The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 47—Own and Self

“Mom! I am Mai! Mai!…” The woman in front of Mai watching, looks very excited.

On the side of the soft bone rabbit Mai immediately issued a dissatisfied scream, eyes full of hostility. This abominable man turned his mother to call her mother and said that she is called Mai. Is this impersonating himself?

When the woman listened to Mai, obvious was squatting, and then a gentle face said: “That, did you admit the wrong person?”

“No, you are my mother!” Mai said with excitement: “And, I am it…” said, pointing to the soft bone rabbit: “In a nutshell, I am it.” After the look…”

“Ah? You are the look of my family’s Mai? In the end What are you talking about? I didn’t understand!” The woman watched Mai, a look of confusion.

“Āiyā! I don’t know how to explain it! In short, I am Mai…you are my mother…” Then he pointed to the soft bone rabbit next to him: “I am it, it is me… ”

“How can my Mai be you?” The woman watching Mai, softly laughed.

“I… I… I… Āiyā! I am confused! Teacher, I can’t do it, still you can explain it!” Mai was anxiously flushed and looked at Sun Wukong for help.

“Okay! It’s actually very simple. We came from twenty years…” Sun Wukong said faintly.

“Yes! That’s it!” Mai immediately replied: “About 13 years or so, my mother will be hunted by the people of Wuhun Temple, and the soft bone rabbit Mai will choose to revenge. After the transformation, it is now me… Then after six years, I met the teacher… Then I came across a beast carving from the gods to the human world. Listening to the teacher, it is a close The king of the gods, but the eagle eagle was defeated by the buds, and did not want to be captured by the gods law enforcement, so I chose Aura spirit, fusion artifact, self-destruction Shen Dan, the result teared the space crack, wait for us When I came out, I found out that it was twenty years ago…”

“It sounds like some unfathomable…but I probably understand what you mean…” Mai’s mother smiled a little and licked Mai’s head, his face full of gentleness: “It’s really hard, Mai!”

“You…do you believe me?” Mai stared at the woman in front of her eyes, full of surprises.

“Because I was a little unbelievable, but now, I believe in my own feelings, and I believe that Ki on you, although it has changed a lot, but I know, you are my Mai!” The woman said, a gentle face Mai broke into his arms.

“Mom, can see you, it’s really good!” Mai burst into tears with excitement, tightly clasped her mother, smelling the familiar taste, so that her body and mind are full of comfortable warmth.

The water pool on the side suddenly rolled over the lake, and the greenish head of Greenish-Black Ox swelled out of the water. Watching the Mai in the woman’s arms, the tone was a bit surprised: “this Ki interest is really similar to Mai’s sister… Crossing Space and Time? This kind of thing has never been heard…”

And the soft-bone rabbit watching Mai, but the eyes are showing the color of curiosity, this human being is her own? It feels so small! Stretching 1 out of the forelimbs, curiously touching Mai over the past…

“Don’t…” Sun Wukong immediately stopped, but unfortunately, the soft-bone rabbit Mai had touched Mai. When the space was distorted, Mai’s mother was directly shocked by a terrible power of space and time. When a mouthful of blood spurts out, the facial expression becomes pale, and a terrible bloody mouth emerges from the chest…

Mai and the body of the soft-bone rabbit Mai are gradually twisted together in a distorted space. It seems that they are to be combined into one, and it seems to be torn apart!

This strange and terrible scene made them both shocked, and they screamed and rushed toward the twisted space vortex…

“You can’t find death!” Sun Wukong saw it, and with a wave of his hand, he flew out Daming and Erming. Watching Space and Time twisted the rabbit and Mai, but he shook his head. “You really like it.” Give me trouble!”

As said, the figure flashed and appeared in the distorted Space and Time. The domineering Space and Time rule worked, forcibly repairing the distorted Space and Time, and forcing Mai and the soft-bone rabbit apart, Sun Wukong hugged Mai fall back a few steps, kept a certain distance with the rabbit, then looked up at the sky and found that did not wake up the Lord of this world, which was relieved.

Daming and Erming were suddenly opened by Sun Wukong, and both Mai’s mother and the soft-bone rabbit Mai were injured. They suddenly became angry and suddenly climbed from the ground and looked at Sun Wukong. They screamed and their eyes were full of cold hostility: Humans, give me an explanation right away, or you will be prepared to bear our anger!” Obviously, they regard this as a conspiracy.


Suddenly, a breath full of angry sounds, bud’s eyes are already angry Aura, the original human and harmless Ki suddenly became extremely berserk up, the terrible killing almost caused the world to change, the dark clouds are rolling, it is already Dimly…

What is the identity of Sun Wukong, the two soul beasts in the district, dare to be so rude, as the bud of the mount, obvious felt that the majesty of his master was provoked and angered on the spot!

I saw a flash of white light, two loud bangs, the Titans and the Greenish-Black Ox 蟒 The huge body 1 body instantly turned into two black shadows flying along the ground, shaking the earth, Rumble! In the dense ancient wood jungle, two deep channel roads were pulled out and stretched hundreds of meters straight! That scene is shocking and shocking!

“Da Ming! Erming!”

Mai’s mother and Mai exclaimed at the same time, and Mai broke away from Sun Wukong’s arms and pointed to bud’s face and mad’s big shout: “Lie, what are you doing! They are Da Ming and Er Ming!”

“The master’s majesty, do not allow two soul beasts to provoke!” Lei first spoke in front of Mai, their voice is a very beautiful female voice, full of a noble and majestic, but the same It is also full of cold, people listen, and it is a bit timid: “Even if it is your companion! The honor of the master’s identity, not you can imagine!”

“I…” Mai heard the voice of the bud, and suddenly he was weak and did not dare to speak again. Obvious was shocked by the majestic aura of lei.

Even Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are also a look of fear, and dare not open their mouths.

“Oh, lei, I don’t have that big shelf!” Sun Wukong waved his hand at the bud, a touch of faintness.

“Even if you don’t care, as your humble mount, you are obliged to maintain your majesty!” Lei is very serious and has an unshakable determination.

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