The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 55—Chaos

“I finally can’t stand it, I want to come out of the water… NEO…” At this moment, the facial expression was extremely serious, and he looked at Joa, cold.

“Oh, huh~~ Although it is quite different from our NEO plan, it is worthwhile for this kind of food that is comparable to GOD and can be so easily obtained!” Qiao Ya smiled and took it out of his arms. A very sharp kitchen knife!

“That… that is…” Watching the kitchen knife in the hands of Joa, Yilong and others are moving.

“Why do you have this kitchen knife?” The three tigers looked at Joa, the facial expression was gloomy, and there was a hint of anger in the eye, but the cut was calmed down by him in the blink of an eye.

“Why is there such a kitchen knife? Your question is really not level! Three tigers… This is my kitchen knife!” Qiao Ya looked flat.

“Nonsense, the kitchen knife was once honored as a god chef… At the same time, it is also the use of the food god Acacia’s partner Frothian… Cinderella!” This time, it has been with the thousand generations After opening a certain distance, watching the kitchen knife in the hands of Joa, angered.

“What?! Legend… God’s kitchen knife? Hey ~~ How to bring in the person in the legend… What is this in the end?” Aunt and others moved.

“So I said… this is my thing… Didn’t I say that before…” Joey looked like a terror, and Ki gradually became scary. He picked up the kitchen knife and swayed down: ” Billions of tablets!”

In an instant, a sniper with terror destructive power swayed toward Yilong and others!

Just ‘ka-cha’ is a few crisp sounds, and the sniper with the power of terror turned out to be bitten by the three tigers in an instant, swallowing it!

However, the three tigers themselves also spewed out a mouthful of blood, and Ki became weaker.

“Oh… this hungry space is really terror… even sniper can eat it…” Joa smiled, not nervous: “However, relatively speaking, the damage to you and the consumption is also very Big? Want to maintain this hungry space… How long will your persistence form persist?”

“Three Tigers! Now you should understand? Your opponent of TRUE, not us…” A dragon’s financial expression is extremely serious looking at the three tigers, said: “Join it! Three tigers! Our common enemy is actually hidden. I am waiting for NEO!”

“NEO?…Although I was aware of it…but I didn’t expect that there were so many spies that were placed…” The tone of the three tigers is still calm at this moment, except for a few loyalists such as Staru, other foods. Members, chefs, etc., all betray!

“This incident has indirectly exposed all the dark sides to the bright side… It seems that it is also a blessing in disguise!” With a cigarette butt, he grinds his hands: “It seems that this time, we all I have to do a big job!”

“don’t tell me, will your food be allied with IGO? Āiyā 呀~~ This is really an unexpected ending! The current situation… seems to be bad for me…” Joa’s facial expression changes, It seems that the whole face is turned into a bone, but Ki is becoming more and more evil: “But I have already said it… I don’t have time to play with you…”

Said, Qiao Ya figure flashed, once again grabbed the gem meat in his hand…

“I have already said … that is my thing! You are really not long-term memory!” Three tigers roared, once again launched the space of hunger!

However, suddenly three figures descended from the sky, blocking in front of Joa, and one of the figures in the painful roar, the arm body, are bitten cans that are bitten in an instant!

Obviously, he replaced Joeya, who was about to be swallowed, and blocked the hunger of the three tigers to swallow!

“GT robot? No! There are flesh and blood… They are living beings?” Auntie and others watched the three monsters that suddenly appeared, and the facial expression changed again. The successive changes made them somewhat unresponsive. In a chaotic situation, for a moment, I don’t know who to start with.

“Nitlow… That’s mine… It turned out to be… I said why I didn’t see these three guys… It turned out to have been rebellious…” The three Nitrow in front of the three tigers watching, the more the facial expression Adding a gloomy, using his own tamed monster to deal with himself, which makes him very angry.

“Betrayal? This is not to be! Since you can tame them… I can’t do it…” Joa watched the three tigers, but it was a faint smile.

“Three tigers… you bastard… even Nitero wants to use it!” At this time, one dragon looked at the three tigers and looked angry. Fortunately, there are such changes. Otherwise, will the three Nite attacks not become their IGOs?

“Oh… suddenly the dish of God – the gem meat, it seems to upset all of us’s plans, this is really what I didn’t think of… NEO? Compared to IGO, I still have more Troublesome, what about you… a dragon, just as you wish! We are temporarily fighting, now, I want to screw down the head of the bastard!” Three tigers financial expression Gloomy, watching Joeya, a sinking channel .

“I finally figured it out! Don’t worry, three tigers, etc. Captured the gem meat, I will share it with you!” A dragon’s face once again showed a smile.

One dragon, three tigers, and Jiro three, standing side by side, visually looking at Joa, the original hostile parties, and inexplicably walked together.

Although one of the three of them is enough to fight with Joa, but they all want to kill Joa! The three men joined hands and he never had the possibility to escape!

Apparently, the three of them were so hot to Joa, which didn’t want to give him a little life.

“With the work, other members of NEO, please come to you…” One dragon turned his head and sighed.

“Do not worry! Since they have chosen to surface, then take the opportunity to play them all!”

“Star long, for the traitor, one does not stay!” The order issued by the three tigers is simple and clear.

“Understand!” Stamou nodded, his muscles swell, emitting aura of terror.

However, just as the two men were about to fight, the space above the head of the crowd suddenly twitched, and Sun Wukong emerged out of thin air: “Hey… the scene is so chaotic… don’t you mind if I am plugging in?”

“Well?! Finally…has it…”

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sun Wukong, the financial expression of Yilong et al. became extremely dignified. Even Joa, who suddenly pulled out of the fall back, opened a certain distance with Sun Wukong!

Because they are very clear, that trick ‘big location’ makes Earth stop working, and at the same time, it is the person who can’t move the point where all the living beings on Earth are unable to move!

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