The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 27—Smiling Elm

Sun Wukong watching On the wall, the back of the left, the mouth of the mouth showed a hint of incomprehensible smile: “Hitzcliffe… that is, Mao Shijing Yan! It seems that I am full of clothes, this guy is doing a ghost. I will say it! How can this game kill people how to be red, how can it be wanted! Killing your game will end, let you live a period of time.

Taking back his eyes, Sun Wukong pulled up the hand of Lieer: “Go! Upgrade!”


The time of Next is very dull. Sun Wukong has a bright red name and a murderous madman. The deterrent is really scary. Wherever he goes, he is a retreat. He is small and can still Scared people to scream!

Sun Wukong is a helpless! Inexplicable, it has become a fear of everyone’s retreat, except for one by Lie, no one dares to be close to him!

Soon, it’s been over half a month, and it’s been a month since I left the service! In the original work, for one month, the death toll has surpassed 2000, and now, with the presence of Sun Wukong, the death toll has soared to 2700.

This still he has advanced the first level of the BOSS in advance, otherwise the death toll may be broken through the 3000 people.

During this time, Sun Wukong only had to level up with Lieer! As for the sister paper, even a man can’t say a word to him, don’t say sister paper.

‘唰唰’ a few swords went down, Sun Wukong emptied the last trace of blood in front of an electric light leopard, and a message box followed by the bomb: Congratulations, upgrade!

Sun Wukong raised his laziness and looked at the dull: “At the end of the 40 level, killing monsters and leveling, so boring!”

“Who told you to kill so many people, now people are afraid of seeing us, not boring to blame!” By Lieer watching Sun Wukong, gave him a look. In fact, she is also very helpless, if the two have not accompanied each other, then decisively become a single game!

Ok, in fact, this is not any difference with the single game!

“No! It’s too boring! Go, let me have fun!” Sun Wukong said, pulling by Lieer is going outside the map.

Here is the 30 level strange area, which is already the second level of the highest leveling point.

“You…what do you want to do? Just stop for half a month, you won’t want to get into trouble again?” Lieer suddenly became nervous.

In fact, in the past two months, she is also the most happy and leisurely time. At such a moment, the world is full of danger. How many people can enjoy the carefree leisure time like her? She really hopes that with Sun Wukong, she has been so flat.

“How is it possible? Do you think I am a person who is causing trouble?”

“Look at the name and title you can’t cut on your head. Are you sure that you are persuasive?” Lieer pointed to the big red name on top of Sun Wukong, and his face was speechless.

“Okay! I admit that I am like a light from fireflies in the middle of the night, so vivid…”

“It’s a stand out!” Lieer spit in time.

“Can you not spit me?” Sun Wukong said, reaching out and pulling on Lie’s face. Well, these two people usually have this entertainment hobby.

The two talked while walking. Soon, they came to a narrow mountain road, but they saw eight players playing with five players PK!

The eight players, there are actually a chilled murderous aura, which shows that they have indeed killed people, and only TRUE has killed people, will reveal such a Ki. And the dress that is shrouded under the black robe is not a good person at first glance.

In contrast, the other five players, that PK technology, can be candid, one of the girls, even scared and stunned in the spot, eyes watching each other cut a knife toward her, she just screamed closed With his eyes closed, his face is horrified and his shield is in front of himself! In other words, can you block people’s attacks? And still have eyes closed…

Very obvious, this woman is impossible to defend against the opponent’s attack, and after a solid smashing of the force, the girl immediately screamed to fall to the ground! There is only one fifth of the blood volume in an instant.


The girls’ companions are all angry and eager to help, but they are entangled in their own opponents and can’t open their bodies. They can only yell.

“In giving you a chance, is it honestly handing over the money? Still being killed by us?” A man lifted the big knife in his hand and pointed at the fortunes who fell to the ground. A few players smiled coldly.

“I know… please don’t hurt her… we will give you all the money and equipment…”

“Don’t believe them! They are the people of the Killing Guild [Smiling Elm]! Even if we hand over the equipment to them, they will not let us go!”

“hey hey ~~ your nonsense too much! Now you don’t have much time to consider. If you are hesitant, this petite little girl can tell you farewell/goodbye!” The killer player eyes belt The playful watching was frightened by the pale expression, and the fear of a face, the heart produced an inexplicable excitement.

Because he likes to look at other people’s fear of helpless expression, it will make him a metamorphosis! He likes to put people in the most fearful, slowly tormented, and then, kill!

“[Smile 棺木], turned out to be this group of bastards…” By Lieer, the figures that were shrouded in black robes, eyes cold, just wanted to move, was stopped by Sun Wukong: “This A few guys handed it to me, it was very boring! Someone immediately jumped out to play with me!”

“You… you don’t want to take them…”

“hey hey! Since their slogan is to take the slogan as a matter of course, and enjoy the fun of killing crimes happily, then I have to play with them well…” Sun Wukong said, he has already raised the sword. In the past…

In the case of the murder guild, the members of [Smile 棺木] have not had time to react, Sun Wukong has appeared at the fastest speed behind the player, and the [reverse person] has already been from the member of [Smile 棺木] Puncture at the back of the heart!

“You… you are…”

Sudden changes, the people present were all shocked!

The bloody red font on the top of Sun Wukong is just too glaring!

Just for a moment, everyone in the room recognized him!

“Blood…butcher!” The member of [Smiling Elm] was stunned and called out such a name, and it was instantly turned into data dissipating…

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