The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Can the third chapter let me see it once?

Sun Wukong turned around and watched the people in the hall, but hey hey smiled: “You slag, want to fight, then go together!”

Everyone saw Sun Wukong so arrogant and contemptuous of them, suddenly angry, but thought that he had just kicked the man to the horizon, but he was timid, afraid to speak, dare to speak, bow his head, afraid of Sun Wukong saw the emotions in their eyes and also looked for their trouble! These people are not fools. Just Sun Wukong just showed such a hand, it is enough to prove that he is a top strong person! With these small adventurers, you can’t be offended! I can only shrink my head and hold my grandson!

“Hey! A group of soft eggs, just not yelling to yell at me? How is it all soft?” Sun Wukong looked disdainful in the hall, and erected two middle fingers at them! These people, in his eyes, are just a group of ants, seeing that they are all soft, and they are shocked by their domineering, and they have lost their plans to slap them.

On the counter, Sun Wukong knocked on the counter and said faintly: “Hey, where is my room?”

“ahhh ~~ I will give you right away!” Dongshu hurriedly took out a key and recruited a delicate waitress, whispering softly in her ear, a serious face: “You take this adult to him.” The room, remember, be entertained! No matter what requirements he has, he must be satisfied with me, understand? His identity, I don’t think I have to say more? If this matter is complicated, I believe Do you know what the serious consequences are?”

“Yes… yes… I understand!” The delicate expression of the maid’s maid, some turneded pale, Dong Shu’s words, just like the announcement of her death sentence!

“Please come with me!” Jiao Qiao’s maid paid a respectful ceremony to Sun Wukong and took the lead to go upstairs! And as he left, it also blasted the pot!

“Too… it’s terrible… just that person’s glimpse, I almost didn’t pee out my pants!”

“But you really have no interest… but that person is really strong! It is possible to give people a trip to the ‘side of the sky’, really unfathomable…”

“Well! It’s really powerful! At least it’s a fighting king?”

“Doo! You really haven’t seen it! At least it’s also a strong fighter!”

“The Emperor?! God! Us Utan City has come to such a big person? It seems to be changing…”

Everyone in the hotel was shocked! In this small Utan city, the big fighters are top strong people, let alone the kind of nothingness. I have to say that in this small Utan city, these people’s eyes are indeed small and pitiful. The so-called Emperor Qiangqiang is already the limit they understand. In their eyes, the Emperor, that is the absolute existence, standing The top strong person of this world peak!

“Sanlang, you come over, you saw it just now! You will go and report this thing up…” The winter uncle recruited a young man dressed up in a slap in his ear, a little Yan nodded and hurriedly ran out of the hotel! There are also a lot of people who are doing the same, hurried away, and report to the upper level of their family!

“Hey! Girl paper! What is your name? Don’t be so cautious! I am not a rigid old-fashioned antique!” In the corridor, Sun Wukong followed the delicate waitress and looked relaxed.

“I… my name is… Xiaoxi, dear adult!” Even though Sun Wukong said this, the maid named Xiaoxi is very respectful and cautious! As a qualified maid, she naturally would not take Sun Wukong’s words seriously.

“Xiao Xi? Good name! You don’t want to always call me like an adult. My name is Sun Wukong. You can call me Goku alone!”

“This is my honor, Goku!” Xiao Xi still looks respectful. For Sun Wukong, he is absolutely obedient. Sun Wukong watching her look, could not help but shake her head, so the maid, has been enslaved by the training, it lost her plan to tease her!

Watching The bright, luxurious room in front of you, Sun Wukong is very satisfied, posing to Xiaoxi, faintly said: “Go back first! I will call you something!”

“Goku, you… don’t you need me to serve you?” Xiao Xi stunned, his face was a little red, and his face was respectful.

“Oh! No! I used to hear the old man. You don’t have to care too much! I am a very pure person! It won’t be so embarrassing! You will give me something to eat tomorrow morning, you can. “Sun Wukong watching Xiao Xi, it is a smile.”

When Little Hidden was made a big red face, at the same time, the big stone under the heart also fell, but some inexplicable feelings of loss, maybe the feeling, it is a pity that I can’t wait for such a big person!

“Yes, Goku is an adult, I live next door to you. If you have any needs, you can call the slave directly!” Xiao Xi looked respectfully. Then, under the direction of Sun Wukong, he went out and took the door.

Sun Wukong watching the furnishings in the room, and then lying directly on the bed, thinking drifting away, but remembered the beautiful figure of the elegant and beautiful figure: “It is really a natural-born stunner! I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow. “Speaking, closed his eyes, for a moment, Stood up, and opened his eyes again: “Hey! There have always been sister paper holding sleep, suddenly turned into a person, really a little unaccustomed!” He, for the time being, does not want to release Bulma and other women, but it will affect his plan to pick up the girl!

The next day, Sun Wukong got up early, and then, under the stunned voice of Xiao Xi, she ate all of her carefully prepared breakfast rolls! Watching an empty plate full of tables, Xiaoxi’s watching Sun Wukong, said: “That, Goku, do you still need it? If you don’t have enough, the slave can go and prepare…”

“No, I have a date with your lady, you can’t be late! You can pick it up here, I will go to the Mittel auction house!”

Sun Wukong said that the figure disappeared instantly. Xiaoxi’s obvious stay stayed, and at the same time, he even admired Sun Wukong: “Goku is really approachable! I don’t want other adults to be so difficult to serve, and the strength is strong, I think, like him. The hero of the hero, and only the person like the arrogant lady can be worthy!”

Yalong is an industrious and capable woman, and naturally she got up early. At this time, she still wore a thin pajamas and just climbed from the bed.

“Oh!”, Sun Wukong’s figure suddenly appeared beside Yalong, watching the beautiful figure in front of her eyes, Sun Wukong suddenly stopped… Two big eyes, small eyes, a moment, wake up Yara, but not as horrified as the adult woman, but a charming smile, hands invisible to block his chest, and then calmly wear his clothes, watching Sun Wukong, Smiled: “How? Is my figure good?”

“The first class is great, nothing to say!” Sun Wukong raised a thumb at the moment, hey hey smiled and said: “But, I didn’t see it clearly, can I watch it once?”

Yalong’s body was suddenly paused. At the moment, Sun Wukong was white. This guy’s face is too thick, right? It’s only Sun Wukong who dares to talk to her like this!

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