse Just falling, the figure under the black robe suddenly disappeared…

The girls just ate a phoenix meat of the colorful phoenix, they were all slightly closed eyes, endless aftertaste, full of intoxicating colors, this first mouth made them all open pores, the cells are got Amazing evolution! It is really delicious that should not exist in the world.

“It’s so delicious!” Ziyan once again tore a large piece of meat, Xiaguang was pulled into a line of silk, sparkling and translucent little, meat golden and fragrant. One bite, it is the glow of the sky, the fragrance is tangy!

At this moment, all the women did not have the usual elegant eating, because it was too delicious, and the reserved and red tape had long been forgotten by them, and only the food in front of the brain!

In the twinkling of an eye, the gem meat that has been enlarged has been cleaned up by them, and the tongue is quickly turned off. The aftertaste is endless, still unfinished!

“It’s so cool! I feel that my strength has been amazingly growing!” The hand grabbed a sigh, and the void in front was a punch!

The sound of ‘嘭’, the atmosphere is turbulent! Resounding the amazing roar, making the whole sky sound at wēng wēng! The clouds in the sky are shaken by the strength of her fist!

The strange force of the terror of the hand, got a more terror growth!

The moon god lightly waved down, and the sky of Xiaguang Wandao was immediately obscured by a starry sky image, and it was known that the world was rising and falling! Only her expression is still ancient, no wave, even if the strength is refined, it is still beautiful and calm, dignified and elegant.

And when the younger brothers lived in the air, they saw a secluded orchid tree growing from the bud. In a moment, it was already an ancient wood sky, emitting a faint phoenix, which was just the illusion of her yin and yang power!

Obviously, after eating the phoenix meat of Caifeng, the strength of all the girls has been amazingly growing!

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