The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 38—Consolation

Only the long sword is not close, it has been turned into data dissipated.

Mao Yan Jing Yan single-handedly stroked in front of him, a virtual panel flashed, I saw him just a little bit, the face of the angry player instantly fell to the ground, as if being crushed by heavy weight, can not move.

I didn’t care about the noise of others. At this time, in the eyes of Mao Yan’s Yan Yan, only Sun Wukong was alone: ​​“I really want to know who you are?”

“You are not qualified to know!”

“Yes? Interesting! Your presence really surprised me! No, it should be a surprise! I originally wanted to collect data by playing games, but now I find that you are more interesting than those players, so, I changed my mind! I will wait for you at the 100 layer of Ain Grant, because I am the BOSS of the 100 layer! Kill me, you can be saved, end this game!”

After the Mao Zejing just finished speaking, it was disappeared under the watchful eyes of thousands of players. Because of his appearance, it was just to say such a sentence to Sun Wukong that’s all, and he didn’t dare to stop because he felt dangerous in Sun Wukong. He won’t take risks before he knows Sun Wukong.

“When I went to be a BOSS… I also lost a lot of trouble…” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

And the players around, have been shocked and stunned at the moment.

“Hawfield Crystal Yan is actually the BOSS of the 100 layer? GM is the BOSS of the 100 layer? Play with us? Who has played this?”

“Wrong! Isn’t there another one?”

“Yeah! We still have Sun Wukong! It must be!”

“I didn’t expect this Sun Wukong to be GM… Is he playing the same game with us? It’s too abnormal!”

“It’s really abnormal… just… that’s GM! Really played?”

“Yes! The word GM, the player can be defeated!”

“Goku God, are you in the end with confidence to defeat Mao Shijing? We can rely on you…”

Listening to the noisy voices of the players, Sun Wukong erected two middle fingers directly at them, and looked at the contempt: “I played my game, but I didn’t say that I want to help you, your life and death, shut my fart. Things! If you want to end the game as soon as possible, go from a trying hard…”

When many players heard it, they suddenly became angry. One player even screamed: “Damn! You are a selfish ghost, how can you say so! There is obviously the Ability, why not help us?”

“Why should I help you?” Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly flashed in front of the player, and he did not hesitate to pierce his chest: “On your self-righteous nausea, labor is the most disgusting. It’s killing, happy to be quiet!”

“You…you…” The player didn’t even think about it. He just vented his heart and uncomfortable, and he recruited Sun Wukong’s unrelenting sword. In fear, it burst into data and dissipated.

The players around are all shocked by Sun Wukong’s indifference! Watching the figure that broke into data, they just remembered this person, but Demon who murdered without moving. For a moment, everyone is afraid of chills.

Sun Wukong disdainful cold voice, took out ‘transfer crystallization’ and left here! Looking at the faces of those who are self-righteous, he can’t help but kill.

I glanced at the information popped up by Lieer watching, and whispered to me, “Let’s go to the 19th floor of Rabel…”

Fortunately, I nodded, and with the release of Crystallization by Lie, left…

Sun Wukong, a lot of players are also sent away, they are naturally understand, at the moment, put hope on Sun Wukong, it is better to try to hard yourself, this person, not reliable!

But in the same way, there are a lot of players who don’t understand the face of angry, and still struggle with the self-interest of how Sun Wukong can…

But such disgusting things don’t have to be taken care of…

The 19th floor, the main block.

At this time, it is already around 3 pm, and the continuous attack on the 20th floor, Sun Wukong also used a lot of time!

The first few layers of BOSS are almost insta-kill, but the latter BOSSstill takes a lot of time.

After a big meal in the United States and the United States, Sun Wukong also assigned the equipment to Lie Yee and fortunately, so that the two women’s equipment is completely new.

And his own level, because he killed a lot of BOSS and guards, at this time, is already 47 level. Obviously, the experience given by BOSS is very rich.

The night was getting deeper. Sun Wukong just took a shower and walked out of the bath~ room. Watching himself sitting alone on the balcony, she walked quietly behind her, screaming and scared her down. The ground, the head of the head slammed down on the guardrail, squinting at the pain of his head, watching Sun Wukong, tears in his eyes, a pitiful look: “Enlightenment…Goku Big Brother…”

“You are so courageous, too small!” Sun Wukong shook his head, and snorted on the fortunately hit head. Fortunately, Li Ma had wide eyes, because the pain disappeared.

The fear of fear was calmed down by this gentle touch.

She is so embarrassed to watch Sun Wukong, whispered: “Goku Big Brother… You really… will you care about us?”

“How come! I don’t care about other people’s lives, but I will protect your safety, so I don’t need imagination to run wildly. One day, I will end this game. Now, you will stay with me. I played game was fine !”

“Really?” Fortunately, the bleak eyes immediately became bright.

“Of course! In the real world, you don’t have to worry, your body has been protected and there will be no problems!”

“Hey? Really? Real world can also?!” Fortunately, the face was shocked.

“What? Don’t believe it?”

“I believe! Goku’s big brother said… I believe…” Fortunately, he blushes and expresses his position. Regardless of how others evaluate Sun Wukong, she only believes in her instincts and her own heart. Because only Sun Wukong can bring her a sense of security that she has never felt before, so that her fearful heart is calm.

“Here, let’s rest assured, come, do you want me to give you a comforting hug!” Sun Wukong said, and fortunately, he opened his arms.

Fortunately, I was blushing, and I took Sun Wukong in my eyes and made a thief-like bath. I looked at the room and saw that Lie was washing in it. I was so shy and weak: “This way.” ……it’s not good!”

“Nothing, it’s a comforting hug~ hug!”

“That… that’s okay!” Fortunately, with a fierce beating heart, he moved slightly toward Sun Wukong’s arms, but his eyes were staring at the door of the bath room, fearing that Lieer suddenly burst out.

“Why do you steal a love-like look! You are naturally a little! It’s a comforting hug~ hug…” Sun Wukong watching was full of nervousness and secretly squeezed a hand on her body. Fortunately, Li Ma snorted, the body is more stiff ~ hard…

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