The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 95

In the first area, somewhere, in a huge hole, a man like a monster swollen with a terrible and disgusting bag.

He feels like what he is feeling, and he sends out a terror in the sky and is full of malicious embarrassment!

The eyes are filled with cold, malicious! It is like the endless black hole, full of unsatisfied gluttony!

If Froise sees it, it will be exclaimed!


Yes, this man who looks like a monster is the god of food that has been mythical, Acacia!

However, now, he looks so terror, the body of the food Demon almost swallowed his flesh, he has lost reasoning, incarnate into a monster that only knows to eat!

“Fresh and delicious… I smelled fresh and delicious… ah… ah… give it to me… I want to eat… I seem to eat!”

In the middle, terror’s aura hurricane spread, beserk’s Ki makes people feel uneasy, fear!

However, he was restricted and could not leave this place! Can only make a burst of roar, hehe!

Suddenly, a ball of light appeared in front of him, and Acacia’s eyes suddenly burst into the air, as if he had seen something delicious and drooling, and then swallowed it into the belly!

“Hey! Hey!”

That is the beating of the heart, like the movement of the planet, so powerful and powerful! Traction of the whole Earth is also followed by shaking!

Immediately, the meatball on Acacia swollen and soared, covering all of his face’s facial porches… The body’s restrict is also a momentary crush!

For a moment, the world is discolored! Void jitter!

Like a sleeping Demon, Awaken from billions of years! This piece of heaven and earth is covered with a shadow of terror!

The three blue Nitrows that are still capturing other Earth’s Western-style meals are also changing at the same time!

“What happened? This Ki is…NEO! Why?! in the end what happened?”

Three blue Nitrow horrified, and at the same time opened the door of the world inside, the body shape disappeared…

It didn’t take long for it to appear in the first area at the same time…

However, waiting for them, it is death!

A pair of huge palms are just grabbing them when they first appear! Then they saw a huge and terrible shadow filled with desperate Ki!

For a moment, all of them are shocking and wide-eyed…


The exclamation just fell, they were thrown into a huge bloody mouth at the same time without any to resist!

The crispness of the bones and the screams of screaming, send cold shivers down one’s spine !

The three blue Nitrows are swallowed up by the NEO who is completely resurrect!

“Go! Go and eat the thing you want to eat!”

A voice full of temptation and majesty suddenly echoed in the ear of NEO…

Then, NEO moved, it just took a step forward, it seems to be across the boundaries of space, the body shape is gone and disappears…

“It’s over! Earth is going to be destroyed…” The knot climbed from a pit and was wrapped around a light shield. It was not injured. It was just watching the surrounding magma flow, and it looked anxious. Then, the facial expression was again It was a big change, and I hurriedly looked in the direction of the first area. I was shocked by the face: “This Ki… What happened?!”

Not only the knot, the crows, they, the six kings, are all sensing the desperate Ki with terror, they are moving! Uniform stopped the action and looked at it in one direction, that is the venue where they are located!

A flash, a huge Demon figure flashed, looking at the six kings, as well as the moon and a few women, the eyes flashed with a very terror desire for food, the disgusting big mouth, actually out of a strong disgusting saliva: “food… … delicious food… my… are… my!”

The voice just fell, his primary target, is to look at the past, the most recent Raven Wang Xiawu, immediately swelled! A moment of incarnation of a giant shadow of the sky, a hand caught in the summer…

When the Raven King Xia Wu suddenly made a tweet, waving his wings, the terrible poisonous rain blade hiting the sky and covering the earth and attacked the giant palm.

However, the attack by the great Raven Wang Xiawu did not play the slightest role. Just want to escape, it was caught in the hands!

Then they were shocked to see the moon. The Crow King Xiawu was twisted in the head like a chicken, and was lifted up. Then he was bitten by the huge terror monster and put on his neck. What is a rubbing blood!

Very poisonous, it is not effective for it, but it is a big supplement!


The other five kings are angry! Immediately, it is determined that this monster is an enemy!

Attacks have been launched!

The first is the snake king female snake, only to see it open its mouth, like a black hole swallowing the heavens, covering the top of the huge monster, biting it down…

This is to want to take it all in one place!

It was just that NEO’s huge body suddenly regenerated a pair of arms, which quickly extended, and pinched the seven-inch position of the female snake, making it a screaming scream, the action stopped, and the swallow failed!

After that, NEO was one foot again, and the sky deer was turned to the ground. One bus directly took the king of Bambina to the surface, and at one foot, directly the dragon king stepped on the foot!

The wolf king wolf is also the arm that has been extended to pinch the throat, the limbs are chaotic, the struggle can not…

They are shocked by the moon!

The six kings who have soared in strength have to take them seriously, but now they are all simply popped up by the monsters that popped up!

“Damn! We all guess wrong. The growth of the six kings is not to deal with us, but to provide this monster with a stronger nutrient!” Crow feather watched the situation at the moment, and suddenly the facial expression changed slightly.

“Block it! Never let it eat all six kings! Otherwise we will be trouble!” The moon sipped and the knots together, reaching out to NEO: “Void ban!”

Kā kā ~~

The space is instantly like ice to solidify, NEO’s huge body is instantly restricted!

The moon is now squeaking out loudly: “Fast! This guy’s strength is too strong, I don’t know how long it will last! Purple research, you know that the space law is more complete than us, and quickly set up a space enchantment… before Goku’s brother has not returned Can’t let Earth be destroyed!”

“Understand!” Ziyan looked serious and nodded, his hands were changing, and the strong space fluctuations spread out from her handprints, instantly covering the audience, and the surrounding scenes changed, pulling them all into the purple research creation. One space!

“So, let us do a big job!” Crow Yu excitedly screamed, holding the ancient sword in his hand, the light is more prosperous, exudes a fierce swordlessness!

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