The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 61—The Beginning of Chaos

Sun Wukong watching The King of Fall is to understand everything.

In the fallen capital, there are two gods’ inheritance, that is, the inheritance of the gods of Raksha and Shura, but the two gods are natural-born, but the place where they can leave is the fallen capital.

When Tang Chen came to the fallen capital and gained the inheritance of the Raksha God, there would naturally be a conflict with the fallen king. But in the end, Tang Chen was a metamorphosis of the ninety-nine-level 1 peak, and the fallen king naturally. Not his opponent, the final result can only be killed by Tang Chen, Tang Chen inherited his position in the fallen capital, became the king of killing 1!

Because the fallen king was dead, the inheritance of Rakshasa was naturally vacant, and later Bibidong came to kill the capital of 1, thus gaining the inheritance of Rakshasa…

The process is very complicated, but it is not a problem we care about. And after Sun Wukong, all this will end.

After the release of the nine soul rings, the fallen king showed the strength of the ninety-seventh title.

At the age of ninety-seven, nowadays, there is a very strong existence.

The eighth soul ring illuminates, and the attack of the fallen king’s attack is on the enchantment. The enchantment is still lingering, which makes the depraved king’s heart incomparably stunned.

You know, he is the title of the 97th level! At the same time, I also got the inheritance of the Raksha God. Now, I have even displayed the eighth soul skill, and I can’t break the defensive spirit that others have laid out! How can he not be surprised?

“Damn! don’t tell me. The person who arranged this defensive soul skill is the ninety-nine-level 巅1 peak number Doroo?” The fallen king’s heart is extremely dignified, he has been from the eighth soul skill I learned that even if the ninth soul technique is used, it is impossible to break through this defensive spirit. Therefore, he is not wasting his energy. Instead, he looks at the inner room and sinks: “Who is your lord, don’t tell me Are the turtles here? Why come out for a while!”

“No interest! After a week, I will let the fallen capital disappear from this world. Before that, you still have to prepare for it!” Sun Wukong faintly said, after saying this, no matter what the fallen king said. He is not taking care of it, drinking wine leisurely.

“Destroy the fallen capital? It’s a great tone! Very good! I accept your challenge! I have to look at it, what are you doing, dare to boast such a sea!” The fallen king smirked, Coldly snorted, morphed into a light smoke, disappeared.

And the group of law enforcement officers saw that the fallen kings were gone, and they also turned and left the place…

At the same time, the whole fallen capital has become no longer calm…

“Have you heard that? Some people dare to challenge the fallen king!”

“Who doesn’t know about this thing! It has been rumored for a long time!”

“I don’t know how to live and die! Who is the fallen king? That is the master of the fallen capital! Even the Wuhun Temple does not dare to invade here easily. Which one is not open-minded, even dare to challenge the fallen king, this pure Looking for death!”

“This can be said to be inaccurate. I heard that the fallen king and the man met for the first time, and they ate it. People set up a defensive soul technique, but the fallen king could not destroy it. Therefore, set the time for the challenge. After a week…”

“The man can actually use the soul skills? Is this impossible? Even if the title is to come here, it is impossible to use the martial arts and soul skills. Where is the person divine, even can ignore the rules of the fallen capital ?”

“What’s the matter, isn’t the king of the fallen can use the martial arts and soul skills? There must be some secrets we don’t know…”

“You said that the Mystic/mysterious person is better than the fallen king. Who is strong?”

“Should it be the fallen king? After all, this is his home!”

“Who is who he is, anyway, I support the fallen king, what kind of shit Mystic/mysterious people, but Yang Yan wants to destroy this fallen capital, this is simply to cut off my life! Kill Mystic/mysterious people! The fallen king will win!”

“Yes! Kill Mystic/mysterious people! The fallen king will win!”

So, Sun Wukong in this fallen capital, turned into a person who is troublesome for everyone! They have even added oil to the fallen king.

There are countless people who have organized and found Sun Wukong where they live. They want to kill Sun Wukong first.

After all, Sun Wukong said that it is necessary to destroy the fallen capital, and this fallen capital is the home of these people. If the fallen capital is destroyed, they will have no shelter, and the final result will inevitably be wanted or empire. Kill, this is not what they are willing to see.

Watching the crowd coming out, Sun Bikong watching Bibidong and Xiaoyin in front of him, faintly said: “You two have been training for three days, it is time to look at the results…” said, pointing to the crowd outside A faint saying: “Go, kill all this group of people!”

Both women are brows, nodded, they have known that there is such a day, although some discomfort, but still have to do according to Sun Wukong.

Bibidong is trying to get stronger; while Xiaoyin doesn’t want to go against Sun Wukong. For her who has become a TRUE human, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t get stronger, but for Sun Wukong who makes herself a TRUE human, he If you are, Xiaoyin will definitely listen.

The two women looked at each other with a very strong skill, flashed into the courtyard, and then walked out of the hospital step by step…

Outside the courtyard, it is also outside the enchantment!

“The two girls who don’t know how to live and dare dare to come out and kill! Kill them!”

“Grass! It’s a pity to kill such a beautiful girl! At least I have to catch up and play 1 addiction and kill! Haha~~”

“Haha~~how? Two beautiful women, as long as the two of you are from us, we will not bother you! We are here, just to kill the junk that utters madness! Even dare to say ruin It’s really a big tone! Huo Huo~~”

“Mom, these two women are really the best! Look at that face, look at the Hungarian Ministry of the month, and the fart 1 shares, grass, really can’t stand it! Who TM does not grab with Laozi, these two The woman is Lao Tzu! Who is the one who grabs the old man!”

“I TM cut you first!”

‘pfff’, a big head suddenly suddenly straight!

The scarlet blood splashed on the group of people, and Shi Ling was full of temper!

“Grass! YouTM dare to kill my brother! Kill him!”

The roaring of each other’s ups and downs, this has not started, this group of people began to kill each other!

At the same time as the blood splashes, accompanied by a scream of screams…

This sudden change made it look like Bidong and Xiaoyin.

“Unorganized, undisciplined, a group of rubbish on the knife, it really has nothing to do!” Sun Wukong looked faintly shaking his head.

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