The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 35—Equipment Enhancement

Although hanging the game, it will lose a lot of fun in the game itself, but let’s not say that the time period in the open is actually very cool!

What is the open? Isn’t it just for a cool fly!

People strengthen a piece of equipment, strengthen to +5, add up, bad luck, have to go bankrupt, can open the people, ‘唰唰唰’ even point, without materials, strengthen direct +10, I Just ask you something cool?

By Lieer and fortunate, watching Sun Wukong that series of tips to enhance success, it is really scared to watch him, his mouth is open!

“Goku…you…you don’t…is it really GM?” asked by Lieer’s silly watching Sun Wukong.

Forging is a sensational master, strengthening the need for materials, directly connecting points, once to the top, this is not what GM can be? It is no wonder that Lieer was also scared.

“GM… Maochang Jingyan!” Fortunately, it has been scared, that is, Mao Shijing Yan locked all players in this game world, can she not be afraid?

“Cut! What and what, I am not the stupid force of Mao Shijing Yan, don’t compare the garbage with me, he doesn’t even give me shoes!” Sun Wukong looks disdainful, the head of the world is mortal with him. Can he be cool?

“Actually… you don’t have to deny… even if you are GM… I… I won’t blame you…” Lieer grabbed Sun Wukong’s hand tightly, and her eyes were firm and her face was firm.

Sun Wukong watching by Lieer, smiled slightly: “I have already said, I am not a Mao Yan, not a GM, my real name is Sun Wukong, Chinese…”

“Hey? Are you really? And still Chinese?” Surprised by Lieer suddenly, and her heart is full of joy. If Sun Wukong is not GM, then it is better, otherwise, in my heart In fact, still will be somewhat sympathetic.

“Well…” Sun Wukong nodded.

“Sun Wukong… I heard that… It’s the Great Journey in the Journey to the West…” Fortunately, the voice whispered, and the small eyes smashed from Sun Wukong from time to time.

“Well, just the same name, don’t think about it!”

“What happened in the end just now? Why can you modify the system data?” asked Lieer full of doubts.

“This is quite trouble. I’m telling you about the fall back.” Sun Wukong said, once again equipped with the [Reverse Man], feeling the heavy feeling in his hand, and the cover of the sword. A layer of cold and cold light, a smile.

“We… can we really quit the game?” Fortunately, Li Ma has a big look at the watching Sun Wukong.

“Of course, you are at ease with me, you are fine!” Sun Wukong took a good quality knife from his backpack and gently cut it on the knife with [Reverse Man]. Without any sound, the knife was It was easily broken into two paragraphs, and ‘Dangdang’ fell to the ground!

“Good sharp!” by Lieer immediately became amazed.

Fortunately, after Sun Wukong said that he could withdraw from the game, he immediately became excited.

“This strengthens +10, and when it is not strengthened, it is not a grade at all!” Sun Wukong watching the “reverse person” in the hands, very satisfied.

Strengthening the weight, which is literally, strengthens the weight of the weapon itself, and the weight increases, so the attack power naturally increases.

However, it is necessary to do what you can, because the strength is too heavy, the speed of waving will slow down, and it will affect the speed of its own movement. Although the attack increases, it is not worth the candle.

Therefore, the weight of the reinforcement, very rare people will be enhanced to +10, the general only +1, +2that’s all, at most +3 level.

But Sun Wukong has already strengthened the [Reverse Man] to the weight + 10, the whole game, I am afraid that only this metamorphosis can wave it without being affected by it.

If someone else is equipped with this sword, I am afraid that even the action will become extremely difficult!

Don’t ask me why, don’t look at who Sun Wukong is.

The sharpness, as mentioned before, is the meaning of sharpness. The higher the sharpness, the easier it is to cut the monster or the player’s body. Naturally, the damage caused is also tons. It also causes the target to enter the bleeding form. Under this form, the more severe the injury, the more blood is lost.

Durability, the higher the reinforcement, the less prone to wear. As long as the durability of the equipment is strengthened +10, it has almost never worn out. Only when it encounters a higher quality weapon with the same durability + 10 will it reduce the durability or be cut off.

Accuracy is the accuracy of the attack. In the game, there is usually a dodge attribute. The higher the accuracy, the less likely it is to be evaded. This is a good understanding for those who have played the game. Made an introduction.

With these attributes, Sun Wukong has all strengthened +10, and in this game, it is already a top artifact of TRUE.

Even if it is an ordinary weapon, if you strengthen +10, it is also an artifact!

In addition to the multiple reinforcement of weapons, other equipment is to strengthen the equipment itself and increase the corresponding attributes.

And Sun Wukong also enhanced the shoes +10, movement speed, dodge increased 30%! This enhanced attribute is calculated according to the equipment level. If it is the top-level costume, strengthen +10, then the increase is 100%!

Think about it, Sun Wukong is to strengthen all other equipment +10, the front can be done without injury, but the back of the BOSS is difficult to say, because the more the back, the greater the difficulty coefficient, not just by operation can be completely Dodge damage!

Because the BOSS at that time already had the skills of group attack, more knives, swords and other means of attack, so add some defense and blood volume, still necessary!

When everything is ready, Sun Wukong also begins to continue the Raiders floor!

“You don’t follow this time, or I am afraid that time is not enough!” Sun Wukong watching by Lie, fortunately, told them to stay here.

The two women knew that following Sun Wukong was also cumbersome. They all seriously nodded. “Then you know to be careful, don’t be too reluctant…”

Rao is understanding the abnormal level of Sun Wukong, and the two women still cannot worry.

Sun Wukong waved his hand and said goodbye to the two women. It was very chic to send away…

Half an hour later, Sun Wukong has used his anti-sky position and operation to avoid the monsters all the way, appearing in the deepest part of the 3rd Layer labyrinth!

Watching the front door of the BOSS room, at the corner of the mouth, could not help but show a faint smile: “A feast of the screen is about to begin!”

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