The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 28—Carnuona Island

“Idle is also boring, I will accompany you to walk!” Sun Wukong nodded and waved, a huge cage emerged, there are exactly one hundred fish: “Bisika, trouble you Send this hundred feathers to the hotel, leaving the rest to eat ourselves…”


“Feather fish, I didn’t expect you to complete this commissioning task by the way…” Mira watching those feather fish, it was a bit of an accident.

“Kana, Wendy, don’t go, we are going to chase people, and come back soon!” Sun Wukong said, looking at Lucy: “Would you like to come together?”

“Don’t go! Don’t go! You just go chasing people, I won’t join in the fun…” Lucy shook her head again and again.

“With you!” Sun Wukong thought about it, didn’t force it. Anyway, Lucy couldn’t help, and he just happened to be alone with Alusha for a period of time.

“At the speed of lei, catching up with Konatz, they don’t have to spend too much time. That’s OK, we are at home waiting for you to come back!” Kana nodded.

Wendy is a look of disappointment: “Goku brother, you have to come back soon! I am still waiting to eat the feather fish you cook!”

“Relax, come back soon!” Sun Wukong licked Wendy’s head and took a sip on her face, and Wendy suddenly became happy.

Kana also put her face together: “I want to…”

“Hey~ there is a leg!”

The other people in the guild saw it and started to squat…

“Laughter and laughter? A group of single dogs can only pick up cockroaches…” Kana immediately smashed the group and gave them direct crit damage from 10,000 points.

Seeing that others were quiet, Kana smiled smugly. Seeing that Sun Wukong had not acted, he immediately took off his toes and took a kiss on his face, and then said to Bisika, who was surprised by his side: “Go, Bisca, Wendy, Lucy, let’s send the fish…”

Watching Kana, who has already stepped out of the door, Ai Lusha is clenching her fist: “This Kana, dare to attack… I have never tried it…”

“Okay, let’s set off!” Sun Wukong took Alusha’s hand, walked out of the guild, took the bud together, and walked away again…

Above the clouds, Sun Wukong, who is beside the watch of Ai Lusha, has a surprisingly faint blush: “Goku brother, we haven’t been alone for a long time…”

“Why, do you miss my heart 1?” Sun Wukong also felt the change of Ai Lusha. At this moment, she even changed her name to become a child. Watching her, she couldn’t help but smile. Pulling Elsa into his arms, the two are closely related to 1…

Feeling the long-lost, solid and warm embrace, Ai Lusha’s mood is extremely calm in an instant, it seems that all the troubles and exhaustion are all done…

Tightly plunging his head into Sun Wukong’s arms, Ai Lusha’s voice is very light and light: “Goku brother, I have been thinking of you for seven years.”

“I know…”

Without the presence of others, Elasure unreservedly released all the thoughts of Sun Wukong over the past seven years…

Many times, you only need such a simple hug, you can tell a lot of things, and let each other know each other’s heart…

Neither of them is talking, just holding it, feeling the rare warmth…

With the appearance of the sunset glow, this situation, it is also an extravagant wave 1…

Just warm but for a moment, Sun Wukong began to be untrue: “In other words, Ai Lusha, you have grown a lot here…”

“Yes… is it…”

Time A little bit past, maybe Lei read the mood of his master, slowed down autonomously, and when the night came, they came over the island of Garuna, and failed to catch up with Konatz and Gray.

Very obvious, when Sun Wukong and Ai Lusha were warm, the two goods had already landed on the island.

“Unconsciously, I came to the island…” Ai Lusha looked up from Sun Wukong’s arms and looked down at the island of Garuna. The facial expression was covered with blush, and she sat down and arranged it. My own messy clothes, to Sun Wukong next to me: “Goku, let’s go down! After you find Konatz, you have to teach them a good meal!”

“Then your chance is coming…” Sun Wukong watching a beach below, smiled lightly: “Is there, there are two people lying down, and a cat…”

Ai Lusha heard the words and immediately looked at the direction pointed by Sun Wukong. She suddenly burst into shock: “Isn’t that Konatz and Gray? And Habi, what happened to them?”

“It seems that the shipwreck was rushed here. It’s really a big life without death!” Sun Wukong was a dull face.

Ai Lusha heard the words, but she sighed with relief: “Isn’t it dead? That’s good!”

After the buds landed on the island of Garuna, Sun Wukong and Ai Lusha came to Konatz on their coma beaches. Elusa stared on Konatz’s face as ‘啪~啪~啪~’ and slapped the face directly to Konatz’s face. Swelling like a fat man…

“Konatz, wake up… wake up… don’t sleep for me, wake up…”

Ai Lusha called, and it was ‘啪~啪~啪~’ a few palms, and Konatz woke up from a coma…

“It’s Ai Lusha…” Konatz’s face was confused, because his face was swollen and his voice was a bit sloppy, but in the next second, he suddenly opened his eyes and his face was terrified.嗖’s ran out ten meters away: “Mom! It’s Ai Lusha! Are we exposed 1?”

“What?! Ai Lusha?!!” Gray, who was originally in a coma, heard the name and was suddenly scared and opened his eyes. It was the same as Konatz, and the condition of reflex-like 嗖 跑 ran out ten Outside the meter…

Habib is even more extinct. He was also awakened by the name of Ai Lusha. When he saw the figure of Ai Lusha, he even slammed it down. He was full of grievances calling: “Ai Lusha, It’s none of my business! I’m forced to do it. It’s all that Konatz is pulling me. I’m persuaded to persuade, not to mention playing…”

“Habi, you traitor!” Konatz heard the words, suddenly stunned.

“cough cough ~~ Actually… I was forced too…” Under the deterrent of Elvisa, even Gray pushed the responsibility to Konatz.

“Gray, you bastard, Habib is no problem, why are you doing this? Want to fight?” Konatz immediately yelled at Gray, and also rolled up his sleeves.

Gray even took off his clothes, and the two of them will soon be ready to dry!

“The two of you haven’t changed at all…” Sun Wukong watching, two people, smiled.

“Ah?! Goku big brother?!!” Gray saw it, suddenly a look of fear: “Clothes, my clothes…”

“Goku Big Brother?! Are you here too?” When Konatz saw Sun Wukong, he immediately became very excited: “Haha~~ Come right, let me decide!”

Said, straight to Sun Wukong rushed over: “Fire Dragon’s iron fist!”

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