The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 155

Soon, Mai has decided to win the game, watching the helpless Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, Mai licked her two eyes, hum hum said: “I said that I am a sister, and want to fight with me!” Going to the lottery box…

“The luck is really back!” Ning Rongrong spread his hands and looked helpless.

Not long after, Mai returned to the team with a paper ball.

“It’s a few, take it out!” Ning Rongrong was full of curiosity.

“10 number.” Mai spread the paper group.

“So, our opponent is the 11 number.” Hu Linna immediately looked around and wanted to see who her opponent was.

However, the number has not been announced yet, so I don’t know it for the time being.

“Hey! You are the number of the Yellow Team?” Ning Rongrong, the little witch, immediately set his sights on the only team that met Tang San.

Just heard her name, the face of Tang San and others shook.

Although we dress like sallow, you don’t have to call it out like this?

However, people are beautiful, with the urinary nature of Tang’s teammates, naturally it’s not really mad.

The big fat man Ma Hongjun immediately took the paper ball from Dai Baimu’s hand and showed it to Mai. They were full of ardent words: “Our is the 6 number, how many are you?”

“10, it seems that we are not opponents!” Mai said.

“10? It turns out that our opponent is you!” At this moment, an uncoordinated voice came from the side: “That’s a great honor!”

Mai looked at them and saw seven teenagers aged sixteen and seven coming towards them. Everyone’s eyes have been ignored by Tang San, and they are all concentrated on Mai.

“It turned out that a group of people took the opportunity to talk about it…” Ma Hongjun was disdainful.

“You guys who just climbed out of the pit can’t talk!” The leader of the other party looked at Ma Hongjun, and his face was scornful and mocked.

“You!!” Ma Hongjun heard the words, suddenly furious, the hot temperature quietly transported to the palm.

However, I haven’t waited for Ma Hongjun to worry about it. Not far from the sex 1, the beautiful ceremonies are cold and screaming: “During the game, you don’t allow private fights, what kind of grudges you will see, and you will see them on the field! Otherwise, cancel you soon. Qualifications!”

“Hey! You pray that don’t meet us next time!” Being so engaged, the other obvious did not have a conversation, glaring at the people of the Tang Sanyi team, coldly snorted, with the team going to one side.

“What’s the matter, really is a person?” Oscar spit at the back of several people.

“Now, announce the results of the stadium! Please look at the big screen!” said the beautiful master of the emperor. Looking at the void in front, I saw a virtual screen flashing out. On top of it, there is a list of teams.

Too many lists, omitted here…

“This is the preliminaries in the finals. Now, please let our great Queen Majesty announce the official start of the game!”

Bibi East stood up and looked around, the original noisy scene immediately calmed down, this is popular, this is prestige! Unlike the previous Sun Wukong arbitrarily, everyone in the entire place was banned.

“So, let’s get started!” The faint words spread throughout the whole field, although simple, but full of the Queen’s demeanor.

The thunderous applause sounded at the stadium…

After all the calm, the beautiful master of emperor once again went to the stage: “Then, there is a team that invited the first test, they are – Oak Lanwu Soul Academy vs. Purple Star Wushou Academy.”

The ceremonial stunned, and once again threw out a message about the fire 1: “I hope everyone will try to express themselves. If the Queen is under the great Queen, the Mystic/mysterious and formidable husband can see it, maybe Opportunity to worship him as a teacher!”

Hey! !

The whole moment was awkward, and the husband who was under the majesty of the Queen was a teacher. At this moment, everyone is excited and excited. If you don’t talk about him, you will directly smash the god of five elements! It’s just the endless soul of the soul, it’s enough to make everyone boil. If you want to be a teacher who can’t be described by the local tyrants, is it still a soul? Laozi set a soul bone plus no problem!

Even Tang San is excited at this moment.

“It seems that this is not a simple game!” Oscar suddenly showed his excitement and watched his teammates: “You said that if you hold this test, isn’t the Queen’s husband want to find a true disciple?”

“I really can’t say it!” Ma Hongjun is also excited.

On the side of Dai Mubai heard the words, suddenly pinched his fist and became a gloomy face…

“Are you okay?” Tang Sanfa asked after the abnormality of Dai Mubai.

“Nothing…” Dai Mubai shook his head.

“If you have anything, just say it, don’t tell me. Are you still outsiders?” Oscar looked uncomfortable.

Dai Mubai hesitated for a moment and said: “The man is the one who came to the royal family of the Xingluo Empire and strongly retired my marriage with Zhu Zhuqing…”

“The man? Who? You shouldn’t say the Queen’s husband?” Ma Hongjun’s eyes widened and his face exaggerated.

Seeing Dai Mubai nodded, Ma Hongjun immediately turned his head down and said: “This is finished, the teacher has no hope!”

“Actually… you don’t care about me…” Dai Mubai’s words have not been finished yet, Ma Hongjun is angry and said: “What are you talking about! We are good brothers, since that person is forcing you to separate from your wife…”

Ma Hongjun’s words have not been finished yet. He suddenly felt a flash of shadow in front of him. He only felt a sudden pain in the abdomen. The whole people all flew out and slammed down in the audience…

“Ma Hongjun!!” Tang San, they were all shocked, and they went to Zhu Zhuqing and glared away.

“Give me your mouth and put it clean. I have nothing to do with Dai Mubai. If you dare to talk nonsense, kill you!” Zhu Zhuqing ignored the anger of Tang San and others, and coldly watched the stage. Ma Hongjun, exudes a cold chill.

“Āiyā! Now it is forbidden to fight privately. If it is disqualified, then it will be troubled. We still have to leave and leave the game to others!” Mai smiled and took Zhu Zhuqing and left.

“Three children, come on!” Tang Yuehua smiled and gave Tang San an angry look, but also followed.

Tang San jumped off the stage and lifted Ma Hongjun. Watching Dai Mubai, who had already come to his side, looked dignified: “This is a big trouble. Except my aunt, I am afraid that some of her are the queen of her husband. Disciple… I have seen that person before, and I really heard that they called that person a teacher…”

“The disciple of that adult? How do you fight this game?” Oscar looked helpless: “It’s just a matter of watching people’s hands, it’s a bunch of souls, and they are disciples of this kind, each of them. With 100,000, a million years of soul ring, I don’t think it’s strange…” ….

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