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Chapter 34 is exhausted

The ranks of these wolves are about 30 to 40. However, facing the 37th level of Mai and Rongrong, they are not an enemy at all!

Twenty days later, the souls of the two women have been upgraded to the 37th level. This is not fast, and the slowness is not slow, because the strength of their training is basically used in the forging body. This is also why these wolves have some levels higher than them but are still insta-kill!

Because their physical skills have been surpassed by ordinary people, adding three 100,000 years of soul ring, and the Wuhun, which was evolved by Sun Wukong, is so powerful that it can no longer be described as enchanting.

The strength of multiply growth, facing these wolves, it is not as simple as cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables!

The leader of the wolf thief was originally shocked by the three 100,000 soul rings of Mai and Rong Rong. However, when the subordinates were slaughtered by one side, they were angry and roared, and the remaining wolves were all It鈥檚 scattered around, and some of them are aimed at the remaining villagers…

The two girls, who are obviously only children, but who are extremely terror, handed over to their leader to deal with them.

“In front of me, I still want to kill?” Sun Wukong facial expression is cold, and he doesn’t need to shoot him. The glare in the buds flashes in the side, just a sn sound, the atmosphere vibrates, the wolves who transfer the target to other villagers. Pirates, all of them are dying!

The leader of the wolf thief was shocked and shocked. At the moment of the bud, he felt the death!

Looking at the eyes of Lei, full of fear! So, very decisively abandoned his companions, turned and fled!

“I want to escape? I can’t think about it!” Mai screamed, and the 1 body flashed, turning into an afterimage, shooting at the head of the wolf thief, and the ancient sword flicked in the hand, and the cold manglet flickered…

The leader of the wolf thief has widened his eyes, and his hand clings to the bloody neck with incredulous hands. What do you want to say? The delicious food has been filled with blood, and it is full of blood, and you can鈥檛 speak, with death. Fear, fall to the ground!

A seventy-three-level soul sac, even in this way, was insta-killed by Mai, so that even Mai himself felt very unfathomable!

In fact, this is normal, so many days of training, so that her meat 1 body has also been strengthened to a new height, the strength of the martial arts attached body has increased by three times, the speed is fast, he is a lost fighting spirit, think The funeral dog to escape can be compared.

Moreover, there is no soul teacher with a martial arts possession, and there is no soul teacher who exerts the power of the soul ring. It is just as weak as ‘garbage’. Although the power of the soul teacher is magical, there are many disadvantages.

The leader was instantly second, so that those who were originally excited, murderous aura overflowed with the look of fear, screaming and fleeing!

But unfortunately, Lei once again snorted, the air here suddenly became extremely heavy, and each and every one of the thieves was overwhelmed by the gravity of the sudden overwhelming, not to mention escape, linkage It’s hard to do it!

“It’s a terrible grave! It’s hard to breathe…” Mai looked shocked and looked at Lei’s eyes. It was also full of surprises. This ‘Domain’ seems to be the combination of Erming’s gravity domain and Daming’s dull Domain. The power, even her stand up is very hard!

“It’s amazing! The body feels like it’s blown up! Lei, how can your attack even affect us!” Ning Rongrong looked at the bud, dissatisfied and sighed.

Lei heard the words, gently sucked a small breath, in an instant, the air was sucked into her nostrils like a tornado, and the heavy air instantly became extremely thin!

And the incomparable pressure was also light, and Mai and Rong Rong gave a sigh of relief and ran to the side of Sun Wukong, and spit up ‘w膩 w膩 ‘…

“It seems that the two of them have already returned, and they can no longer fight, bud, clean up the mess!” Sun Wukong patted the back of Mai and Rongrong, a touch of faint.

Lei heard the words, respectfully nodded, and snorted together, the remaining wolves were all blasting…

Killing, for Lei, is as simple as that.

Five hundred and one 12 only wolf thieves, in half an hour, all counted out!

Mai and Rong Rong, although ‘w膩 w膩 ‘ spit a more then, financial expression white scary, but for the performance of the two women, he is still very satisfied, not see the blood of the practitioner, always just the flowers in the greenhouse, the experience of blood and tears , can only success TRUE’s strong person!

Although this is a bit premature for both of them, as a disciple of Sun Wukong, it must be impossible! This is also a very good start for their growth!

The other villagers who were rescued came to Sun Wukong and stumbled down to show their help!

Sun Wukong is a heart-felt move, with Mai, they disappear directly here, because he troublesome such a trouble thing, people have been saved, the rest can only rely on themselves.

Watching two little loli in their arms, Sun Wukong is very helpless, the aftermath of murder is also appearing, Mai is okay, as the 100,000 year soul beast, said not so much pressure; but Rong Rong No, she is a big lady who lives in the greenhouse. She suddenly kills. For her, the pressure is really great. It is only in the arms of Sun Wukong that she feels a sense of security. The fear after murder can be temporarily forgotten by her.

This also led to even sleeping in the future, two small loli also stick to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong also did not help them to calm their fears. Only through their own trying hard, overcome this fear and get the growth of TRUE.

In this process, the two women spent nearly a week of play time, and gradually adapted to them, now they can be regarded as TRUE’s stepping on the training stage.

All the way to play, spent more than two months time, Sun Wukong They finally came to the territory of the Star Luo Empire.

In a border city, I temporarily rested.

In the guest room, Ning Rongrong and Mai Fu 1, who had been playing for a day, touched the swollen belly and looked happy. Since I followed the teacher, not only can you go around, but you can also eat delicious ingredients, and life is just too happy.

“Teacher, we have all gone to the Xingluo Empire. What are you doing? Don’t tell me really come to play?” Mai watching Sun Wukong, asked curiously.

“Play is only the second time. The main purpose of coming here is to pick up your three sisters!” Sun Wukong said faintly. This person has not seen it yet, and he has already been identified as his own apprentice.

“Three sisters? A thousand miles to run such a long way, is to accept the apprentice? Teacher, who is so big, I want you to run in person?” Ning Rongrong was surprised to ask.

“Listen to you saying this, I feel that I am a bit of a price drop… Forget it, don’t care about this detail, take a good rest today, tomorrow we will go to Zhujiayi…”

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