The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 49—Goku vsBeerus (2)

“Boom!” “pēng pēng ~~~”

In a flash, the two men have already dealt with a few punches, all of them are angry! Sun Wukong is big and big, and it shines like this golden martial, just like a Golden war god, domineering side leakage, smashing all directions!

In contrast Beerus, to the greater of the ordinary, his body is not vindictive, but always able to withstand Sun Wukong every fierce attack.

“Boom!” The two men’s fists again hit, the tears of the repercussions vibrate the ten squares and crack the earth!

Sun Wukong’s figure flashed, and the golden figure was hidden. He was attacking Beerus with the Instantaneous Movement. Beerus deserves to be God of Destruction, Sun Wukong. Even if the body transformation is over 4, attacking with Instantaneous Movement, he can still take Sun Wukong’s full-scale attack. The void is constantly roaring and deafening. The hard ground collapses and the dust rises!

Body transformation Super Saiyan 4’s Sun Wukong still has some lost to Beerus, but he used the Instantaneous Movement to make up for this shortcoming. Every time he was critical, he flashed elsewhere with an Instantaneous Movement and fought back against Beerus. ! For a moment, even made Beerus feel a sense of helplessness!

“You bastard, like a monkey, flashing and flashing! It’s so awful! Go to hell!” The punch that was bound to be defeated again, Beerus finally screamed with grievances, his hands open, countless energy bombs Launched towards his body, lasing to all directions!

Sun Wukong’s figure is constantly flashing back and forth in the energy bomb, but the energy bomb is too dense, and it is impossible to avoid it all! I saw Sun Wukong’s golden temperament at this time, a slap in the face of a blast of energy bombs!

“Give you a big gift! Take over, Sun Wukong!” However, at this time, a larger energy bomb was launched from the hands of Beerus. The previous energy bombs were used to contain Sun Wukong, and this hiding The sky and covering the earth’s energy bomb is his killing trick!

Sun Wukong facial expression can’t be changed. The timing of the launch of this attack by Beerus is very clever. It is Sun Wukong who used the Instantaneous Movement to flash elsewhere. His attack just happened, just like Sun Wukong himself came with the Instantaneous Movement. The same in his attack range!

So close to the distance attack, Sun Wukong obviously couldn’t escape using the Instantaneous Movement. In a critical situation, he immediately extended his hands and hardened it, which represented Beerus’s angry blow!

Hiding the sky and covering the earth’s formidable Energy Ball, forced Sun Wukong’s body shape to fall back! There are some lost to!

“MD, this Beerus is really tricky!” Sun Wukong snorted and screamed in the sky: “But, don’t be too small to see Super Saiyan four! Ahhh ah ~~~ turtle ~ pie ~ gas ~ Gong ~ wave!”


A little more than the weaker than the Energy Ball from Beerus, Kamehameha spurred out from Sun Wukong’s hands, and forced the Beer Ball’s Energy Ball a little bit!

Along with Sun Wukong’s loud drink, the power of Energy Wave skyrocketed again, and the energy bomb was reflexed back in an instant, spurting out the plane and then exploding! The energy repercussions of startling the heavens instantly clean the planet’s Energy of Destruction! It is the plane that Sun Wukong is in, and it is shaken by the shock!

“Too… it’s amazing! What kind of battle is this!” Krillin and others stunned by the virtual screen in front of them and the scenes inside the watching!

“This Sun Wukong is really not easy! Just by your own strength, you can harden the Beerus adult, it’s really extraordinary!” Whis took a pastry in his hand, took a sip of it slowly, glanced at the screen, and his tone was dull. Road.

“hū hū ~~~” issued a somidable Kamehameha, and Goku has been a little breathless!

“How… can’t it be so a little attack?” Beerus suddenly appeared behind Sun Wukong and punched out! “Well!” Sun Wukong was shocked and turned quickly. His hands crossed and he stood in front of him, blocking the sharp punch of Beerus, but he was directly bombarded by the foot of Beerus Next!

“Boom ~ ~”, the ground was pulled out of an amazing hole!

“哼~” Sun Wukong coldly snorted, the body shape is instantaneous straight, and a fist hits Beerus!

“Hey!” Beerus caught a fierce punch from Sun Wukong with one foot and then punched him with a punch! Sun Wukong escaped from the head, and the body leaned forward directly. Beerus’s mouth hangs a sneer, and Sun Wukong just put his body together. Isn’t that looking for himself? In this case, he will not be polite! Decisively punched out, right in the belly of Sun Wukong! The energy of the formidable repercussions turned into a real wave, and the black clouds in the sky were scattered in an instant!

“唔~” Sun Wukong snorted softly, and a trace of blood hangs in the corner of his mouth, but he hey hey smiles and puts his hands on the chest of Beerus! A terror’s Energy Wave spurt out in the face of Beerus! “Oh!”, the fordable Energy Wave instantly blasted Beerus out and then exploded in the sky not far away! The whole planet is shaking up violently!

The explosion occurred even at a height of a few hundred meters from the ground, and cracked the cracks on the ground, changing the terrain of thousands of miles!

It turned out that Sun Wukong had the characteristics of an undead body, and he did not hesitate to pick up the fist of Beerus. He took the opportunity to launch the strongest blow he had already made easy!

“Wow kā kā ~~ I know that the boss is the most powerful! God of God God of Destruction, are slag!” Seeing this situation, quite smugly laughed!

“Win it?” Krillin and others are also nervous watching the explosion of the center!

Whis, who has a calm face, also has a hint of surprise in his eyes: “This Sun Wukong is really amazing! Can you hurt Beerus! It seems that Beerus really met his opponent!”

The dust smoke dissipated, revealing the slightly embarrassing figure of Beerus. Suffering from an Energy Wave from Sun Wukong full strength, he was only slightly injured!

At this time, Beerus, the eyes are gloomy and terrible, which shows that he has gone to the extreme: “Good! Very good! I am so big! You are the second person who hurt me! I am really mad! I want Destroy everything about you!” A temper from Sun Wukong and others broke out from Beerus! That is not the temperament that mortal can master, but the God who is God of Destruction, the unique god of Ki!

The Beerus in angry finally got serious at this time! He took out the strength of his own TRUE!

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