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Chapter 69 Reconciliation

Bibi Dong looked serious. At this time, she had eight spider spears on her back and a spider spear on her hand. It looked like a spider, full of evil spirits.

Watching Mai who attacked himself, Bibidong’s facial expression is cold, and the right hand sharp spider spear is rude! The purple cold mans, with a deadly toxic light.

Mai stepped on the ground and flashed to the side at an alarming rate…

And that sniper instantly cut off an old tree in the back, covered with a layer of purple, a moment of decay. Its poisonousness is fierce.

However, Bibidong and Mai are not far apart, so in this short time, Mai naturally has no time to pay attention to things behind him. His eyes are full of fierce watches. Bibidong, in the sprint, suddenly an instantaneous movement appears. On the side of Bibidong, then kicked the kick on her right shoulder…

Bibi Dongdeng felt a strong blow, almost vomiting blood, but she was forced to go back! Although she has just been practicing her mind, she has already gotten through the meridians, her body is different from ordinary people, and her six senses are very sensitive. At the moment when Bibidong felt like he had just floated, the eight spider spears behind him had already ejected in an instant, and the 1 was firmly inserted into the ground, fixing the figure that she was about to fly backwards!

At the same time, the two-handed spider spears and turns into a cross-cold cold light, swaying out to Mai on the side of the body. The squeaking of the tearing air makes the Mai facial expression change. When the attack is about to come, one [ Instant movement 】Dodge off!

And the cross cold light bursts out all the way, tearing seven old trees before they dissipate!

Watching the old tree that was torn in half and collapsed on the ground, and the cracked earth, Zhu Zhuqing were shocked by their faces: “What kind of soul technique is this? It’s amazing! It’s not four.” The people of the soul ring show it out?”

“This is not a soul skill, it is Goku’s teaching to Bibidong [Da Yan Jian Yu].” Xiao Yin explained gently in the side.

“[大衍剑诀]? Teacher, you have such a powerful move that you don’t even teach us!” Ning Rongrong held Sun Xkong’s big 1 legs and dissatisfied the delicate 1.

“It’s too early for you to learn. In training a period of time, let’s say…” Sun Wukong smiled.

Bibidong has been opened up because of the meridians of the whole body, so there is no obstacle in the practice of [Da Yan Jian Yu].

Therefore, she has already fulfilled the requirements of the complete [Da Yan Jian Yu], but the strength is not good, but it can not be fully grasped, but the first two styles, on the way to the Star Forest, have been completely learned!

[Da Yan Jian Yu] is not a fighting skill, but a god-level sword, the power is amazing.

And the trick she just showed is the first type of [Da Yan Jian Yu].

“Awesome sword skills, is this the teacher taught you?” Mai looked at the place behind his eyes, full of dignified contrast than Dong cold.

“Of course!” Bibi Dong looked proud. Watching Mai was scared by his sword technique. His heart was somewhat proud: “Your soul is awesome, but my [Da Yan Jian” is not bad!”

“Hey! It’s so uncomfortable!” Mai heard that the facial expression was colder. Three 100,000 years of the soul ring up and down rhythm, a moment is actually under the influence of a strange power, merged together, a bit more than before the strength of berserk broke out from Mai’s body! The whole body is covered with a layer of red soul! It looks like it’s burning again!

Mai sighed and slammed on the ground. In the explosion of ‘Boom’, it was directly stepping on a huge hole more than ten meters wide, and her figure was turned into a red mantle. Between the two to the east than the flash!

The pinching little fist looks like it has the power of Lushan!

“Mai, that’s it!” Sun Wukong suddenly faint.

The red mans flashed in the blink of an eye before Bibidong, stopping the figure, the fist with terrible power, only about a centimeter from the belly of Bibidong, stopped!

Bibidong watched this small fist, and his heart was full of shock. If it wasn’t for Mai suddenly stopped his body shape, then this punch, she might be hit by a hit without reaction, and it contained The power, she is bound to be seriously injured!

This little girl is so powerful? She actually lost to the little girl who is in her teens? For a moment, Bibidong was somewhat unacceptable.

“Teacher, why stop me?” Mai looked at Sun Wukong with a look of mad. Although she was indeed a mad, still stopped obediently.

“点到为止was fine ,要是变成了殊死搏斗可就有些过了!”Sun Wukong 淡淡的道:“而且,她现在已经不是你的仇人了,你的妈妈不是好好的站在那里吗?”

“话是这么说没错,但是……”Mai 撇撇嘴,watching 比比东依然一脸的不爽。

“好了,有些事情,等会儿在跟你们解释!”Sun Wukong 对着Mai 摆了摆手,看向比比东:“别一副受打击的样子,Mai 可是我的弟子,输给她,并不丢人,她的武魂得到过我的进化,早已不是ordinary 的武魂了,哪怕不动用魂环的力量,你依然不是对手。你才刚刚training ,今后加倍trying hard 就是了。”

“哼,以后,我不会再输给你了!”比比东watching Mai ,轻哼了一声。对于自己输给一位六岁大的小女孩,still 让她有些难以释怀,不过想要对方是Goku 的弟子,心里这才好受一些。

“现在can 说了吧,为什么一看见我就充满了敌意!”比比东目视着Mai ,道。

“这事,still 我来说吧!”Sun Wukong watching 比比东,一脸认真的道:“其实呢,我们是从二十年后来到这里的,也就是所谓的穿越Space and Time ……未来的你,可是Mai 的杀母仇人呢……”


等听完了自己的故事,比比东沉默了,随后,满是认真的watching Sun Wukong :“我的老师……真的会害我吗?”

“多说无益,不然我可成了说别人坏话的混蛋了,今后的事情,still 用事实来证明吧!你已经修习我传授的心法了,很多事情,你已经can 自己去改变了。”Sun Wukong 摸了摸比比东的头,微微一笑。

比比东点了点头,突然站起,来到了Mai 跟她的妈妈面前,跪了下来,满是诚恳的道:“对不起,对于我以后对你们造成的伤害,我深感抱歉,我发誓,今后绝对不会在做出伤害你们的任何事,所以,你们能原谅我吗?”说着,满是希翼watching Mai 两母女。

“哼!看在你也很可怜的份上,妈妈又没事了,我就勉为其难的原谅你好了……”Mai watching 比比东,冷哼出声。

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