The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 66

Next’s time is the time that Lifa is in a daze.

She watched the free shuttle back and forth in the field of ten mountain clusters, long time no words!

Is this a filming, still playing a play? Oh, acting, is that possible?

When Sun Wukong solved the last Shan Jing and came to Li Fa’s side, she still didn’t come back. She was silent in Sun Wukong’s elegant body, one person and one sword, only one of them danced alone. Everything in the world has become his foil.

The expression of tranquil and calm, free and easy, seems to play the whole world with applause.

This shock to Lifa is too great. She was very confident in her own kendo, but compared to the current Sun Wukong, nothing at all.

“How do you…” Lifa pressed and shocked, full of excited watching Wu Wukong, eyes, and even hot.

Have this skill here, then in reality, have the same.

She trained from a small kendo, naturally from Sun Wukong, saw another unfathomable door opened for her.

“This is a personal secret, but you have to achieve a bet between us!” Sun Wukong watching Lifa, hey hey smiled.

Lifa, who was obsessed with Sun Wukong’s kendo, immediately turned red in a facial expression: “Ah~ that… actually…”

“Gambling is a gamble, you can’t lie on the skin!” Sun Wukong said, holding a Lifa, arrogantly bowed his head…

“My…first kiss…” Lifa was shocked, and the eyes were stunned. The whole people were stunned and paused for three seconds before they pushed Sun Wukong away. The facial expression turned red and the angry anger Drinking out: “Bastard! You…what are you doing at the end! Not saying that this game has a protection system for women? Why didn’t you kill you?”

“Our gambling has been generated, the female protection system will not take effect!” Sun Wukong watching Lifa, hehe smiled: “Also in other words, you still owe me nine times!”

“Nine… Nine times… No… No?!” Lifa suddenly widened her eyes, and the pretty face became more and more blushing. ‘Ah~’ screamed, the body gradually disappeared, even under Line up.

Tonggu Zhiye got up and sat up from the bed, throwing away the game helmet, his face full of blush, full of angry expression: “Damn! Too bad! Too horrible! The first time I played the game, I lost my first kiss~ ~ah~~damn…hey? Who is he coming from? What is the name of the bastard? I don’t even know the names of people, ahhh ah~~ mad! I am mad!”

“Small straight, what happened?” At this time, the door was knocked.

“Ah~ Brother, nothing, it was killed in the game!” Tonggu Zhiye was shocked and immediately made a lie.

Listening to her name to the other party, obvious is Tonggu and people.

“It turned out to be like this! The dead in the game is a common thing…” When it came to this, Tonggu and the people suddenly stopped, and stopped talking, because it reminded him of the things in Sao.

Tonggu Zhiye also guessed this point and immediately transferred the topic: “Brother, when did you come to play “Divine”?”

“I? Let’s talk for two days…”

“It will take two more days! If you don’t come in now, you can lag behind others… This “Divine” is doing really well! Just like in reality, my swordsmanship can be played 100% in the game. It’s too unfathomable! No wonder you have been obsessed with the game…”

“Unfathomable? To say unfathomable, it should be a short period of more than half a month, other virtual games are closed down and more unfathomable!” Kirito whispered to himself.

Sun Wukong waited for a while in the place to see Lifa, seeing that she was not online yet, and pulling the knot to start brushing the nearby mountain spirits…

An hour later, Lifa’s figure emerged again in the place where she was originally offline. Watching not far away, let Xiao Loli blame in front, but she puts cold sword behind Sun Wukong, Lifa’s frown Obviously shaking: “This person…has not gone yet!”

And just after Li Fa just got online, Sun Wukong suddenly turned around and waved her hand to her: “Hey! Lifa! Here, here!”

Seeing the escape can not escape, Li Fa face with a blush, some helplessly walked toward Sun Wukong: “Why have you not gone yet?”

“Wait for you! You still owe me nine…”

“Shut up!” Sun Wukong hasn’t finished talking yet, Lifa is shy and blushing, and the condition is reflex-like.

“Okay! Just kidding you, don’t be so excited!” Sun Wukong said, pointing to an old tree not far away: “Is it? Mountain King, Big BOSS!”

Li Fa looked at it and saw a mountain singer who was bigger than the Ordinary Mountain Sword and wearing a crown. The name displayed was – King of the Mountain, the color of the name is cyan, indicating that this is A grade of blue BOSS.

“But I only 1, how to kill?” Lifa frowned slightly, some embarrassed, because even her 1 level, but also bet with Sun Wukong, stunned 10 only Shan Jing’s experience rose.

“Who told you to run halfway, don’t kiss, what a shame!” Sun Wukong watching Li Fa, laughed a few words, said: “But nothing, I have a knot, killing this BOSS is too simple, However, you must first clean up the nearby mountain spirits. Otherwise, as long as you hear the call of the mountain king, the mountain spirits will be swarmed up, and it will be a little trouble!”

“Clean up the nearby mountain spirits… I know!” Lifa nodded seriously and said “: Then I am with the knot, you alone no problem?”

“Oh! So, let’s get started! Remember, Shan Jing is 10 minutes to brush once, so we have to clean up the nearby mountain spirits within 5 minutes, then kill the Mountain King in the remaining five minutes. !”

“At least there are dozens of mountain spirits here! How can it be cleaned up in five minutes?” Li Fa’s face could not be said: “Or, I will take them away, do you go with the knot to kill the mountain king?” ”

“This is not an active attacking monster. You have to attack every monster to absorb hatred. I don’t mean you, do you have that skill?” Sun Wukong watching Lifa, said.

“Then go! I stayed with the knot to deal with the King of the Mountain.” Lifa did not look good at Sun Wukong.

“Also…” Sun Wukong nodded. The top is a purple top pet. The growth of himself is very high. Although it is not as good as BOSS, it is not much worse. There is also a holy self-defense, with Lifa. Cooperation still can kill this 15 level of the Qingshan King.

Sun Wukong throws a long sword to Lifa: “This is just killing the monster, sending you…”

[Short Sword] Note: This is a short sword made of fine iron. It looks sharp and it seems to be good for cutting wood.

Grade: white

Equipment requirements: 1 level

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