The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 80: Fudge back to be a pet

However, we can’t blame people for thinking about it. After all, the strength of Sun Wukong, people can only think of the 100-level god that appeared on the road not long ago, otherwise they can make such a big move. Even she couldn’t see the slightest clue.

“I am not the 100-level god you said in your mouth. Don’t take that kind of thing and compare it with me!” Sun Wukong was very upset about the fact that others always regarded himself as the fallen king. The goods had been killed by him. Still always come out to show the sense of existence.

“Yes? That’s really my ignorant and ill-informed. I haven’t been out of the island for many years. Now the world outside has your expert like this…” The woman sighed and lamented the vicissitudes of the years.

“Big offering…” The king of the great white shark was also returned from the shocking species. The woman in front of the watch, greeted with respect and respect, and then looked at Sun Wukong in disgust: ” he……”

Not waiting for the king of the great white shark to make a small report, Posey has interrupted her: “Well, today’s business is here, your slapstick character has changed, hurry up to this If adults are not with you, this is a thing of the past.”

When the king of the Great White Shark heard it, his face suddenly showed a reluctant look, but for Posey’s words, he didn’t dare to listen. The huge body 1 body was so smashed out of the sea. In the midair, the striking gray blue perfect streamlined figure burst out, quickly shrinking in the light, and soon became a figure tall girl appeared in front of Sun Wukong.

The girl’s body 1 looks so perfect, a white leather-like dress outlines the perfect body 1 material, and the beautiful 1 curve makes her look full of temptation, gray blue long hair is scattered behind the back, directly Down to the ground, her eyes are also gray blue, a pale gray brilliance in the skin whitening, the nose is high, the face is a bit cut and generally angular, but it does not look awkward, but it is very characteristic, Give people a moving exotic wind 1 love.

Watching her, Sun Wukong’s eyes are not bright, and my heart sighs that she really has no white hands! Such a beautiful white shark must be caught back as a pet.

The white king of the magical great white shark, who turned into 1, was unwilling, and looked at Sun Wukong unwillingly. The voice was a bit unnatural and slightly stiff: “I’m sorry, I was smashed before, I hope you can forgive me.” ……”

“Without a sincerity, it is an apology for your expression?” Sun Wukong glanced at Xiaobai, a faint road.

“What do you want? Humans, tell you, don’t be too insatiable! Do you believe me to marry you?” Xiao Bai immediately stunned and stunned Sun Wukong, and the group of the great white shark that had just been handed over had received a lot of The trauma, she naturally will not forgive Sun Wukong easily, this temper will pick up.

“Hey me? Just like I just yelled at you?” Sun Wukong had some funny watching whites and a sly look.

“呀呀~~气死我了!刚才我才没有输呢,敢跟我在来打一场吗?”小白立马一脸气愤的怒瞪着Sun Wukong 。

“行,但总要有一个彩头不是,没有好处的battle 我才不打呢,你若想找回场子出出气,那可得拿出相应的赌注才行。”Sun Wukong watching 小白,微微一笑。


“奇珍异宝什么的我都没有丝毫的兴趣,这样吧,你若输了,就当我的宠物吧!”Sun Wukong watching 小白,终于露1出了他的狐狸尾巴。竟然要这么一位漂亮的少女当宠物,看来这货又sinister 了,虽然这位少女不是人。



“先别急着发怒,看看我拿出的赌注后你在决定不迟,因为选择权在你的手中,你要是觉得不行,自然can 拒绝。”Sun Wukong 一脸的平淡,一副以德服人的口吻。

“那我到要看看你着家伙究竟想要拿出什么?竟然敢要老娘做你的宠物,真是做你的春秋大……”小白原本一脸怒气冲冲的模样,可话还没说完,便是被Sun Wukong Next 拿出来的thing 给惊呆了眼,美丽的灰blue eyes 中,流露1出了满是渴1望与贪1婪之色,吞咽着口水,极为艰难的问道:“这……这是什么?”

“化形丹,can 让你TRUE 化形成1人的神丹,而且跟你们魂兽选择化形成1人可不同,吃下此神丹化形,不仅没有任何的危险,而且still 百分之百的化形成功,更重要的一点是,绝对不会损失你丝毫的修为,反而会更近一步,how ,有兴趣了吗?”Sun Wukong 手拿一颗化形丹,在小白的面前晃了晃,微笑着道,哥挖的坑,不怕你不跳啊。


这颗丹药,对于人类来说也许不算什么,然而对于魂兽来说,其珍贵level ,足以让它们堵上自己的一切了。也难怪小白会这么激动了,竟然说出了不惜拿出自己的一血也要赌了。

“你的节操何在?”对于小白脸一血的话都是这么大声的叫了出来,Sun Wukong 对此一脸的无语。

“为了这颗化形丹,节操什么的统统都见鬼去吧!来吧!赶紧开始吧,这颗化形丹是我的了!”小白两眼火1热的watching Sun Wukong 手中的丹药,那源自本能与灵魂的渴1望,根本就不需要她去怀疑这是否是真假的化形丹,她相信,自己的直觉是绝对不会欺骗自己的。

见小白这么冲动的便是答应了赌约,一旁的波塞西有些无奈的摇了摇头:“still 太莽撞了,在之前的battle 中,就应该感受到这人的formidable 了才对,果然因为那颗化形丹,而变得失去了reasoning 吗……”

波塞西皱眉watching Sun Wukong ,心下却只能无奈的叹了口气,现在看小白那激动兴奋的表情,她恐怕劝说也没用了,因为这么一颗化形丹,对于魂兽来说,简直有着致命的吸gravity 。

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