The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 15 Admission

“So I don’t know when you will bring her people together?” Hugan watched Sun Wukong, and his heart gradually calmed down, but the tone of the respected sisters can still be clearly revealed. . Although I was amazed, they didn’t ask much, but they were more curious about Sun Wukong. Even Kaoru has a strong interest in Sun Wukong! Therefore, the more Mystic/mysterious people, the more likely they are to cause curiosity!

“Can’t be now!” Sun Wukong smiled a little, his heart twitched, and his hand waved, all the sister papers appeared in this small room. Watching So many beautiful girls suddenly appeared, and Yahoo and others were shocked again.

At the same time that he was shocked by Sun Wukong’s strength, there were not many accidents, but his heart was still still surprised. The strong person, still can on this world can summon the companions hidden in space at any time! However, can not tear the space, there are so many people in the big hand, it is really amazing!

“The strength of this guy is really strong! I have seen the dean before, so I brought someone personally, but I don’t have such a terror! What kind of existence is there if Ruolin is! 唉~~ I hope What is going to happen!” Hu Gan at this moment, can only helplessly.

“Hey~~Goku brother, how do you let us out now! Alice and so on are boring!” Alice jumped into the arms of Sun Wukong as soon as she appeared. White and fragrant phosphorus are more mature than her, and they have not rushed over, but watching Alice’s eyes has a hint of envy!

Sun Wukong smiled and held all three of them in his arms. Then he looked at the dried apricots and said to the girls: “We are now at a martial arts college called Canaan College. This is the deputy here. Dean, Hu Gan, you will study here here and improve your strength!”

“Ah! Dean’s adult! I will bother a lot later!” The nephew and other women politely bowed to the amber. The scared abalone quickly hugged the box and returned to the nonsense, nonsense, a look at these women and Sun Wukong relationship is not normal! He can’t bear the gift of the women.

“After seeing the strength of this deputy, I know that this college is not how, I am not interested in learning in this garbage school!” Android 18 looked at the side of the dry, eyes full of disdain! Also, with her strength, they have already been able to blast the world of the Emperor! After all, she has the strength of being close to Sun Wukong Super 2!

“Hey!” was said by Android 18. Hu Gan suddenly burst into tears and thought of them in Canaan College. This is a school that is not in the mouth of this woman. Then you are here to study. ? Of course, he can only think about that’s all in his heart, and he dare not say it!

“If you can’t say that, there are still some good fighting skills here. After you study, the strength of the exhibition will definitely be greatly improved!” Sun Wukong didn’t feel that it was useless to enter this college. After all, Dragon Ball The battle in the world is too monotonous and direct. If you can learn a few fighting skills, after their hands are displayed, the strength will be improved!

“And, your main purpose is still to protect their safety for me!” Sun Wukong paused and said his ultimate goal.

Android 18 facial expression suddenly cold, watching Sun Wukong coldly snorted: “This is the purpose of your call me to the world?” “Swelling is possible! I think you are my sister paper called you To protect them!”

“Hey! Who is rare!” Android 18 snorted again, silenced, and there was a faint blush at the root of the ear. For Sun Wukong, this savior, she still feels a little bit, otherwise she will not come with Sun Wukong. This world is gone.

“This world?don’t tell me They are not from other ancient space?” Amber was attracted by the words of Android 18, but did not go to Sun Wukong. They are from another world. Think about it, after all, the space is different, the limitations and thinking are different.

“Sure enough, are they from other Mystic/mysterious races? But which one would it be? Why have you never heard of it?” Kaoru was also in a state of contemplation.

Instead, Yara has a strong interest in the emergence of so many beautiful women: “Goku, don’t you want to introduce them?”

“This is why we are abrupt, hello, my name is Poison Island, the wife of Goku!” The first polite self-introduction of the nephew.

“I am Yuriko! It is also the wife of Goku!”…

Each and every one is introduced, the people present are all dumbfounded! This is his sister, so many beautiful sister papers are all his wife? A man can mix to this level, enough to let others worship!

“They three…not the same?” Yahoo pointed to the three little loli in Sun Wukong’s arms, and looked at Sun Wukong.

Before waiting for Sun Wukong to answer, Alice rushed to answer: “Of course, when we grow up, we will marry Goku brother!”

At the moment, if Jolin’s daughters are all looking at the eccentric watching Sun Wukong, Rao is Sun Wukong’s face is thicker and feels too much pressure! Finally, helpless, had to pretend to be a pure boy: “Don’t watch people like this! I will be shy!” “…” Ruolin and other women suddenly speechless.

After the shock, Hu Gan immediately bowed to the girls: “It turned out to be a lady, it was really rude in the next!” He said, looking at Sun Wukong, he said: “However, with the strength of Goku, Don’t tell me Would you like to come to our college to study? Is it better to teach your ladies personally?”

“What I have learned is not suitable for their training. I will know the muscles of my body!” Sun Wukong slid his own clothes to reveal his strong and strong developed abdominal muscles. Hey hey against the ladies. A smile: “How? Developed?”

A few women in Yalong suddenly became red, and hurriedly turned their heads. I remembered the well-developed muscle of Sun Wukong, and I couldn’t help but jump up! They are all innocent sister papers. Suddenly they see men exposing their abs in front of themselves. Can they be red-hearted when they are not shy? And still the kind of strong man that sister paper likes.

Sun Wukong, for the sister paper, but have a good maintenance of your body! Unlike the anime, it is a raised muscle, but the lines are distinct. Each muscle is developed and not prominent, full of power and beauty. This is the golden proportion of TRUE! Which sister paper has seen a red heartbeat?

“cough cough!” A dry cough, broke the shackles here, attracted everyone’s eyes, and took out a form, and the identity of the object said: “Mrs., you put your name in this Fill it out on the form. From now on, you are the students of our Canaan College!” Ok! After being engaged by Sun Wukong, he saved even one level of testing. He just wants to send Sun Wukong a group of people away quickly. Because Sun Wukong is here, he feels the pressure is great!

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