The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 144 Big Beauty

“Women’s written?” The maid looked very speechless after listening to her own lady’s words, but this was from the mouth of her own lady, and she had to believe that her own lady’s ability, she is very clear.

“As a woman actually wrote such a misunderstanding…” It was the maid sister who shook her head and said that she could not understand.

“Probably just want to find a player, fill it up? After all, if you want to participate in a team competition, you need at least five talents to participate.” The palace dress woman guessed.

“Just looking for a full number of people? Really confident about their strength!” The maid snorted again.

“Alright! Actually, I also want to participate in this competition competition! After all, such a good reward, indeed tempting 1 people, but also heard that the reward of the soul ring is a perfect smooth absorption, I am very interested Well, maybe this is an opportunity…” The palace girl’s eyes are bright.

“Miss, are you really determined?” The pretty maid obvious is also a little moved. The young lady is so good, but she has not been able to train. This is the pain in her heart forever.

Although there has been no performance, it does not mean that she is thirsty 1 in her heart, or she will not be attracted to this notice at a glance.

“Don’t make up your mind, but you must first see your teammates to make this decision. Let’s go and see!” The palace dress woman smiled and walked into the Wuhun Temple.

“Miss, I don’t know what needs help?” Seeing the women in the palace dress dressed up in a luxurious and decent way, the people who received the reception did not dare to neglect, but as a person of the Wuhun Temple, naturally they would not bow down.

“Seeing the notice outside, I heard that I am recruiting people, I will come in and see…” The palace dress woman smiled slightly, very polite.

“Is there someone really coming?” After listening to the staff of the Wuhun Temple, he snorted and watched the woman in front of him, not just a beautiful woman! It’s just a big beauty!

But the person who posted the notice, but the elders personally handed it, very obvious, the identity of the owner of the notice is not simple, before the group was introduced to the VIP reception room, which can explain this point, the Wuhun Temple The staff did not dare to neglect: “Please wait, I will go to talk!”

In a hurry to the door of the VIP reception room, the staff member was shocked to see that their elders stood at the door and respectfully waited. This surprise was a must, and the elders in the Wuhun Temple of the Emperor’s Temple waited at the door. , whole Wuhun Empire, only three people, one is the Queen’s Majesty, the second is the Royal Highness Princess, the third is the national war gods (National State Division)!

“What’s the matter?” Seeing his deputy rushing over, the elder asked first.

“Senior, the notice you posted before, now comes two people…”

“Is there someone coming?” The old man named Li elder had some accidents and asked, “What about people?”

“In terms of light appearance, it meets the standards, and there is nothing to say beautiful!”

The elders nodded and turned to knock on the door, but they saw Ka-cha opening the door first. Mai’s figure immediately appeared at the door, and the color of interest on his face was full: “There is finally someone who knows the goods, go, Go over…”

“Teacher, you have to go with us to see it!” Ning Rongrong grabbed Sun Wukong’s arm, eagerly said.

“It’s your teammates, I’m going to make fun of it.”

“Beautiful girl! Teacher, don’t tell me, you don’t want to go see?” Ning Rongrong lured 1.

“cough cough ~~ Ok! I am still idle, then I will take a trip with you!” Sun Wukong stood up and was taken by Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, and went out…

Behind Hu Liena looked like a helpless face, saying, are you not a mentoring relationship? How does it look like a lover?

As for Bibidong, they did not follow, because the identity is too sensitive 1 feels, in this Wuhun Temple, if it is recognized, it is a big trouble.

And Xiaoyin has not seen Bibidong for a long time, naturally chatting with her and not going out.

Well, in fact, Sun Wukong went out with Mai, the biggest reason still because he was not able to talk about 1, a group of sisters talked about the topic of her daughter, he could only sit still.

When I came to the hall, when I saw the two women, Sun Wukong’s eyes were bright, especially the one in front, the graceful aristocratic temperament, and even a hundred praises.

“Is both of you thinking about our team?” Mai saw the two men, looked up and down, nodded, still satisfied: “Looks good, talk about why you want to join our team, did not say For a reason, even if it looks beautiful, I will not accept it!”

The women in the palace costume saw the moment when they came out. They were also shocked by the 1. The shocking color in the eyes flashed away. Together with the beauty, she was shocked by the beauty of Mai. They can see Mai. How amazing the beauty is.

“Don’t you just want to find a teammate to fill up the number? Don’t tell me I can’t?” The palace dress woman smiled, said.

“Hey? Is anyone really seeing what I mean in words?” Mai is full of surprises in front of the watched woman in the palace, this Ki quality, and Bibi East sister have a ratio.

The woman in the palace dress smiled and explained to the maid who was next to her, and said softly: “I can say yes!”

“Right! Confidante! How, join our team!” Mai immediately grabbed the hand of the palace woman and said: “My name is Mai, Mai’s dance.”

“Tang Yuehua… You call me Yuehua was fine…” The palace girl smiled slightly.

“Tang name Tang? You are the person of Tian Tianzong?” Zhu Zhuqing asked curiously.

“Yes!” Tang Yuehua did not hide, nodded.

“Zhu Tianzong is the first major in the mainland. You are a person who has no soul power. Is it really a man of Tianzong?” Ning Rongrong looked at Tang Yuehua with suspicion.

Tang Yuehua is not mad, watching Ning Rongrong, smiled slightly: “Why, you did not say on the notice, regardless of the strength, as long as it is a beautiful woman, don’t tell me, I am not a beauty?”

“I will be curious to say that you should not use words to provoke me. If we have said something naturally, even if you don’t have the soul, just follow us and take you to force you to fly and win the first place!” “Ning Rongrong’s hands are akimbo, very proud of the road.

“Shantou, speak to a lady!” Sun Wukong immediately smashed the face of Ning Rongrong.

“Isn’t this all taught by the teacher?” Ning Rongrong looked awkward.

“…” Sun Wukong said that there was no speech.

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