The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 93—Dragon Palace City

Just as Sun Wukong continued to perform 28 times [even spurs], the body of the monk suddenly became a water man.

Sun Wukong instantly stabilized his figure and looked to the left.

I saw the distance of more than ten meters from him, the water wave condensed, and the monk emerged.

Even if his level is high, the damage caused by the 28 combo still breaks his defense, and his blood volume is also displayed, even up to 780,000, red grade NPC, the level has reached amazing 72 level.

“The level is 33, but it has such strength. It is the main culprit that destroyed the ancient remains of Haifeng!” The monk looked at Sun Wukong, his face was serious, and his short-lived confrontation had already made him more than himself. People with lower levels of 39 have an extra vigilance.

“You are the dragon king to shoot and assassinate me?” Sun Wukong watching swearing, faint road.

“Assassination? No, this is all night!” The cold look of the monk: “The killing of the dragon girl is an enemy of the whole seabed world, and this is just the beginning!”

“Well, in fact, I came to save the dragon girl, but I did not expect that the dragon girl would be in this ancient relic city, it is really miscalculated!” Sun Wukong looked helpless. This is indeed his miscalculation, no, it should be unlucky, he really did not expect that the dragon girl would actually be killed in this ancient relic, but also by his rescuer.

When receiving the system prompt, Sun Wukong has a feeling of being pitted, obviously to save people, but the result is to kill the person to be rescued, such a big Oolong, it is really a dull face what.

This is also why, after the failure of the mission, their punishment is down to the 30 level, because Sun Wukong killed the rescue person needed, so this failure penalty is so heavy, and it is also the only hidden task of the most difficult SSS level. .

“Well? You said that the Highness of the Dragon Lady is in this ancient ruins?” The gentleman Ki was cold and immediately felt the thick conspiracy.

This ancient ruins is a part of the rule of the Dragon Palace, and it has been a year since the task of finding the dragon girl has been made. However, there is no one in the ancient ruins, so there is only one explanation. The dragon girl is The whale shark owner of this ancient relic city was kidnapped.

But now know what these are for? The dragon girl died, and the whale shark owner who intended to rebel was also dead. The original and powerful large-scale serial task was destroyed by Sun Wukong, an Energy Ball.

“I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you!” Sun Wukong said, his body suddenly flashed, a sword pierced the chest of the monk, and his blood volume was instantly cleared.

“You…” The monk grew up with unfathomable eyes, and he never thought that he had died so inexplicably.

“It’s really boring… Sure enough, I’m still not very suitable for playing games…” Sun Wukong shook his head helplessly, looking at Asuna, faintly said: “Let’s go, let’s go to the occupation of Dragon Palace City And then, I am training you guys!”

“Goku, what’s wrong? How did you suddenly show this expression?” asked by Lieer to watch Sun Wukong’s expression, which was awkward.

“Nothing, just suddenly found out that I can easily cheat players, play the game, and lose the fun of the ordinary players playing the game!” Sun Wukong sighed helplessly. This freshness has lost interest, which only shows that Sun Wukong’s strength is too forformable, and there is no challenge to the game, naturally it feels boring.

Asuna heard the words, they were all silent, watching Sun Wukong, they can feel the loneliness of the heights.

“Please don’t show such expressions, you still have our company!” Inamori Yumi hugged Sun Wukong with a soft face.

“Yes, no matter what time, we will always be with you!” Lieer also hugged Sun Wukong from behind.

“Ennen~ Dad is always my father!” The cloak was also swept into the arms of Sun Wukong.

“Hey, hello~~What’s the situation? Good, what kind of romance drama is there?” Yuki is very depressed now, especially when she sees that they are holding Sun Wukong by Lie, and some of them are uncomfortable. Come, the current voice reminded.

“I just feel that that’s all, you don’t need to be so nervous?” Feeling a few women firmly hold themselves, Sun Wukong’s heart is warm, but his mouth is a smile.

“But! Nothing, don’t show that expression!” Watching Sun Wukong At the moment, Asuna was stunned, the facial expression was red, and Sun Wukong was white, and he was released.

“Let’s go! Since you like this underwater world, then we will knock down Dragon Palace City as our base!” Sun Wukong said, pick up the sea god beads, open the map, and swim toward the Dragon Palace City…

The sea monsters encountered along the way, Sun Wukong did not have the slightest hand, they were all insta-kill by his sword…

The Dragon Palace is located in the deepest part of the sea floor. It is surrounded by a transparent mask. The corals are everywhere. The various seabed living beings swim, and the building is also gold and jade in glorious splendor. It is said that the Dragon Palace is the richest place, and this is what it looks like.

Sun Wukong and Dragon Palace City are now enemies, so they just appeared, there is a large group of sea monsters killing them in the past…

Because of the gap between the ranks, they could not win by normal means, so Sun Wukong arbitrarily used his own power. From the sword, hundreds of 560-class Krakens died from his sword. under.

All the way to the massacre, no matter how many levels of NPC, are insta-kill by Sun Wukong, the scene, it is as if he really opened a hit insta-kill plug-in, this unfathomable scene, put Yuki two sisters Stunned to the thoroughly.

The so-called Krakens are all possessed by the heads of various kinds of seabed living beings, the body of the people, so they are called the Kraken.

So, don’t think that the dragon girl is listening to seemingly very beautiful living beings. Actually, the so-called dragon girl is just a head with a dragon, the monster of the human body that’s all.

The same is true of Dragon King of Dragon Palace.

Sao watching the virtual picture in front of him, Sun Wukong’s unscrupulous sword put the 100-class purple NPC Haitang Dragon King to the scene of stabbing, it is really speechless, and then it is relieved, anyway, this game is for Sun Wukong. He loves how to toss how to toss it.

After killing the Haitang Dragon King, the explosion of the seal appeared in the Sun Wukong inventory, and the system announcement that shocked the whole “Divine” resounded again…

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