The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The first stroke of the 174th chapter

“Titatan tree people, strengthen the skull, your guy’s good fortune even I feel a little speechless…” In front of Mai watching, Tang San, but he snorted, his heart spit out: “This is the protagonist Halo? Sure enough Formidable!”

Mai learned from Sun Wukong that if you want to get the Titan tree man’s soul skill, only one of 100,000’s chances, but the goods will be acquired, and a skull with a can enhance the soul skills, this luck, Against the sky!

I feel the Ki of the Titans, and Mai understands that if it is strength, even if it is the title of Douro, it must be retired.

“let me go to see what this Titan tree man has!” He said, his fists were pinched, and the 1 body flashed, kicking out with a kick, and with the roar, the Titan giant actually retired five steps. Only then can the body shape be stabilized.

“A terrible power!” Tang San was moved and looked awkward. This girl actually has the strange power of such terror? How is it trained?

“Absolutely can’t let her close, otherwise, I will lose no doubt!” Tang Sanli made a judgment, and Mai opened a certain distance.

But at this moment, Mai obvious did not pay attention to Tang San, she has temporarily set her sights on the Titans.

In the countless sluggish, horrified eyes, Mai’s small figure was actually a punch with the Titans, bursting into a roaring roar, and even the earth was shaking.

Rao is the opposite venue for the fight, and it is also attracted by the battle here, then a look of surprise, forgetting that they are still trying.

“Now the younger generation is metamorphosing to this point?” Jiandou Luo Chenxin watched the opposite side of the stadium, his face was shocked, his head turned toward his opponent, the poisonous Luo looked alone, the faint road : “How about a temporary stop?”

“Alright! I am interested in the opposite battle also ting…” Podo Luo nodded and nodded, watching the opposite side of the stadium, is a face of exclamation: “In recent years, what is the mainland in the end? Monsters Why are there so many, in a few years, we old people have no place to mix…”


At the same time that the Titans were banging out, countless blue silver grasses turned into a silver light. If a Silver was practiced, it would go to the figure of Mai and wrap around 1 at the foot, and the eyes had come to the front.

But seeing Mai’s figure flashing, disappeared instantly, and the roar of life, the head of the Titans was suddenly collapsed a huge gap!

However, countless blue silver grass branches rushed toward the wound, and the wound was repaired in a moment.

As long as the soul is strong, the Titans can be reborn and restored no matter how heavy the injury.

It is only obvious that Tang San’s forehead has already seen sweat at this moment. Although the Titans are powerful and consume a lot, the soul of Tang San can not last long.

Tang San did not expect that Mai could still collide with the Titans in a situation where he did not release the martial arts. It was amazement.

“It’s really boring. Is this the power of the Titans only like this? Compared with the sister of Xiaoyin, it can be too far apart!” Mai and the Titans collided with a period of time, slightly disappointed, a few In the flashing room, an amazing hole was blasted above the huge body of the Titan tree, 1, and the hollow body collapsed. The huge body of the Titans was directly collapsed.

Tang San’s current a mouthful of blood spurts out, the facial expression is pale and bloodless, and the Titan tree is forcibly defeated. He is naturally not affected, because that is his martial arts.

Now I want to regenerate a complete Titan tree, and with his soul, it is already impossible.

Destroyed the Titan tree, Mai did not stop here, but the body shape flashed, flying a foot in the xiong膛 of Tang San, making Tang Sankou spurting blood, but also flying out…

Seeing that he was going to fall off the court, he saw that he had endured the injury and turned it over in the air. He smashed the impact in a clever way, stabilized his figure, and his right foot glowed slightly. He even stepped on the void and returned to the stadium. . One knee squatting, breathing 1 asthma, apparently has reached the limit.

“Your soul bones are more ting, and I can still stabilize my body shape and return to the game. Although I have not used full strength, your meat 1 body training is not bad, and the heart is not ordinary people. More than…”Mai Some accidental watching Tang San, smiled: “But, can you still hold a few rounds?”

Said, Jiao 1 body flashed again, but also kicked Tang San to the off-court…

“Damn! Come back?!” Tang San angry at the same time, but also very helpless, the strength difference is really too big, facing Mai, let him have a sense of powerlessness.

Being kicked, he almost let him fall apart, and he was almost alive.

Countless blue silver grass rises from the ground, holds the body of Tang San, does not let him fall off the field, with for a moment, the green light flashes, Tang San finally displayed his blue silver Domain, the Tao Guanghua returned from the blue silver grass to the body of Tang San, so that his injury is also slightly better.

Immediately, I saw him hopping on the field, took back the blue silver grass, face serious, black light flashed in the hands, in front of countless people, for the first time showed his second martial soul: Hao Tian hammer!

On the hammer of the sky, there are two black soul rings, which are full of heavy aura, and a black line emerges from the hammer of the sky, and the whole hammer is rendered black.

These two soul rings are the soul ring of 90,000 years. They are made up of the soul ring of God. They are the champions won by Ma Hongjun and Oscar in the preliminaries. These two people did not use them, but gave them to Tang San. Because they are very clear, Tang San is their main force, only Tang San forformable, they can win the final champion.

“That… that don’t tell me is the scorpion hammer of Tian Tianzong?”

“Is his martial arts not blue silver grass?”

“The trough! Shuangwu soul! That guy is like the Queen’s Majesty, with a double martial!”

“And the two soul rings are still the soul ring of the year, look at their age, not low, at least 80,000 years or more? Today’s younger generation, are they so abnormal?”

In the audience, once again, it was awkward, but the amazing scenes before were much more, and there was no scene of being shocked.

“Eat my last move!” Tang San raised his hand in the hammer of the sky, and exuded the aura of no match, his eyes filled with crazy 1 wild and crazy!

At this moment, the soul ring that originally belonged to the blue silver grass actually appeared quietly. In addition to the two rings on the hammer of Tang Tian, ​​the body of Tang San has now illuminated seven soul rings.

“The big space of the hammer is the righteousness: the fried ring!!” With the heroic roar of Tang San, he lifted the hammer and finally displayed the strongest skill that belonged to Tian Tianzong! ….

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