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Chapter 146 to add a good feeling

“Heart is good, change to an ordinary person, can’t follow up!” Sun Wukong watching followed Tang Yuehua into the room, a smile.

“Do you really let me train normally?” Tang Yuehua looked at Sun Wukong and confirmed again that it is not difficult to see that she is wary of Sun Wukong still.

“Do not worry! If I really want to worry about you, I can’t keep you with the three straw bags that protect you in secret!” Sun Wukong watching Tang Yuehua, a faint road.

Tang Yuehua heard the words and was shocked. Has he discovered someone who secretly protects himself? The tone of this tranquil and calm, obvious did not put them in the eye.

“Okay, don’t imagine that was running wildly, my family just lacks a talent like you who knows the book, I help you get through the blocked meridians, can normal training, you help me teach some court etiquette!”

Tang Yuehua heard the words, immediately remembered the purple pearls that had a hot 1 performance, and nodded solemnly: “As long as you can really train me, I will train them to become ladies and ladies.”

“That line, back to me, take off my clothes…” Sun Wukong said faintly.

Tang Yuehua heard that obvious is a change in facial expression. Before she finished speaking, Sun Wukong’s voice was thrown in the continuation: “When I will give you a wash, I will help you get through the whole body. However, it will squeeze out a lot of dirty 1秽 from your body. If you don’t take off your clothes, let the 1秽 stick to the skin and it will be difficult to take off when you want to take off.”

Tang Yuehua heard the words, looking at Sun Wukong with the corner of his eye, seeing him in the righteousness, not squinting, the face of the calm and calm, the heart could not help but give birth to a trace of 惭愧…

I can only say to you, sister paper, you are still too young.

Bright and straight, look at the sister’s paper undressing, this is also a kind of realm!

Women often express special feelings for those who have seen their first body. This situation is especially effective in ancient times, and the same is true in this alien world.

Sun Wukong said that he was just a little savvy, he was just brushing the sister paper’s good feelings that’s all.

Although Sun Wukong can wave the hand to help Tang Yuehua’s body, but there is no such thing as 1 benefit, he will not do it.

Although my heart is awkward, but undressing in front of a strange man, Tang Yuehua still unacceptable, if this is the case, she would rather not train.

Tang Yuehua thought in his heart, but Sun Wukong appreciated her more and said, “If you are shy, you can take off your coat and you can’t make me a little trouble…”

Tang Yuehua heard the words, hesitated for a while, still nodded, slightly red-faced, back to Sun Wukong, the outer coat slipped a little, the exposed 1 out of the white 1 tender shoulder and back, the song 1 line exquisite, really lure 1 confuses unlimited.

Sun Wukong has a myriad of people in the world. It is impossible to reveal 1’s 1 color pig brother’s appearance. It is purely to watch the eyes, which is the result of training.

Tang Yuehua naturally pays attention to the changes of Sun Wukong. He feels that his breathing is still stable. Ki is still as usual, but he is relieved, but at the same time he is slightly disappointed. Don’t tell me. I didn’t suck gravity. This person did not react at all?

Women are like this for their own magic 1 forces, so can understand.

唐月华脱下外衣,把宫裙捂在了xiong前,挡住了那两1团高1耸硕大的春丰1满,仅露1出一截粉1背暴1露在Sun Wukong 的眼前。

Sun Wukong has a single hand on her back, touch 1 temperature 1 moist 1 slip, really good 1 feel.

A trace of energy was injected into it, and began to open the meridians for Tang Yuehua…

Tang Yuehua only felt a warm warmth flowing from the back into the body, flowing through the body, can not say Shu 1 cool! It can also be clearly sensed that some of the things that are blocked in the body seem to be shocked under this warm current to shatter …

Although the unpleasant Ki emerged, she was also amazed to discover that her body was really squeezed out of some black inexplicable 1秽…

At this point, she has fully trusted Sun Wukong, began to feel the changes in her body, expecting and exciting colors gradually climbing 1…

She knows that she is really a big luck, and her misfortune has been trapped since today, she will leave and go…

Unconsciously, the very clock has passed, Sun Wukong stopped the input of energy, took back his hand, and watched Tang Yuehua, who was almost wrapped in black 1秽, smiled slightly: “It has become, your meridians have all been opened by me, first wash Wash it! Then come out and you can do the Wushu Awakening Ceremony!”

“Thank you!!” At this moment, Tang Yuehua was so excited that he was very grateful to Sun Wukong for his slight sorrow. If he was ashamed of his dirty 1, she could not wait to hold Sun Wukong for a bite!

In this world of strength, how important is the strength. As the granddaughter of Emperor Tianzong, she is clear, although no one dares to say anything about her, but Tang Yuehua knows that there are still many people pointing to her in the back. Pointing at it and making irresponsible remarks, she has a deep understanding of the sorrow and grief.

She is naturally excited to get rid of the name of waste.

In the original work, she opened a ceremonial palace etiquette school, life is still can, but now because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, the world has changed, for fifteen years of war, where did she come to create court etiquette? school? So now Tang Yuehua is much harder than Tang Yuehua in the original work.

Can get rid of the name of the waste, normal training, for her, too important.

“Okay, it’s too early to be happy, wait until you wake up the Wuhun and say it!” Sun Wukong smiled and turned away from the room…

Watching Sun Wukong, who came out with the door, the purple pearl is full of curiosity: “Master, come out so soon? Not right! When you are with people, it is not so fast! Very bravely said…”

“Less poor mouth!” Xiaobai blushing, did not breathe a slap on the back of the purple pearl.

“Xiaobai, everyone is a pet, why should a pet be a pet!” Purple pearl watching white, muttering.

“Do you really treat yourself as a pet?” Xiaorou silently watched purple pearls.

“When there is something wrong with the pet, don’t worry about it, just ask the owner, eat and drink…” The purple pearl is awkward.

“Okay! You won!” Xiaobai, they are all silent, watching purple pearls.

On the side of Hu Linna, listening to the words of the girls chatting, I felt deeply shocked: “My God! Isn’t it only the Queen’s wife who is the wife of Goku? Is the woman sitting in his wife?!!

What more information is more explosive than this? Her majesty, Her Majesty, is so eager to serve with so many people?

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