The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 18—Envy and hate

“Hold…sorry…too excited…” I found myself hurting Sun Wukong, and Elusa was embarrassed. The whole body flashed, and immediately changed into a soft 1 soft kimono. He smiled at Sun Wukong: “This is fine, come again…” Then, it was a Sun Wukong 搂1 into the arms…

This time there is no hard 1 hard armor, Sun Wukong said it is very cool…

At the same time, the entrance was rushed into a few beautiful shadows, Wendy was a face of excitement, looked around: “I heard that Goku’s brother is back? Then? What?”

As he said, he fixed his eyes on Sun Wukong, who was hugged by Elvisa. His face suddenly appeared a happy color. After exclaiming, he swiftly rushed toward Sun Wukong…

Karna is also close behind…

Only Bisika is curious about watching Sun Wukong.

Watching was held by several beautiful women, a few people in Sun Wukong who had a long-awaited reunion, and everyone in the hall, they all cast an envious and hateful expression toward Sun Wukong: “What is this? Is this guy too bullish? The sister paper of our guild will not all have a leg with him?”

“I see it almost…”

Sun Wukong is not interested in paying attention to the envy and hate of others, embracing Wendy, watching them, and laughing slightly: “You all grew up, but I almost can not recognize it.”

“Goku’s brother hasn’t changed at all, I recognized it at a glance!” Wendy hugged Sun Wukong’s neck and looked happy.

“I won’t be leaving this time?” asked Ai Lusha, watching Sun Wukong.

“No, I have built a villa outside the town, where I live temporarily, Mira has moved to live with me…”

“Well, is this?” Ai Lusha pondered for a second, with a tone of no rejection: “So, I have to move too…”

“I have to go too…” Wendy raised her hand and cheered.

“Can’t forget me too!” Kana held Sun Wukong’s arm, her eyes exudes inexplicable light: “But before that, Goku brother… Āiyā, now it seems that you are not too embarrassed to call Goku. Well, or else, I changed your mouth to call you Goku?”

“Well, as you like.”

Kana ‘嘻嘻’ smiles, watching Sun Wukong, his eyes are shining: “So Goku, you don’t forget the agreement between us!”

“Agreement? What agreement?”

“Hey! You won’t really forget it?” Karna suddenly became dissatisfied with a look: “You said it when you were young, I was still young, you don’t allow me to drink, say I will give me drink when I grow up. I am growing tall enough now?” Saying, but also tinging his own big xiong脯.

Sun Wukong smelled on her body: “A wine, you will not become a drunkard?”

“If Sister Kana doesn’t drink a large bucket of wine a day, she will be uncomfortable!” Wendy immediately complained.

“It’s not all because of you, because people have always missed you, so they have to use alcohol to eliminate it…” Kana watched Sun Wukong, making a face of grievances.

“You are ting will find an excuse…” Sun Wukong glanced at Kana, even without him, Kana was also a big drinker in the original work.

“Nothing, I am telling the truth with my conscience, I don’t believe you touch 1…” Kana said, grab Sun Wukong’s right hand and press it to his xiong… as a mature sister of 1 She is ting bold.

Sun Wukong hurriedly pulled back his hand. He didn’t want to perform in front of so many people. It was convenient to others. Coughing twice, said: “Isn’t it just wine, enough? After you have moved, we will have a good time!”

“What are you waiting for? Hurry and move!” Karna suddenly couldn’t wait. Sun Wukong’s wine, she spent seven years, when she was young, she smelled the smell, and she couldn’t stand it. When she arrived, she became interested in wine.

“You have all moved, what about me?” Bisca, who had never spoken, spoke. She has always been with Ai Lusha, Wendy, they live together, Wendy, they have moved away, she is naturally guilty, a large female dormitory, she can not afford to rent.

Now it is a little different from the original work. Because of the appearance of Sun Wukong, they have formed a team in advance with Ai Lusha, Wendy, Kana, Mira and Lisana, so now the Bisika is not with Aruzal. Forming a team, two people naturally have no relationship with half a dime.

Because Bisika was introduced by Ai Lusha, Ai Lusha formed a team composed entirely of women. Without a surprise, Bisika naturally joined the team.

Although I know each other, Sun Wukong and Bisika are the first to meet, so they can only pretend not to know: “Ai Lusha, this is?”

“She called Bisika, and it didn’t take long to join the fairy’s tail. Now it’s a team with us…” Ai Lusha took Bisca to the front of Sun Wukong: “Come, Bisca, tell you about it.” This is Captain, Sun Wukong, which our team has never shown up yet!”

“Isn’t our team made up entirely of women?” Bisika looked surprised.

“Because this team is Goku brother… Now it’s really a little embarrassing to call Goku. Then I call you Goku.” Ai Rusha paused and patiently explained: “This team is Goku with a child. We built it when we did the task, so he is Captain…you don’t want to look down on Goku. He is the strongest magician of TRUE in our guild! Kildas and our president can’t beat him. A trick!”

“Even the president can’t beat him?!” Bisika watched Sun Wukong, shocked and widened his eyes, watching the side of Makarov, want to get an answer from him. As for Kildas, she has heard of it, but she has never seen it, because when she joined the guild, Kildas was not in the guild for several years, and the guy had not seen it.

“This question has been asked yesterday, don’t always repeat the same problem!” Makarov looked depressed, after all, as the president, was stunned by Sun Wukong a slap, always mentioned, that is also Very shameful.

Listening to Makarov, Bisika naturally got the answer she wanted, and it was even more shocking. The president is one of the top ten holy magic guides. Even the president can’t pick up a single move. How much is this person?

“Oh, don’t say that it’s useless. You don’t want to move me to live. If you are here, move on together! Bisika, since you are a team with us, then together Move over… Lucy, don’t look at the task, come over and help, tomorrow we will do the task…”

Sun Wukong greeted him with a group of sister papers and started the moving career again…

And other guild members can only watch their eyes….

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