The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fifty-third chapter of the 螳螂 螳螂, the oriole is behind

Watching the three tigers were bombarded by the second squad, the festival also took out her dragon saliva: “Although the three dozens can not be said, but in the face of your over-excited, still solved early!”

After that, I made an attacking stance: “Dragon saliva…form change…The road of the chef!” The sound falls, the dragon’s saliva becomes the shape of the attacking posture, and with the swaying, a very sharp sniper is sprayed out. Going to the Three Tigers attack…

Just halfway through, suddenly a very fierce sniper flashed, and the sniper in the same air in the air collided instantly! Leave two deep knife marks directly on the ground!

“Well?” The festival looked at the head, and the brow wrinkled slightly: “Thousand generations… Are you… fallen? You actually turned to the food…”

“This is the evidence that I climbed to the top… It is not fallen…” The evil spirits of the daughter-in-law of Chiyoda, holding their own special kitchen knife, full of cold killing meaning: “hey hey 嘿~~ National Treasure Festival, As long as there is no you… I can claim to be a national treasure…”

Said, the right foot suddenly stepped on the ground, the body directly rushed toward the festival, the kitchen knife in the hands turned into a cold man without hesitation to the neck of the neck is squandering away!

叮~~ The sound of a crisp sound, the festival is using his own dragon to slap the kitchen knife of the thousand generations: “When we used to call each other an opponent… If you can, I really hope to use cooking to compete with you. !”

“Now is the cooking showdown? Festival is! It is just to see who is first cooked into pig feed that’s all!” Chiyoda, the face of evil, the murderous aura that emerged from the body, looks like an ugly witch .

On the other hand, the three tigers climbed up from the gravel pile and looked at the dragon and the three tigers in front. The eyes were full of coldness: “It is really surprising. One day, I will face both of you at the same time… …don’t tell me …… You have already felt… can’t you beat me with just one person?”

“Don’t be too self-righteous! Three tigers, we just don’t want to give the ‘jewel meat’ to you alone. That’s all! It’s also to end the battle as soon as possible…” Jiro looked at the three tigers, the same face The coldness.

“Yes? It depends on whether you have the ability to bear it!” The three tigers suddenly screamed: “The tongue of thorns!” In an instant, his tongue turned into a long tongue with numerous thorns and a dragon. At the same time, it was shrouded in with Jiro!

“movement chopsticks!”

One dragon raised his right hand and made a movement of chopping chopsticks. Just a moment ago, countless golden chopsticks emerged, pinching the tongue of the thorns of the sky, and he himself went to the three tigers, waving A huge chopstick pricked toward the three tigers: “Puncture chopsticks!”

With a slap, the puncture chopsticks directly penetrated the center of the three tigers that spit out countless tongues, forcing the three tigers to take their tongues back! Then he screamed and slammed into the dragon…

“It’s awkward! You don’t even have to hide!” The three tigers easily avoided, and immediately made an attack: “Chopsticks!”

In an instant, countless golden chopsticks bombarded the belly of the three tigers like a meteor! Forcing the three tigers to fall back a few tens of meters, only to stabilize the figure: “Dead old man, give me the accuracy of the action… 恩?” The three tigers suddenly turned their heads, but suddenly they saw that Jiro did not know when it was floating. The gem meat in the air caught the past…”

“Damn! You can make you want it!” The three tigers suddenly became furious, and it turned out that a hand knife directly pierced their chest!

‘Kicking’, I saw the right hand of Jiro’s jewel-stained blood suddenly splashing, and the strange disappeared! Just want to be bitten off in general!

“This…this is?!” Jiro was shocked, gave up the gem meat, and pulled away directly back!

“You…you guys…don’t tell me…” A dragon looks at the three tigers, and the facial expression becomes very dignified!

“As long as I go to ‘death’ myself, the function of ‘live’ will become a minority…and…hey hey~~~you are swallowed…the space of appetite…the space of hunger! “The mouth of the three tigers has blood. Although Ki is weak, it exudes Ki more dangerous than before!”

“You really got a hand! Three tigers, self-destructive life to die… It’s this courage, it’s really admirable!” Jiro looked at the three tigers, and his face was full of cold sweat, but at the corner of his mouth, instead There was a mad smile: “Interesting! It’s really interesting! Haha~~ If that’s the case, then I will play with you today!”

Said, Ji, who was in the ranks of Jiro, became extremely berserk, and it was like a sleeping beast that was about to wake up…

Feel the change of Jiro, the dragon’s facial expression has changed dramatically: “Jiro, stop! You… don’t tell me Want to unlock your seal?”

“In this hungry space, if we don’t have full strength, then both of us may die!” Jiro’s facial expression is extremely dignified, and Ki is more dangerous beserk…

“Oh, I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘ka-cha’ a few sounds, in an instant, directly left the left hand of Jiro is also instantaneously bitten off, and on the left and right sides of his body, is also biting a few shocking gaps!

“Jiro!” One dragon just wanted to move, but listened to ‘ka-cha’ a few times, even his own left and right hands were fortune cleaned in an instant!

Just in a flash, Jiro and a dragon are seriously injured!

Hunger space, terror like this!

But such injuries are not fatal to them with amazing resilience!

“呜唔~~” One dragon bites his teeth and looks at the three tigers. It is full of shock: “You said before, all living things are for food… your tongue is nothing… even if the food does not stop… even Have already kept the bow… You will not stop eating? Three tigers!”

“hey hey ~~ won’t stop… my appetite won’t be satisfied… The belly is empty, I can’t be satisfied forever… This battle… I won… Gem meat… Be mys!” The three tigers looked at Jiro and Yilong, the facial expression still indifference, the body shape flashed, reaching for the gem meat and grabbing the past…

“pfff !”

However, the blood splashed, and a palm suddenly punctured out from the heart of the three tigers…

A black robe appeared behind him: “You are wrong, three tigers, this gem meat… belongs to me…”

“Joe…Joa? You are Joa?!” One dragon Eyes shrinks, and the person who wears the black robe of the three tigers behind the hand, is screaming!

However, Joa did not pay attention to him, but watched his own palm, and said to himself: “Do you want to avoid the heart? Even if you are seriously injured, can you avoid the key in a thousandth of a second? …and it’s really amazing…three tigers!”

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