The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 87—The Killing

Although the eight kings are competitors to each other, I am afraid that they will fight big when they meet each other!

But they all have a keen and terrifying perception of danger. Once they perceive the terrible existence of such a formidable to threaten their lives and status, they will hold a group to defend against strong enemies! This is also a way for them to survive.

They all understand the truth of the cold, and because of this timid perception and the solidarity of the crisis, they can always be called the Eight Kings from the ancient times!

The death of the whale king Muen sounded a wake-up call to them. The previously felt uneasiness and fear were confirmed today, and can threaten the existence of their lives and status!

Since ancient times, King, one of the eight kings, has finally been captured and killed!

Therefore, at this moment, they have no hesitation, and they are leading off the strong beasts in their own area! This is for your own life, but also to defend your king’s status! It is to show the world the terror power belonging to their eight kings!

They have to tell the world with their own actions, and their status has not been shaken! Their strength is still standing at the top of this world!

On the surface of the Black Triangle, Sun Wukong and his party are sitting on the back of the bud and looking around…

The terrible fierce Ki, the resounding roar of the heavens and the earth!

The whole world is shaking at this moment, the sea water is rolling in the waves, a terrible bloodthirsty Eyes emerges from the sea, and then in the rolling waves, a giant sea beast with a body type terror is displayed!

They are all filled with anger and hostility, surrounded by Sun Wukong, but they did not attack this siege! It seems that I am waiting for something…

At this time, the whole gourmet world has entered the big terror that has never been seen because of the eight king’s angel! The weak monsters are shivering and scared, hiding in their own place of residence and dare not have any changes!

The fierce animal with strong strength has sneaked out of the head and roared! They are responding to the king’s call to shred the sinner who angered the king!

“Hey, hello~~~This…this… Is this really a problem? Well…a lot of terrible sea beasts! We are surrounded…” Tina watched the sea around, the dense one only exudes The sea beast of terror Ki, the scalp is numb! The capture level of each one is not lower than 800!

Especially the seven of them, the Ki is far more than 4000! Commonly known as the seven beasts.

The sixth area is to maintain the ecosystem under the balance of the power of the whale king and the seven beasts!

The death of the whale king Muen not only did not make them feel the fear, but the monsters in the sea were so violently irritated as a stimulant!

The animals themselves are formidable with a sense of danger, and they are aware of the thing called terror from the moon and other people! Therefore, under the leadership of the Seven Beasts, they want to drive away the things that make them terror, or eat them!

“Goku, you are really a barrel of horses…” Kaya watched the giant sea beasts that had never been seen before, but shook his head.

This scene is simply the simultaneous release of all the monsters in this sea area!

“Also… I thought of each and every one to clean them up… Since they came to the door, it’s a pot! It also saves a lot of trouble…” Sun Wukong looks around, facing the purple Smile with Jenny Bonnie: “Let’s just go play! Just before the six Beastmasters have arrived, just take them to the bones!”

“Fighting, I like it the most!” In the eyes of Ziyan, a factor called violence emerged. Looking at the sea beast of Ki terror, it was like finding a group of cans!

When I sighed and sighed, my body vacated and rushed over to the giant sea beasts on the sea…

Small fist punched out, a sea beast with a level of 1200 captured in her hand was burst into a bloody fog!

There is no slight pause in the shape of Ziyan. In the biting bite of the startling the heavens, the small body flies back and forth in the herd. Every time the shot is taken, the sea beast is not beaten with blood. It was bombarded like a cannonball…

And for a moment, Jenny Bonnie also flew to the field, a punch, the atmosphere burst under her fist!

In an instant, the emptiness of the sky, the tilt of the sea, the sea that the world calls the terror synonym in this way, under the extremely shocking eyes of Frosin, the pieces are divided and opened to form each and every one uneven waves. Tsunami!

That scene, really telling what is called violent terror!

“Hammering the atmosphere… Shaking the earth’s crust changes, making the earth shift, the sea is overturning! This is not a magnitude opponent…” The scene in front of the watch, the face is shocking.

“Well?” Sun Wukong seemed to feel a little, squinting a little, with a light hand, two women appeared in front of him.

One looks cute and sweet, but the body is very full and mature; the other is a heroic, hand-held ancient sword, looks very heroic, a pair of sharp eyes staring at the field, showing the extremely exciting bloodthirsty light !

The two women who suddenly appeared in Froissing watched, the facial expression changed slightly, and there was no action. It was reached by Sun Wukong. “Don’t be nervous, own people!” said, looking at the two women: ” You two want to join?”

“Yeah! Only the battle will become stronger!” He raised his right fist and shouted loudly, apparently high in war.

“They have the value of being slashed by me…” In contrast, the crow feathers, the face is full of excitement and bloodthirsty, the face of the cold and unscrupulous killing, seeing the side of the Froze brow wrinkles, With a certain distance, the instinct told her that this woman is very dangerous.

“This is very in line with your nature…” Sun Wukong watching Crow feather, smiled slightly: “Go! But don’t be too bloody and violent… that’s not beautiful…”

“Understand!” Crow Yu responded smoothly, and his feet were lightly touched. The figure instantly turned into a breeze and appeared in the field. The sword that was personally given by Sun Wukong was sold out in a flash, with a flash of light, an 1800 class. The sea beast was split into two halves by her sword…

Flashing again, another sea beast’s hands and feet are broken…

Accompanied by the excitement of the evil laughter, Flores is seeing the field, the crow feather is like a blood in the Shura, all the way to kill, so that the sea surface is rendered into dark red…

That ridiculous figure tells what is the killing madness!

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