The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 17 Swift

When Ning Rongrong successfully absorbed the soul ring of 20,000 for three thousand years, her soul power also soared and directly rose to the 20th level.

Full of excitement, Ning Rongrong is a height of four or five meters, which makes her full of joy: “It’s so powerful! Even if there is no warfare, I feel like I will become very powerful!”

“This is natural, so you will use the extra soul power to forge.” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Well, teacher, I almost used the soul power on the soul ring for forging!” Ning Rongrong was full of happy nod.

“Rong Rong, what is the effect of your first soul skill?” Mai asked curiously.

“The increase in strength is 50%. The duration is determined by the soul of the soul. Until the soul power disappears, the effect of the increase will disappear.” Ning Rongrong finished, even he was shocked. Eyes: “It’s amazing! The first soul ring technology can increase the power of 50%? Even my father, only one soul ring, can only increase by 10%!”

“Is the seven layers and the twenty layers comparable?” Sun Wukong said faintly: “Your glass tower is no longer comparable to other Qibao glass towers. This is just beginning that’s all !”

“Know the teacher, let’s get the second soul ring! According to my current increase effect, when I have the second soul ring, my increase effect should be 100%!” Ning Rongrong said, already full Excited: “God! I can’t believe it. Listening to Dad, only after having nine soul rings, the growth effect of Qibao Glass Tower can reach 100%. I can even reach it in the second soul ring. Teacher Thank you so much!”

Ning Rongrong said, full of excitement, grabbed Sun Wukong’s neck and took a sip on his face.

Sun Wukong smiled and said: “The power increase has been made, then Next is the speed increase. If the speed is high, the still flying soul beast Swift works best!”

“Yuyan? Teacher, that is a very rare kind of soul beast. Even if I am, I have only seen it twice. It is too difficult to find, or do you want to change one?” Mai heard, recommended.

“No, as long as there is this on the world, I can find it!” Sun Wukong said, letting down Ning Rongrong, pulling up the hands of two little Loli, and heading northwest of Linzhong…

“Teacher, did you really find out the existence of Swift?” Mai asked curiously. For this magical soul beast, she is actually very curious.

The Swifttail is known as the fastest bird on the world.

As the Swift of the Soul, the flying speed is even more amazing. They give up the means of attack defense and use all the evolutionary directions for speed.

Therefore, no one has ever seized them in this world, because they are flying too fast, and they are disappearing when they are blinking. The people who have seen them are too late to react, and the Swift has disappeared. .

Therefore, it is more difficult to get the Swift’s Soul Ring than to get the 100,000 Soul Ring.

“Follow it, you can see it right away!” Sun Wukong smiled and took the hands of two little Loli, so he strolled through the woods. Even if the front is tight, they still can’t stop their way. Because the thorns are as conscious as they are, when Sun Wukong passes by, the branches shrink the movement, letting them open a path, let them pass through…

This unfathomable scene, I saw two small loli are big and lovely eyes, at the same time, more and more admired for their Mystic/mysterious teacher.

After walking for about an hour in the forest, the eyes of the three people suddenly opened up. A beautiful stream flowed out of the present, surrounded by old trees. The birds and flowers were fragrant, the springs were flowing, and several small animals of different colors could be seen. Head and drink water by the stream.

Especially a sleek, small 1 bird with three fingers wide, whispering, the sound is crisp and sweet, small eyes, full of agility.

Although it is not comparable to the center of the residence where Mai lives, it is also a rare hidden place.

“Swift!” Mai saw the small 1 bird resting on the branch of the river and immediately exclaimed.

And when I heard the exclamation of Mai, the Swift on the branch suddenly disappeared and disappeared…

The next moment, the sound of the ‘touch’ sounded, the height of the sky beyond 20 meters revealed the shape of the Swift. It turned out to be hitting an invisible energy barrier, circling in the air, falling to the ground, then climbing up, one foot standing on the ground, and playing two circles in the same place, ‘啪嗒’, slam Fall to the ground! Looking at the posture, it was apparent that it was stunned.

“Well… so cute!” Ning Rongrong immediately glanced at the eyes and ran over to Yuyan.

Just as Ning Rongrong stretched 1’s hand to grab it, Swift’s closed eyes suddenly opened, and even the flapping wings were not heard, and it was gone.

However, the next moment, it was a ‘touch’ sound, and the Swift once again hit the invisible energy enchantment, opened its wings, circled it, and fell to the ground again…

“I feel that this Swift is so stupid…” Watching Swift once again stunned himself, Mai’s face was speechless.

“Not stupid, just because I was scared, and the speed was too fast, I couldn’t stop my body, and I couldn’t see the enchantment under my cloth, so this happened!” Sun Wukong explained faintly, then toward that Swift looks.

The soul Swift in this world is similar to the Swift in his original world, but the feathers are more dazzling and colorful, and they also emit silky streamer, which looks very beautiful.

“Teacher, or else, let’s change a kind of soul beast. This Swift looks so beautiful, we still don’t want to kill it!” Ning Rongrong watched the Swift lying on the ground, and there was an unbearable look on the little face. After all, a child is a child, even if it is more mature than his peers, but still only a child, seeing the favorite thing, the idea becomes naive.

“No, its soul ring is the best for you, you have to get its soul ring!” Sun Wukong shook his head and looked firm.

Ning Rongrong immediately poked a small 1 mouth, and looked like I was not happy.

“Come on, at most, after you have acquired its soul ring, I resurrect it. You are!” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“Hey? Teacher, can you really resurrect it?” Ning Rongrong immediately opened his eyes with surprise. Even Mai is a face of surprise, resurrect, the impact of the person is very large, no matter who, will be surprised to hear this.

Sun Wukong is too lazy to explain, with a finger, a soul beast that looks like a squirrel in the distant flower is shot by the beam that was shot at that moment…

With a wave of light, the light shattered, and the dead squirrel recovered instantly, screaming and running.

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