The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The fourth chapter walks with me

It was night, and Sun Wukong thought about it and returned to his own world.

When he first appeared in the hall, Asuna and other women who were chatting with the girls immediately got up and surrounded him. They just looked at the expression and were more restrictive. They did not think that Sun Wukong, who had been with them, turned out to be a TRUE god.

“That, Goku, listen to them, our world is now ruined? Then my brother is in the end how? Is it dead?” Tonggu Zhiye looked at Sun Wukong and asked anxiously. In Sun Wukong’s two-week special training, she naturally joined in, but Sun Wukong would not forget her.

“My dad? You are not saying to save my father?” Asuna was also anxious.

“Don’t worry, although they are really dead now, but they can resurrect soon!” Sun Wukong said, one-handedly, a world source that exudes the power of endless rules appeared in his hands: “As long as someone inherits it, your world can be restored!”

“This is what Snow Girl Sister said [world source beads]? Good magical…” Asuna was deeply attracted to the moment when they saw [world source beads].

Sun Wukong was afraid that their minds would be confused. They immediately collected the [world source beads] and they were awake.

Looking at the side of the sing, the mind is moving, the knot and the card are all coming out. Sun Wukong also gave them the life of TRUE…

This day, for them, they must be a day that cannot be calmed down. What they have seen and heard has already subverted their cognition.

Sun Wukong also spent a period of time in his own world, and taught them to Yasna that they must learn. They also traveled with the girls in this beauty-only world…

Although this world is only a woman, they are deeply scented, but it must be said that this is a very magical world, and every place is deeply attracted to them. It is more interesting than playing games. Their new life will start from here…

When Sun Wukong reappeared in the Starry Forest, it was a new day.

The fire of the 0 hot sun hanging high in the sky is not felt in the ancient woods of the sky.

Strolling through the forest, Sun Wukong has witnessed countless strange soul beasts, thousands of years, and thousands of years…

But whether it is the Millennium Soul, still Wannian Soul, when he saw Sun Wukong, no one dared to attack him.

In order to eliminate the trouble, Sun Wukong released a kind of fearful aura, and it was this Ki that made all the soul beasts dare not attack him.

He is so in this dangerous starry forest, like his own back garden, hanging out and admiring the various kinds of soul beasts…

Unconsciously, it is already dusk.

Sun Wukong has passed through a dense forest, and the front line of sight is suddenly open and presented in front of him. It is a beautiful picture that cannot be described by words.

The clear little lake makes the air more humid. On the surface of the lake, there is a towering tree surrounded by trees, and the sun shines, so that everything in the water is resparkling and translucent under the reflex of the water surface.

A little girl who looks like 5 and 6 is kneeling by the lake, holding her clear lake with her tiny 0 tender hand, cleaning her delicate face.

Not far from the little girl, a tall figure like a mountain is quietly squatting there, the dark colored hair of the whole body is shining with faint sunlight, even though it is landed on all fours, but the height of the shoulder is also Absolutely surpass seven meters. If you stand upright, I am afraid that the height will be 15 meters away.

Looked like this, this is like a monkey and a chimpanzee, except for a pair of lantern-like eyes with a citrine-like luster.

This big guy is so majestic to the point of unfathomable that the body is not only huge, but every place is full of strong muscles that are more terror than granite, and the bulge is like a hill. The whole body is like a combination of strength and beauty.

It is the king of the forest in this starry forest, the Titans!

At the moment when Sun Wukong appeared here, the Titans had already discovered his existence, and immediately stood up from the ground and gave a demonstration of roaring anger! The fierce Ki is also going to Sun Wukong!

The little girl, like a frightened bunny, hurried to the other side of the lake to hide.

Sun Wukong directly ignored the Titan python that released the lofty 礴Ki like a mountain, but looked at the little girl who was hiding. He came here for her.

Although she hasn’t seen it, Sun Wukong recognizes her at a glance. She is the Mai of 100,000’s Soul Beast.

“You call Mai right! Let me go!” Sun Wukong watching Mai, smiled slightly and extended his right hand.

Mai stunned, watching Sun Wukong’s smile, but it felt a sense of intimacy. It is said that the beast is more sensitive than the human sensitive 0, and Mai is in the for a moment, it is felt that Sun Wukong did not bring her a bit of hostility, but has a protected sense of security.

This wonderful feeling made her forget the fear and stood up and walked over to Sun Wukong…

“Hey!” The Titans suddenly made a loud roar and stopped Mai.

“I know!” Mai stretched out the cute Xiaoxiang 0 tongue, turned immediately, and ran to the side to hide.

At the same time, the Titans were filled with cold fists and roared down to Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong only felt that he was covered by a shadow, looked up and saw the huge iron fist of the Titan Giants roaring down!

At the same time, he also felt that everything around him became dignified and his body was blessed with a terrible gravity.

“This is the power of the Domain? It’s not how!” Sun Wukong smiled and watched the big punch that fell down, just sticking a finger and tapping on the Titan’s horrible fist. Then, I listened to a loud bang of ‘嘭’, and the terrible strength swayed from the fingers and the fists, and it was surrounded by ancient wood hunting, and Wan Ye was scattered!

Titan’s giant eyes widened, and Huang Jing’s eyes showed a shocking color. In its view, this small human being, with just one finger, caught a fist of its fury! And the silk does not move! In the competition of power, it actually lost to a human? And still is defeated!

Mai, who was hiding from the side, was even more shocked and wide-eyed. She still saw for the first time that someone could hardly compete with the Titans in strength, and the other party used only one finger, which was extremely contemptuous. The difference in strength is like a world apart!

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