The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Forty-fourth chapter

Only the Ki of these two people is an abnormal terror, and the body is extraordinarily huge. It is not comparable to a mortal. One of them is wrapped in a dark red magic pattern. The terrible Ki makes the whole piece forest seem to be shaking.

The other one, the body is also huge, but the secret pattern of the package is dark golden. His appearance is that even the air is very heavy, and the earth is shaking with him.

It’s not a mortal to see these two people, but God, the god in this world plane! And still descends from the realm of the gods, the status of the two majestic two gods law enforcers!

Only these two gods law enforcement officers have just arrived, but the pictures they saw made them stunned, because they saw that their target, at this time, was actually being trampled by a white horse!

The hoof of the hoof went down, and even the two of them looked at them, and they felt a bit of pain. Which one of the enchanting white horses? Even in the abuse of the head carving, it is close to the king of the king level!

“Sura, I… I am not mistaken? A white horse in the human world is swearing at the head…” The man wrapped in the dark gold secret is full of shock.

“It seems that this white horse is not simple…” Shura’s face was dignified in the watching buds, and the eyes flashed with amazement: “What a strange thing, when did the world have a god-class beast? We turned out to be Don’t know?”

“This world don’t tell me what happened? The gods will lose control of the human world? Do not even know the appearance of a god-like beast?” Another brow was slightly wrinkled.

“Oh, yes! The gods actually lowered the two gods to catch this strange animal. What do you say about this bad thing? Don’t tell me is a strong 1 wife who is a traitor ? Actually, two gods law enforcement officers will be sent to arrest them personally!”

“Well?!” The sudden sound behind him caused the two gods to be shocked at the same time. Of course, they were not scared by Sun Wukong’s sudden speech, but because their identity was suddenly guessed and scared. Arrived.

When did anyone know the gods enforcers? At a glance, they broke their true identity, and the content of the words shocked them even, and even angry, what is the strong 1 wife or the little girl who is the leader of the gods? There is no respect for God in this word. It is simply an insult. People in the human world dare to insult the supreme God. Provoking the majesty of God, can they not be angry, can they not be scared?

The two turned their heads at the same time, and they looked at Sun Wukong with an angry.

How terrible is God’s angel, people who don’t face it personally won’t understand it, that is, Aura can also shock people who are shaking 1, and the atmosphere does not dare to come out.

However, Sun Wukong was unaware of it. He took the two gods to the ground with a slap in the air. He said, “Hey, ask what you are saying! Is it right?”


At the same time, the two gods enforcers are full of shocks! This… What is the situation? We were actually shot down to the ground by the ordinary person in front of us? And even a little reaction did not notice, this, how is this possible! We are gods! It’s a big deal.

After the shock, the two gods were very angry, they were gods, and they were shot down by others. The whole body was surging and suddenly stood up. The earth was shaken by the two gods.

“TMD, ask you what! What to force!” It’s a pity that the two gods who just wanted to worry about the brain suddenly felt a pain in their brains. They were once again turned to the ground by Sun Wukong, and they came to a dog!

At the same time, the two gods of law enforcement were shocked. They were full of shocks. If they were unexpected, then if they still thought that they were serious, they would be really stupid.

The two gods law enforcement murderers looked up and looked at Sun Wukong with a stunned look: “You…who are you? In the realm of the gods, we seem to have never seen you?”

“Small… Mai sister… two gods… God is down… I was shot by the teacher…” Ning Rongrong stunned and pulled Mai’s sleeves and muttered.

“I… I saw it…” Mai was also a bit stunned. She used to listen to the teacher. Even if it was a hundred-level god, it was also a shot, and she thought her teacher was bragging. However, I did not expect that it was really a slap in the face of the gods of the two gods!

“God! What kind of existence do we worship as a teacher?!” Zhu Zhuqing looked shocked and dazed, but the bottom of his heart was full of excitement and pride 1 pride. Because in front of him, the one who shot the two gods, but their teacher.

“I am not the god of the gods…” Sun Wukong waved his hand and said: “You haven’t answered my question yet, what bad things have you done, and you have been chased by your gods?”

“Not the god of the gods?” The two gods of law enforcement are squatting, and at the same time, no wonder that can stay in the human world…

“Oh? Not right! How can you stay in the human world with your strength?” asked Shura.

“I asked you, still, ask me?” Shura God just stood up and was shot by Sun Wukong. If Shura is not mad, it is fake, but he also found out that Sun Wukong is stronger than their strength, so strong that they have no room for to resist!

For the first time, Shura God felt what it was like to be sad. As a god, he was abused. That taste is really uncomfortable.

When did the world come to a god who was free to walk around the world? I feel horrified when I think about it!

Although mad, Shura does not dare to worry, because he is very clear, a god who ignores the rules, can freely play in the world, what is the existence of terror! At the same time, it is also full of envy, the gods are boring, if can, he would rather stay in the human world.

“The cause of the incident is this. This eagle eagle has been wanted by the gods for tens of thousands of years. The gods of the gods know that once they enter the realm of the gods, they cannot come to the human world, but there are always exceptions in the world. An artifact is a temporary barrier that breaks open the boundaries between the realm and the human world. It is impossible to explain the specific reasons. The eagle is stealing this artifact and stealing the lower realm, but it is only temporary, but I am I can’t understand why this guy has been hiding in the human world for so many years, but we have no information!”

“Because the eagle eagle spit out his god, and the strength fell to the ninety-nine level, deliberately hiding, you can’t find it…” Sun Wukong took out the god in his hand, a faint road.

“It turns out!” Shura’s face suddenly realized, and he said: “This strange beast has such a strange talent…”

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