The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 74—The Birth of the King

Hell King Kong, magic beast class, capture level: 500.

Not one, but a group.

“A group of troublesome monkeys, do you want to grab food from our hands?” Ziyan snorted and instantly released the domineering color of the overlord. The countless Hell King Kong was thrown to the ground in an instant, all of them fainted in an instant. past.

Sting! 噗嘁噗嘁~~~

At this time, the rhizome of the whole air fruit suddenly heard the sound of breaking…

“It seems to have reached the stage of perfect maturity… Is it going to fall…” Froise’s facial expression is calm, concentrated, picking up the ‘phoenix’ in the hand, at the moment the fruit falls, the hand is turned into an afterimage, spur And next…

In an instant, a huge air column sprang out from the hole pierced by Froze, reaching the sky!

However, the fruit of air has not shrunk because of the leaking air inside, and it has always maintained its original shape! Did not break the traces of other skins! The skill is so brilliant that few people can compare.

Even when the air fell from the giant wood, it did not fall to the ground under the huge air jet, but stayed in the air autonomously…

“I just don’t want to drop the ground by myself… It’s really not the other ingredients that have evolved after the evolution of the air…” Froeth was surprised and looked at Sun Wukong: “It’s really unfathomable.” …do it do it just to let him taste his perfect side? It’s like air is deliberately pleased him…”

This is tens of thousands of years away… The air ejected from the fruit of the air…the power is far from being comparable to the volcanic eruption!

The air column with a new vitality instantly blows away the clouds on the whole sky, tears the lock of the gravity, and blows the universe!

On the side of this gentle and sloppy pony king suddenly stood up, watching the soap straight air column, Eyes is full of excitement and light!

Fresh air, and still hundreds of times the amount of air that was previously absorbed, the amount of purity! This time, the air erupted by the air turned into a storm, which is a miracle!

This is the place where the vacuum was turned into a vacuum due to extinction breathing. It is the wind of hope that Ma Wangzhiqi has been away for tens of thousands of years!

So the pony king took a breath!

The fresh air is instantly turned into a storm and it is sucked in by it, but it is a moment of time, it is already taking all the air here!

And it is suddenly bursting into a fierce expansion, exuding vitality, the Kir of terror is also following the rapid increase!

The pony king evolved after inhaling this huge to unfathomable air! It is more powerful and more formidable than before!

Even the former Ma Wang, has not been compared!

This made the pony king excited and excited. At the time of her birth, she was malnourished because of the lack of air. She could also be said to be a premature baby, so she did not inherit the Mawang Hercules. The title of Ma Wang!

At the same time, the whole piece of the mainland over the sky, has cast a light of the sun, bathed under the glory!

The new air replaces the old air, making the air in the whole continent full of vitality, which is like the beginning of a new Era/Time!

Countless rainbows cast down and turned into a beautiful rainbow bridge, hanging the sky!

At the same time, along with the cicadas, a huge body rushed over the rainbow of 100 colors… that was the horse king Hercules that was absorbed by Sun Wukong!

Because it absorbs the huge amount of fresh air ejected from the air, it is restored! Even become stronger! Because the fresh air contains the power of life that Sun Wukong has given!

The bright beginning of the king, the world resounded…

That is the response of Ma Wang, who has been away from the world for thousands of years, and Herak’s response!

This shows that Ma Wang Hercules is pregnant, and she has absorbed enough air, it is the best time to produce! This also swears that a new eight king of TRUE is about to be born!

“It seems that there will be a guy who is fighting for the throne with you…” Sun Wukong looked at the pony king and smiled.

The pony king snorted and looked at the horse king Hercules rushing over the rainbow…

Ma Wang Hercules seemed to have an induction. He turned back and screamed at the pony king. The pony king immediately responded with a bright scream and seemed to be saying goodbye.

Ma Wang Hercules looked at the pony king deeply and turned and disappeared over the 100 rainbow…

The pony king squatted for a while until the king of Hercules disappeared completely. It turned around and came to Sun Wukong, crouching down and scorning his body!

“You are going to follow me?” Sun Wukong watching Pony King, some accidents.

The pony king nodded and his eyes were extraordinarily firm! In the past, it was just a malnourished premature baby. The strength was for the title of the Mawang descendants.

Nowadays, because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, it is out of the embarrassing situation, and Mawang Hercules will produce a new eight king who can inherit the title of Ma Wang, then it will not have to go back!

And the pony king is indeed attracted by Sun Wukong’s invincible strength, voluntarily following him, as a mount!

“You are very eye-catching, knowing that when Ma Wang is not following me, there is a future! OK, since you are so determined, look at your looks and pull the wind, I will accept you!” Sun Wukong patted the pony’s head and said.

There is such a horse riding around, it is a lot more convenient, no matter when it is can ride, unlike the dragons and phoenixes, although pulling the wind, it is too scary! In the world of ordinary, there is no way to summon it. Although the size is big, but can be smaller.

The pony king has become very excited, and he is jumping and jumping. It is really a landslide!

“Stop! You are too big, don’t mess with me!”

The pony king immediately became quiet, lying still on the ground, no longer moving!

The appearance of the well-behaved, to the point that made Sun Wukong satisfied, nodded.

The Fossell watching that has handled the air fruit has to be amazed: “Is the horse king willing to be his mount? Sure enough, only to have god, there is such a qualification!” A turn, facing Sun Wukong loudly: “air has been processed, now can eat!”

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