The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The seventy-seventh chapter is higher and farther!

“When is it… Ma King has become soidable? Life genes… it’s like upgrading a level!”

The three blue Nitrow finally became extremely dignified, no longer the arrogant tone of the past.

Looking at Sun Wukong’s eyes is full of horror: “Is the Ma Wang, one of the eight kings who are soformable, tamed by him?… This is called Sun Wukong…so is it so powerful?!”

Although the pony king is not one of the eight kings, but the good man also contains the blood of one of the eight kings! Therefore, the three blue Nitrow naturally called it Mawang!

This also shows that the strength of the pony king has been recognized by the blue Nitrow, and even surpassed the current Ma Wang!

The previous eight kings were all their jealous existences, not necessary, and they were not willing to provoke easily! Not to mention the horse king after this evolution! And behind it, there is a stronger person who tame it!

Can the Eight Kings be tamed?

Everyone knows that it is impossible from ancient times to the present! King, how can you give in?

But now, Blue Nitro understands the fact that they are not tame, but have never encountered a peerless strong person who can tame them! And now, there is one in front, and, tragedy still their enemies!

“The situation seems to be somewhat unfavorable to us… I didn’t expect this called Sun Wukong to be soformable… even the descendants of one of the eight kings can also be tame… and the descendants of this Mawang look better than Mawang Herakler It’s also to be informable! It seems that with the strength of our three, it’s hard to get the air out! Air, we still temporarily retreat!”

Every blue Nitrow, whose name is named after the menu of Acacia! It is their mission to capture the same ingredients according to their own names.

One of the three blue Nitrow is called air, and his mission is to capture the air!

Air is in front of you, dispatching three blue Nitrow, but still can not capture it, how to make the blue Nitrow named air?

But what about not being reconciled? In the current situation, if they do not retreat, they are likely to fall down!

“Damn! I really don’t know where this guy is from.” We didn’t even have the information that he had the most useful information… All the things were going according to what we expected… all after he came. Everything changed… Joa was killed… NEO was destroyed…” The blue eye of Air, named Nile, shows the unwillingness of the heart.

They are blue Nitrow! It was so embarrassed by a district ‘human’! Humans, formerly in their eyes, are just for the sake of cooking ingredients!

Now I was scared by a ‘human’ and even dared not to fight, I had to retreat! How will you be willing? How is it not angry?

“Don’t talk nonsense! Go!” One of the blue Nitros took a blue Nitrow named air, opened the door to the ‘world of the world’ and wanted to get into it…

But I don’t want to, “嘭”, directly hit a space wall! The formidable rebound power almost didn’t give them a big tumble!

“This… is this?! The passage to the ‘world of the world’ is isolated?!” The three blue Nitrow suddenly screamed and shouted, and the uniform looked at Sun Wukong!

“Oh! Do you think that you want to come? Come and leave? Since you are here, you have to stay! For your huge power… I can’t see it as you see it!” Sun Wukong watching Three blue nits Luo, a face of tranquil and calm.

“Want to kill us? I am afraid you can’t do it too!”

I know that I can’t easily leave, the three blue Nitrow instantly become a face of berserk, the Kir of terror turns into a storm spread, obviously ready to fight hard!

“I still want to do unnecessary to resist? It’s really sad…you don’t even know what kind of existence your opponent is, but you want to be against it…” Froething watching three blue nits Luo, some pity shook his head.

“What do you mean by saying…we will lose?” Air screamed, and Bererk’s Ki made the earth crack: “Don’t be too self-righteous! Froth! You have to figure out what you have to face.” Who is it!”


Air feet on the ground, the body shape like an instant movement to the head of the Frohsie bombardment! With chills, with contempt!

The power contained in it is enough to penetrate the earth! If you hit the head, the consequences can be imagined!

However, at the speed that ordinary people are difficult to react, in the eyes of Froze, it is enough to deal with!

At the foot of Froze, he flicked to the side and moved to the side of the ball. At the same time, the ball of light appeared in the body, and she became more and more inviolable!

Then I’m in the hands of ‘Fengyu’…

“100 million pieces!”

With the sound falling, the space seems to be suddenly imprisoned, and the shape of the air is also solidified for a moment, but only for such a moment of negligible, the terrible sniper is a direct hit!

The energy of berserk is instantly crit!

The shape of the air was shot under the terrible sniper, and it was cut along the road by the sharp sniper.

With the landing, the bang ~ ~ a loud noise, the earth shakes!

The ground is cut off by layers of Energy of Destruction…

When everything is calm, what emerges is a huge dark hole! And the criss-crossing terror knife marks!

This is not at the same level as Joe’s billions of baht!

The blue Nytro air, which is bruised and bruised, jumps out of the hole and is covered with wound cuts. It looks like terror!

And his right arm has disappeared without a shadow! Obviously it was cut under the knife of Froze…

“You…get stronger…” Air looked at Flores, and his eyes contained anger, but the tone was extraordinarily calm, which is exactly what he is about to run away!

“Because before… I have eaten a lot of good things…” Froise held the ‘Fengyu’, long hair fluttering, still beautiful and elegant.

“And your knife…not the one that used to be…” Airwatching ‘Fengyu’ in the hands of Froise, the eyes of the taboo, she can easily open his proud physical body! Because of his right hand, it was so easy to be smashed by the edge that she sent out!

“She is called ‘Fengyu’, can easily cut any planet… You are strong, but you can’t stop her edge… From the moment you are enemies with us, failure is already doomed!” The shooting air, financial expression is very calm, the blue taboo that was previously taboo, now, that’s just that!

Because she is in the world, higher! farther!

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