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The seventy-ninth chapter sword out of the dragon tour

“The human beings, you angered me!”

The general of the Tauren suddenly screamed at the angry, and the muscles swelled. The long-handled knife in the hand covered a layer of cyan gleam, and it was slashed down against the card.

The speed of its shot was actually a knife faster than a knife. It was even more slashed, and it completely suppressed Karula. It only forced her to defend with the sword and blocked the attack of the Tauren general. But it was a fall to the back of a huge force!

And the formidable knife is on the arm of the card, the face, cut a scar! The blood volume of Ka Ruola has dropped rapidly!

Berserk seven consecutive!

It is the skill that the Tauren general will use at this moment. It can attack target 7 at high speed continuously. The speed is fast, it is not as good as the opponent’s dodge, because when you sideways dodge, its next hit will probably hit you. On the body, until then, can only be hard to pick it up after a series of berserk combo!

Unless there is Sun Wukong’s resilience, or the speed is completely suppressed, it can only be passively defended against this berserk seven.

After three hard hits, Karula felt that his arm was numb!

The Tauren was originally known for its power, and this Tauren general is even the best of them. At the same time, still as a golden BOSS, the power is naturally not comparable to that of Karuola.

After all, Kara is known for its flexibility and speed.

“Clouds dance!”

Seeing that HP is going to fall to the yellow warning zone, Karula finally remembered the skills attached to the clothes in times of crisis.

【云裳妙舞】施展后,身轻如燕,在体表形成一道能量防护,可抵消20000点伤害,movement 速度+50%,持续10秒;消耗800MP;冷却10分钟。

The skill has just been used, and a transparent light shield emerges from the surface of the card. At the same time, her feet are wrapped around a 0 with a breeze, the movement speed + 50%, lasting 10 seconds.

The two knives of the Tauren General Next are cut on the light shield of the card, and then only listen to the ‘ka-cha’, the light shield is broken! It’s just two knives, it’s a lot of damage from 20,000!

If this is attacked on the body of Kara, it is properly seconds!

Golden BOSS, the attack is such a terror.

When Karula was shocked, the delicate 0 body flashed, because of the increase in the speed of 50%, it was dangerous to avoid the sixth knife of the Tauren general.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid the seventh knife!

However, at this moment, ‘嗤啦’, a purple thunderbolt descended from the sky, and the beating of the beggar was on the body of the Tauren, causing its swift seventh combo to suddenly pause because it was paralyzed. Living.

However, because the berserk seven-link can not be interrupted, this seventh knife has not been interrupted, after a pause, still slashed down to the card!

However, with the moment when the paralysis was paused, it was enough for Kara, and the ground was under the feet, and the figure suddenly fell out, making this seventh knife also lost!

The big knife is on the ground, leaving a deep knife mark crack!

“Feeding, this support is beautiful!” At this moment, even Sun Wukong, is also a thumbs up for the small knot.

The happy little knotted face was flushed, and the whole people were a little drunk, and both eyes were sewed into a seam, which looked very cute.

At this moment, Ka Ruola was too late to thank the knot. At the moment of landing, in the time when the Tauren general was paralyzed for two seconds, it was actually stepping on its long-handled sword and aiming at the Tauren general to launch a fierce attack!

“Frost sword!”

In an instant, the long sword in the hands of Ka Ruola exudes a cold and biting cold, and when he slashes on the body of the Tauren general, it is actually condensed out of the ice!

The speed of the card sword is now at the extreme, a sword, a continuous stream of cold, cold and piercing! Slashing in the whole body of the Tauren general, for a moment, it was frozen into an ice sculpture!

When slashing the last sword, Karula stepped on the body of the Tauren general, borrowing the power to reverse the flip and land on the ground! Beautiful and gorgeous, I saw Sun Wukong applauding. This goods again sees this as a movie.

Just landing on the ground, the action of Ka Ru La did not stop, but the sword smashed, the body Ki flowed, along the blade, actually formed a dragon’s shadow! Unconventional, Ki is fierce!

“This move is … sword out of the dragon tour?” Sun Wukong was a little surprised, this move is quite gorgeous, it seems to work very well.

“Eat my last sword… Sword out of the dragon!”

The card slams out loudly, and the whole body is made up of swords and swords, and it turns into a sword of several tens of lights, while the periphery of the lightsaber, the dragon swims, the scene is truly extraordinary!

Then the lightsaber turned into a stream of light, and sprinted toward the frozen Tauren general!

All the way Longyan, this sword, dazzling and domineering!

‘pfff’, the lightsaber easily puncture through the body of the Tauren general! And the dragon illusion is flying in the whole body of the Tauren general, and the dragon is screaming!

Immediately, the sound of ‘啪’, the general of the Tauren burst into countless spots of broken ice to dissipate!

And Sun Wukong three people, all golden rays flashed, once again rose 1 level. Sun Wukong 21 class, knotted 25 class, card Razor 26 class.

The speed of this upgrade is simply a rocket! The experience of such a golden BOSS is all owned by Sun Wukong. So it is difficult to be unhappy.

“Awesome!” Sun Wukong ‘pa pa pa ~~’ of the clap, Ka Ruola’s performance this time, so that he is very satisfied.

Watching Sun Wukong That is full of appreciation, Karu La heart is satisfied.

Because she was rescued once by Sun Wukong, she was kept in mind and felt awful. Therefore, this time, she did not retain her strength to fully play, so in front of Sun Wukong’s performance, and finally got what they wanted.

Although there are also the help of the knot on the way, but can rely on two people to kill the golden BOSS, this is enough proof of strength.

“Small knots, just thanks to you! If it wasn’t for your blow [Thundercloud Purple], I would be less fierce!” Ka Ruola picked up the knot, very happy in her face. I took a kiss.

“Kara’s sister is also very powerful!” The cheeky face was red and smirked, and she was praised again and again. Obvious made her very happy.

“Oh, this time, three golden pieces were fired, it’s not bad!”

Sun Wukong watching broke out of the equipment, hehe smiled, other equipment first, take out three pieces of golden equipment to check it out…

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