The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 11 insta-kill See also insta-kill

“No interest!” Sun Wukong looked at Gildas faintly and thought about it, refused directly. How is he there, how can he casually compare with the mortal people in the district, and there is no interest.

“Don’t! Goku brother, hit him! Hit him!” Wendy watched Sun Wukong, staring at the little stars who looked forward to it.

“Yeah! Goku brother, you can’t lose!” Ai Lusha is also looking forward to watching Sun Wukong.

This makes Sun Wukong feel helpless. In the face of these two small eyes, if he is disappointing the hearts of two women, will it hurt them? After all, in the heart of Wendy and Ai Lusha, Sun Wukong is the strongest and most dependent.

“It’s a slap thing, forget it, can’t live up to Wendy’s and Ai Lusha’s expectations…” Sun Wukong touched Wendy and Ai Lusha, smiled and nodded, looking at Gildas , a touch of the road: “Do not use such a trouble, take it!”

Gildas watched Sun Wukong’s look, his brow furrowed slightly. He had no interest in this match. However, he did not expect Sun Wukong to be more interested. The plain face, without the slightest emotions, simply did not He put it in his eyes.

“This is interesting…” Gildas’s face suddenly showed a hint of smile. This is not the look of the weak, but is it too arrogant? Haven’t played against it yet, just like this.

“Then you have to be careful!” said Gildas, his body flashed and slammed into Sun Wukong…

Sideways, waving, just listening to the loud noise of ‘嘭’, Gildas was instantly shot into the ground by Sun Wukong, and his eyes were white and fainted…


“Second…insta-kill ?!!”

“How is it possible? Is that Gildas?!”

The people of the fairy tail guild are shocked and stunned, and Gildas is actually insta-killed? Isn’t this a dream? That is the strongest magician of the fairy tail! It’s not Konatz’s little kid! The strongest super-S-class magician has been beaten by others. These shocks caused Makalov and other people to roar in the brain for a long time.

“咕咚”, Makarov swallowed his mouth, widened his eyes, and looked horrified: “It seems that our guild has an extraordinary guy!”

Watching someone in the place with a stunned expression, Wendy and Ai Rusa as the cock, the head tingxiong, the face of the arrogant 1 proud: “hum hum! Now know that Goku’s brother is amazing! Goku brother only Is the strongest!”

“How come…how come…Gildas is the strongest…how can this be…” Kana seems to be somewhat convinced of what is happening in front of her, some unacceptable and quite hard hit.

Because Gildas is the father of Kana, the father who has been worshipped has been photographed by others, which makes her somewhat unacceptable.

The people of the Fairy Tail Guild are all terriblely shocked by the strength of Sun Wukong. Even Gildas is a stroke insta-kill. What kind of level is this strong?

After the shock, everyone gave a warm cheer, with the addition of Sun Wukong, then the fairy tail guild, the strength is soaring!

“Too amazing! Goku brother, right?” Mira and other children were surrounded by Sun Wukong: “What kind of magic do you use? You should haven’t used magic right now?”

“Actually, I am a star spirit guide…” Sun Wukong smiled and showed them the golden key of the Virgo Palace Baro.

“The Star Spirit Magister?” Mira’s curiosity: “I have never seen the Protoss yet, summon it out and see it!”

“This can’t be done, the Protoss is not just to watch it!” Sun Wukong waved and refused.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to summon, but he can’t summon. He signed a contract with Baru Songs seven years later. Now, Baru Song has not signed a contract with him. Although can be summoned, now Baro is not aware of Sun. Wukong, the spirits summoned do not know their masters, and if they are known by them, they will be big.

“The Star Spirit Wizard… This is a very rare magic…” Makarov is also a little surprised watching Sun Wukong: “And this melee’s Ability can actually insta-kill Gildas, it’s really extraordinary, that is I don’t know, what level can I reach with the magic of Gildasby?”

At this moment, Wendy has already gone to the side of Gildas to treat him…

This scene is another surprise for everyone to expose 1: “Treat magic? Is this healing magic?”

“Yeah, I am the magical guide of the sky, there will be some healing magic and auxiliary magic…” Wendy introduced while treating.

“The dragon destroyer in the sky?!”

“You are a dragon lord?”

“Wow! Great!”

“Our guild has two sorcerers!”

The members of the Fairy Tail Guild are excited and screaming to show their excitement!

“Hey? Is there still a dragon sorcerer here?” Wendy looked surprised.

“His name is Konatz. It’s a few years older than you. It’s the leader of the fire. Now it’s time to hatch with Lisha that I don’t know where to come from… but after hearing Gildas return, I should be back soon…”

“Hatching eggs?” Wendy immediately looked at the summer Lulu held by Ai Lusha.

Because Xialu Lu was just born, there is nothing spiritual, basically in the sleep form.

However, saying Konatz, Konatz is here.

“Gildas! I heard that Gildas is back? Is he there? Hurry up and fight with me!” The man hasn’t seen it yet, and Konatz’s big trick has been passed from outside the door.

For a moment, I saw a raging figure broke into the hall, my face was full of smiles…

Just when I saw Gildas lying in the pit, the facial expression changed a lot, and the angry face suddenly became: “Gildas?!! What happened to you? Who did the in the end?”

“Oh… it’s him…” Mina pointed to Sun Wukong, and her face was not good. Now Mina is not a gentle niece in the future. When she was a child, she was a rough little girl.

“Bastard! Did you hurt Gildas?” Konatz, a brainless mind, had a hot, roaring voice, and he didn’t even think about it, he slammed into Sun Wukong!

Aura with blaze on his fist is his signature skill – the iron fist of the fire dragon.

It’s just that the small figure of Eluru’s 1 is a flash, blocking the face of Sun Wukong. A knee top is on the belly of Konatz, making Konatz’s moment’s awkward, aura no, big double Eye, the belly fell to the ground…

“It is insta-kill!”

The performance of Ai Lusha is to surprise everyone in the game…

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