The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 57—Who is final big boss

“How…what…Joa…even…dead! How come…so!” The members of NEO were all shocked and stunned, and their NEOs just came to the surface and had not had time to implement them. Plan, Qiao Ya actually fell here, which made them somewhat unresponsive!

“Is this amazing? I haven’t already said it! Story “Change”, it is up to you to protect this world from my hands… or, say, trying hard from my hands!” Sun Wukong Looking at everyone on the scene, Ki terror is awe-inspiring.

“You guy, it’s really a smug look over the head! Look at me and bombard you!” Ze Bulla watching Sun Wukong, it seems very uncomfortable, a big mouth, the sound of the mouth is condensed…

“Ze Bulla… don’t!” A dragon’s financial expression changed dramatically, and hurriedly shouted, but it was already late!

“Sonic missile!”

With a loud noise, the huge sound energy spurted out from the mouth of Ze Bulla, like a laser gun, which rushed toward Sun Wukong in a straight line…

It’s just that the seemingly powerful ‘sonic missile’ is just before the distance of Sun Wukong’s one meter, it is blocked by an invisible force. The two collide and burst into a thunderous roar, but even Sun Wukong’s A glimpse of the clothes did not blow.

“Is there any courage to attack me… Your courage is quite big at the time… But, usually, people like you are short-lived ghosts!” Sun Wukong looks at the calm and calm look Bulla, his body flashed, ‘嘭’, the earth shook, and Ze Bull was given to the ground by Sun Wukong, stepping on the chest, straight to the ground…

“Ze Bulla!” Aunt suddenly became furious, waved a hand knife and cut it toward Sun Wukong. In an instant, he saw a huge knife slashing down to Sun Wukong!

“This kind of toy… also wants to hurt me? It’s ridiculous!” Sun Wukong grabbed the knife that was cut down, and gently pinched it, ka-cha whispered, and the aunt’s angry blow was He squeezed the crush!

“Damn! Ten nails!” A hit failed, Aunt once again roared, the right arm muscle expanded, and a punch banged toward Sun Wukong…

“嘭”, the fists meet, Sun Wukong only with a single hand to catch the fierce punch of Auntie, a series of ten rings, once more than a terror, but it did not make Sun Wukong’s foot movements!

“What…what?!” Aunt’s facial expression suddenly changed.

“If the strength is weak, don’t force it out, but it will kill you!” Sun Wukong looked at the aunt with a plain face, and slammed it with his hand. With the scream of the aunt, the blood spewed, Sun Wukong was actually A hand pulled the aunt’s arm to life!


Coco and Sani are instantly discolored, and before he has two shots, one person is the first to shoot!

I saw a dragon with a right hand, and a pair of golden chopsticks instantly appeared on the top of his head. During the wave, he pricked toward Sun Wukong!

Unfortunately, it was crushed by Sun Wukong!

“Damn! This is where the guy came from. The strength is so terrible!” A dragon’s facial expression has never been condensed, and it has a graver’s gravity, which directly sucks the aunt from Sun Wukong’s side. The past!

Immediately lifted the gravity, took the aunt down, handed him to the cocoa, and looked serious: “You have to leave, this level of battle is not what you can!”

Although the heart is unwilling, but cocoa they still take aunt and others to quickly evacuate…

And one dragon, Jiro, festival, and other works have surrounded Sun Wukong, obviously, they have already recognized Sun Wukong’s terror, not one can compete! Want to attack the group!

“So, don’t you want to be with them?” Sun Wukong turned his head and looked at the three tigers and NEO people.

“To deal with you, I am enough!” Three tigers’ financial expression Gloomy and extremely dignified, long tongue sticking out, swallowing and launching, Kakakar! A series of sounds rang from the side of Sun Wukong one meter away, and rippled up and down!

The three tigers’ facial expressions have changed slightly, and the shock of one after another: “My hungry space is actually ineffective for him… Is there any enchantment around him?”

“You don’t make a mistake. I just don’t want to be touched by your disgusting tongue. That’s all!” Sun Wukong watching three tigers, a dull expression.

The three tigers’ angry brows jumped: “You said… disgusting…hey hey…this kind of thing…you can’t say it!” said the three tiger’s Ki instantly became as terrible as Demon. ! Behind him, a terror Demon figure appeared in the shocking eyes of everyone!

“This… is the Demon of the Three Tigers’ food cells… It’s actually materialized…” A dragon’s financial expression changed: “I didn’t expect… he has grown to this point…”

“go to hell!”

With the roar of the three tigers, he and his food cell Demon also extended the long tongue of the error, rapidly prolonged, turned into a terror swallowing beam, and went to Sun Wukong!

The extremely devastating light illuminates the space, and the stimulating people can’t open their eyes, bombarding the place where Sun Wukong is, bursting out the terror of the shaking earth! Yu Wei Ruo spread, Energy of Destruction has a mountain forest!

Everyone was shocked, this blow, even terror like this!

“Is it successful?” Looking at the dusty smoke, everyone is full of expectations, hope that this blow, can eliminate the ‘Demon’thoroughly that makes them fearful!

The smoke and dust dissipated, and everyone’s Eyes was tightened. The figure that made them fear was still standing there safely. His feet were under the ground, five meters in diameter, and they were not damaged at all. Five meters away, it was already formed. A huge hole in terror!

“There is nothing to lose!” The three tigers are unbelievable, their feet are soft, and they are directly on one knee. From the beginning, facing the dragon and Jiro, he opened up the space of hunger, and the consumption is huge, and then he faces Joa. Then Sun Wukong, at this moment, he has reached the limit!

“It seems that the energy of the three tigers is running out… We should be serious about it!” Jiro’s facial expression was dignified, and he took out a special acupoint grab…

“Jiro… Are you going to release the seal? Then the old man… It should be full strength!” One dragon said, the aura of terror was put out, and behind him there was a figure of Demon: “If can If… I really don’t want to do this step…”

“pfff !”

At this moment, Jiro is also a bit of acupuncture into his chest, beserkk and full of bloodthirsty Ki from his body crazy awakening! An expansive muscle shrinks at a rate visible to the naked eye…

In the end, it formed a seemingly thin and thin, but in fact, it emits terror Ki, like a beast-like figure…

The violent second wolf finally finally aroused at this moment!

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