The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 25—The Remains of the Cave

Sun Wukong walked slowly to the edge of the cliff, looking down, and the steep cliff wall was in the eye. Between the steep cliffs, there are gravel, strange wood, and some bones of the thing.

Looking around for a moment, Sun Wukong stopped his eyes at a mountain wall covered by crossbars. The corner of his mouth could not help but hang a smile: “It is really this place! I have to say, magical of fate!”

“What’s wrong? What did you find?” Xiao Wuxian watched Sun Wukong’s smile in his mouth, curiously came over and looked down the cliff. However, the steep cliff was scared, and she screamed and screamed back and forth several steps. Watching Sun Wukong Looking at her, the facial expression was not red, and he said with a sigh of relief: “Suddenly looking down, it is really scary! What did you see there?

Seeing the appearance of a small medical fairy, obviously not like a fake, but also in other words, she has not found this place. Sun Wukong turned and looked down at the cliff again. He smiled and said, “Would you like to go down and see? We seem to have found a thing that is not allowed!”

“Hey?” The little doctor Xian was immediately attracted attention. He walked a few steps forward and looked at the cliff. It was also a place where the crossbar was hidden. The eyes suddenly appeared: “The place looks really It’s weird! We won’t find out what is missing? Going to see?”

Sun Wukong Hehe smiled: “This is of course, since it was discovered, you can convenient others!” said, a small doctor, the weak and amazing waist, hey hey smiled: “Hurry up, let us stimulate !”

“Ah! You… what do you do?!” The little doctor screamed and the facial expression was blushing. I used to touch my hand before, how can I suddenly pick up this time? Don’t you guys always do a sudden attack? The little doctor who has never been so close to people is like a deer.

“Sister paper, lyrical with the brother!” Sun Wukong smiled, and then the scream of the little medical fairy, jumped off the cliff…

“Ah! You crazy! Who wants to swear with you! I don’t want to die! Bastard! This is bad for you!” Xiaoyin immortal holding Sun Wukong, screaming with his eyes closed .

“Look at scare you! I am just joking with you that’s all! Open your eyes! We can’t fall!” Sun Wukong smiled and opened the crossbar next to him, revealing a cave. The hole is not wide, it can only pass two or three people. Even during the day, the light in the hole is dim, but it adds a little sense of Mystic/mysterious.

Xiao Yixian slowly opened his eyes and found that they were standing on the crossbar at the cliff. They were relieved and then slammed toward Sun Wukong: “I was almost scared to death, is it fun?”

“Do you not feel so exciting?”

“Stimulate you! My heart almost stopped beating! But there is a cave here! Looks good Mystic/mysterious! Let’s go in and see it!… Look at the scenery around this, obviously it is the high man.” Maybe we really found a remnant of the place!”

The facial expression of this little hole, red face, whispered: “That, let me go in first!” Now she is still in the arms of Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong nodded, and some of them refused to let go of the little doctor, let her walk into the hole first.

“What do you want to do? Don’t hurry in.” Watching Sun Wukong’s expression, the little medical fairy’s facial expression is even more red, and he is a little angry and stunned at him, with a slightly mad tone.

Suddenly, a faint sound of “嗤…” echoed in Sun Wukong’s ear, and a faint Ki appeared in his perception, flashing out with a crack in the cliff wall. The speed is attacking toward the little doctor. He, who had embraced the beauty, had been intoxicated by the soft and delicate body of Xiao Yixian. He didn’t care about it at all, so he did not find the hidden stalker in the dark for the first moment.

“Ah! Little doctor Xian suddenly made a cry, things happened too suddenly, she has no strength, obviously it is impossible to escape this lightning-fast blow.

Even if the incident is sudden, but for Sun Wukong, it only takes a moment to be enough. I saw him sticking out his right hand, and a beam of beam was instantly spurred in the index finger, and a slamming sound instantly slammed the head of the sneak attack. Crush and fall on the rock wall of the cave.

“It’s a rock snake!” Seeing the magic beast that had lost his head and dropped to the ground, Xiao Yixian was relieved. Then I looked at Sun Wukong with a blush of gratitude: “Thank you! I almost died! This place is really dangerous!”

The rock snake is a snake-shaped magic beast living in the rock wall. The level is about one order, and the body is long and long. The can is like a falcon flying in the air. The attribute is a kind of mutated stone attribute. Therefore, its body is as hard as a stone, and the ordinary sword is difficult to take too much damage.

However, Sun Wukong only fired a finger beam, which shattered the hardest head of the rock snake, and recalled the fact that Sun Wukong just killed the second-order magic beast with one finger, and the kind of Mystic/mysterious. Unpredictable ability, this makes Xiao Yixian full of curiosity about Sun Wukong, what kind of person is such a man full of Mystic/mysterious color? However, Xiao Yi Xian is not a person who cares about his own affairs. Although his heart is curious, he has not asked much.

“Let’s go! Let’s see what’s going to be in the end.” Sun Wukong came to the front of Xiao Yixian and took the lead in the interior of the cave…

On the cliff, Mu Li took a dry subordinates, watched the cave below, and the mouth hangs a hint of incomprehensible smile. The eyes are more excited and excited: “Haha! It’s a surprise! They are good luck! I found it. The monuments left by a predecessor, this is just the right thing! Conversely, I am convenient, you are going to find some ropes, let’s go and explore the treasure! hey hey ~~~”

As the depth went deeper, the more the evil in the cave, the later it was a chilling chill, accompanied by the subtle footsteps of the two, it was a bit sinister terror.

Watching the arms of the doctors holding each other tightly, Sun Wukong smiled faintly: “How, fear?”

“Yes! Nothing!” Xiao Yixian still has a hard mouth.

Sun Wukong smiled and extended his right hand, holding her left hand: “In this case, you will not be afraid?”

The little medical fairy facial expression suddenly red, struggling for a moment, seeing that the hand is still holding his left hand tightly, could not help but white Sun Wukong, but also gave up the struggle! The temperature from that hand made her suddenly feel that the cold Ki disappeared and disappeared, but what was left was full of warmth. In this dark cave, only the people in front can bring her warmth and safety.

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