The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 38—Strong Marriage

“Three teachers, quickly called the sister!” Zhu Zhuqing was in the for a moment of the teacher’s ceremony, Ning Rongrong was excited to jump in front of her, very happy, and finally did not have to be a younger sister.

“Sister is good!” Zhu Zhu Qing Li Ma’s called the voice sister.

“And me, I am a master sister!” Mai also jumped out.

“Master sister is good!”

“Well! You little sister is very embarrassed, follow me later, I cover you, who dares to bully you, tell me, I don’t know her grandmother!” Mai looked at the big sister’s big voice, I took a picture of Zhu Zhuqing’s small shoulders.

“Yes…” Zhu Zhuqing had some helpless watching in front of the two sisters, but the joy and care in their eyes was warm in her heart, which is what she longed for. Born in such a ruthless country and family, love and care for one’s family is a kind of extravagant hope. When they are born, their brothers and sisters are their opponents, and their family has nothing to understand.

“Okay, you two little guys don’t want to swear, there is something to say later…” Sun Wukong said, handing a ring to Zhu Zhuqing: “Don’t wear it, meditation to take this ‘star’ Into this ring, in the future, this ‘star’ is yours.”

“Hurry up, this ring is good thing!” Ning Rongrong immediately took the ring from Sun Wukong’s hand and put it on Zhu Zhuqing’s finger: “This is a space Ring, it is a kind of The soul guide of the storage, the space is very big! According to the teacher, put your ‘stars’ up!”

Zhu Zhuqing seems to understand the non-understood, only to see the space on her finger Ring suddenly burst out a strange wave, the huge meteorite in the sky flashed at the same time, disappeared.

In Zhu Zhuqing’s consciousness, she also clearly saw that the huge meteorite was really put into the space Ring on her finger, and immediately opened her mouth with amazement: “I really put it in, it’s amazing!”

“hum hum ~ amazing! Look, I have it too!” Ning Rongrong said, but also brighten the space on his finger Ring.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly seemed to think of something. He looked forward to Sun Wukong with great expectation: “Teacher, I want to ask you one thing, can you?”


“I have been booked a parent since I was a child, but I don’t like it. Can you help me cancel this marriage contract?” Zhu Zhuqing was full of expectations. If she can’t resist, she will choose to accept it, but since she has such a powerful teacher, she naturally hopes that her destiny is in her own hands. If there is a choice, who is willing to let their own lifelong happiness let others decide?

“Of course can!” Sun Wukong looked at the Zhujia old man behind him: “Hear it, Zhu Qing’s marriage contract immediately canceled me!”

“Yes…Yes! I don’t think I will oppose it…” The Zhu family veteran immediately nodded and did not dare to have any objection. Sun Wukong’s means has deeply shocked him, to resist such a peerless strong person, let alone his Zhu family, is the whole star empire, I am afraid it will also be destroyed between the day! He believes that God has such an Ability.

Seeing the old man nod, Zhu Zhuqing’s nervous mood immediately relaxed, and his face also opened a happy smile. At this moment, she felt that she could meet this teacher, so good!

Sun Wukong thought of a move, and immediately appeared a gorgeous piece of cloth in his hand: “Is this the marriage contract of Zhu Qing? I have been a doll since I was a child. You guys and nobles really like this one!”

“This…this…” Zhu’s old man watched Sun Wukong’s sudden appearance of the brocade, and the shocking color in his eyes flashed away. He clearly knew that the marriage contract was kept in a secret room, but that’s it. Suddenly in the hands of Sun Wukong, he was not shocked: “Is this the power of God? It is really unfathomable!”

“Let’s go, old man, accompany me to the palace, this marriage will let your emperor personally tear it off before counting!”

“Yes…” The Zhujia old man immediately responded and shouted at the door: “Come, come on the car!” But the voice just fell, and the picture that flashed in front of him suddenly appeared in the palace hall. At the doorway, the Emperor Xingluo at the entrance of the watched temple, the old man of Zhu’s family widened their eyes: “Hey… Your majesty?”

“You are the emperor of the Xingluo Empire?” Sun Wukong watching the unruly man in front of him, handed him the brocade in his hand: “This is the marriage contract between Zhu Zhuqing and your prince, tear it away. In the future, she has nothing to do with your royal family!”

“Who are you? Dare to talk to the emperor!” A man dressed up by a general called Sun Wukong and angered.

“Roll!” Sun Wukong just said this word lightly, the general who has a strength of more than 80 levels flew hundreds of meters away…

“Adult, can’t!” The Zhujia old man reacted from the shock just now. It was such a blink of an eye that he had come from the Zhu family to the Imperial Palace. The word ‘instant movement’ appeared in his mind and he had a new understanding of Sun Wukong’s strength.

“Hello, do you do this too, don’t put our Star Empire in your eyes?” The Emperor of the Stars looked at Sun Wukong. The majesty of the superiors was full of aura, and there was anger in his eyes.

“In my eyes, you are an empire, it is rubbish!” Sun Wukong greeted the quiet and calm.

“You…” The royal expression of the Emperor of the Stars is a moment of iron blue, full of boundless angel: “Would you really call me the Star Empire?” He said, he flew to the fall back, and at the same time, shouted: ” Come and win them!”

As soon as the order came out, countless troops gathered from all directions, surrounded by the palace, and bowed and bowed, waiting for it!

There are more than a dozen soul saints and soul emperors flashing out from all corners of the palace. The soul ring shines, and it can be said that it is the eyes of everyone.

There are three more titles in the bucket, and the nine soul rings that shine, are full of shock.

From the moment the whole emperor was shaken, the emperor of the Xingluo Empire had already felt that things were unusual and prepared, and now it really came in handy.

Just, can it really come in handy?

“It’s ridiculous, the power of the ants, dare to glory in front of God?” Sun Wukong screamed, the invisible aura instantly spread out, and your soul sacred soul, still titled Douro, without exception, all powerless Fainted to the ground!

For a moment, the crowd of people in the ground fell, the picture, the emperor of the Starry Empire was shocked, and the fear fell back!

The sudden change of things is too fast. I haven’t waited for his arrogant command, and the empire’s strength and strong people have all fallen inexplicably…

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