The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 79: Live catching

At this moment, the blue Nitrow did not think of it. They always thought that they were the masters behind the scenes! Can only rule them in the fate of the world!

They have always been like masters, look at the world, control the development of all fates, and then wait for the moment they are looking forward to!

Nowadays, they even can’t even deal with a newly promoted Ma Wang. Even a human woman can’t help it!

Even the Flores, which has just resurrect, seems to have changed into a person, the strength has risen, and the suppressed air can’t get out!

They suddenly realized that they did not know when to start, they seem to have changed from a predator to a predator! The enemy’s formidable, has far surpassed their imagination!

“Humans really is a terrible race… There is an Acacia… Are they now?” The pair was amazed, and the eyes were flashing with a very terror of cold light. It was killing. Kill the extinction of everything!

At this moment, in the heart of the pair, the terror thought of extermination of all human beings was born!

Today’s human beings are no longer a bait, but a disaster that can threaten their lives!

“We don’t have a chance to win when we fight… There must be someone who can go back… tell them the information here… I am afraid that only NEO is completely resurrect, can you deal with it…”

The length of the face is so serious, how long it has been, he can’t remember it. Since its birth, can make their blue Nitrow feel weak and fearful. It seems to have disappeared from memory, but now, it is once again These people have come to wake up.

“What do you mean… want to use NEO after the complete resurrect to deal with them?!” News with amazement, for NEO, obviously have jealousy and fear.

News, is the meat dish in the Akasi subhuman menu, and the other blue Nitrow is named after this.

Air, pair, news, this is the name of the three blue Nitrow that came here.

“Hey! Are you two too leisurely? At this time, are there whispers?” Jenny Bonnie stood by the hole, two blue Nitrow in the watching hole, with a playful taste: ” Speak quietly, just whisper, still so loud, are you afraid that I can’t hear you?”

“Not good! She was heard!” Two blue Nitrow’s momentary facial expressions changed dramatically from the bullets. The vigilant look of Jenny Bonnie looked over and the formidable aura emerged. Blowing off the gravel around the foot!

“Have you heard me blame? Who told you to be so loud…” Jenny Bunny turned his eyes: “It seems that your IQ has not been fully developed! Silly can! Still said, half of it was knocked out.” The brain, the intelligence has dropped? But I have to say that your Nitro’s vitality is really tenacious! Half of the head is gone, but also can be so alive and kicking, change it to me, long ago!”

“Hey! Humans in the area, you can compare with our noble blue Nitrow! Not to mention that half of the head is lost, even if we don’t have a head, we can survive!” News is cold and shy.

“Oh, now, the mouth is pretty hard! Since you said that your head is gone, it’s better to let me see and see!” Jenny Bonnie suddenly hey hey smiled, and the Ki became extremely dangerous. stand up.


Pair and news are shocked, this Kirk of terror is simply surpassing their strength limit! The horrified one glanced at the same time and sipped at the same time, actually fled in two opposite directions…

It turns out that they release all the Ki without reservation, not for the battle, but for the escape! Since it is known that there is no enemy, it is better to keep a little effort to escape and report the information they know!

“Want to run? Is it possible?” Jenny Bonnie snorted and grinned, and then slammed forward: “Void ban!”

I saw an invisible space fluctuation with her fists as the center, and the spears emerged in a blink of an eye. The two blue Nytros that escaped were instantly trapped in a stance, and they could not move! Only the eyes are horrified!

“How, surprised? This trick is called ’empty imprisonment’! Only those who control the rules of space can master it. Of course, the old lady can’t do that, but who called the old lady has a very abnormal husband! Simple Take a blood and control this Ability!” Jenny Bonny watched the two blue Nitrowa’s shocked expressions and looked very proud. In the tone, there was an unspeakable sense of pride. It’s just the content in the words, it makes people feel ashamed.

Even the singularity of the battle is a black line with a hand on the face and a head.

Sun Wukong is speechless: “Jenny, can you talk like a woman? What blood and blood, words should be subtle, implicit, do you understand?”

“cough cough ~~ that… got used to it… used to it…momentarily can’t change it…” Jenny Bonnie was embarrassed to smirk and look innocent.

Seeing that Sun Wukong is helplessly shaking his head, if the woman can get rid of her rude problems, then she is not called Jenny Bonnie!

“But this unique character is quite interesting, cough cough, is this a heavy taste?” Sun Wukong climbed his chin and muttered.

“It’s really heavy… Take Jenny’s character, if it’s not you, I’m afraid I can’t marry in my life…” Keya whispered.

“Yeya, don’t think that you can’t hear your whispering old lady, telling you that it is very impolite to say bad things behind you!” Jenny Bonnie Lima turned to the past and said that the old lady is very mad, the consequences are very serious. .

“Just kidding, don’t be serious!” Keya was a pretty face, and smiled at Jenny Bonnie.

Just as they spoke, the battle between Froise and Air was nearing the end!

Eat the phoenix meat of Caifeng, the meat of Caijing pterosaur, and the air after evolution, as well as the energy and light of Mawang, and even Sun Wukong has added a little energy to the food, Frosei The food cells are naturally amazingly improved!

The strength has already surpassed the blue Nitro, plus the ‘Fengyu’ given by Sun Wukong, as long as it is smashed, it can easily break the blue Nitero defense!

So she just looked for the moment when the blue Nitrow showed flaws, and it was a knife that went to the blue Nitrow’s hands and feet, ending the battle!

Although the scene is bloody, but this is also the most effective method, because Nitrow’s vitality is more cockroach than cockroach, let alone the blue Nitrow, only to get rid of the limbs, can limit their actions.

The hearts of the three blue Nitrow were suddenly full of panic, and all three of them were actually caught alive, just like dreaming…

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