The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 31—Daliora

The next morning, after eating breakfast, Sun Wukong took Ai Lusha to the Lookout of the month.

“This place is really broken, can this floor be supported?” Around the tattered cannot bear, Konatz slammed a few feet against the ground.

Along with the loud noise of ‘ka-cha’, the ground suddenly collapsed, and Gray and Konatz and Habib fell in the screaming moment with the collapsed gravel…

In the air, there is also a resounding anger of Gray That Ki: “You stupid, what did you do!”

“Love ~ just! Konatz, you stupid!”

“It’s really hard to work with such a brainless person!” Sun Wukong, holding Ai Lusha, stayed in the void, and several people at Konatz under the watch, a plain face.

“Why don’t you save them?” A few people from Konatz under the watch of Ai Lusha, some worried: “They won’t have anything?”

“I don’t have the habit of holding a man, and if they are thick and thick, they can’t die if they fall!” Sun Wukong said, just holding Elsa down slowly…

“But it’s the blessing of Konatz, it’s a mistake, but it’s an interesting place…” Sun Wukong said, letting down Ella, and heading for the intersection…

Ai Lusha, they have to follow up…

But for a moment, when they saw the huge monster that was frozen, it was a shocking place!

Even if this monster has been sealed, its terrible aura is already daunting!

Especially Gray, in the moment of seeing this monster, Eyes tightened, the face was shocked, and even the 1 body was a tremor of 1, full of fear: “Why? Why is this monster appearing here?”

“What is this monster? Gray, do you know?” Konatz looked curious, just thinking about the first few steps, wanting to see clearly, but was knocked down by Gray, and screamed: “You are a fire Do not be near the magician!!”

“You bastard, do you want to fight?” Konatz suddenly screamed, but when he saw Gray’s expression, he suddenly stopped.

“Hey! Gray, are you too nervous?” Ai Lusha watched Gray, her frown slightly wrinkled.

It was said by Elosha that Gray, who was originally fearful and nervous, calmed down a lot and looked at Konatz: “Sorry, I am really too nervous…”

“That doesn’t matter. Do you know this frozen monster?” Konatz saw Gray return to normal, but it was a big swing, and watching the monster was a curiosity.

“Daliora…” Gray said the name, it was a vibrato, showing the inner peace: “Demon of disaster…”

Konatz looked curious: “Demon of cabbage?”

Habib jumped up and exposed 1 out of his head and immediately corrected: “It’s a disaster Demon…”

“How was it like at the beginning?! Who actually found the place to seal it and brought it to the island? Damn!” Gray gnash one’s teeth, a look of anger: “What is this in the end? ?”

“What kind of monster is this guy? I was so nervous to see you for the first time!” Konaztz watching Gray, is a curious look.

“A decade ago, in the Isbon area, I was in the wind, and I had the undead. Demon… This is the master who taught me magic. Ulu (Wuwu) abandoned the life seal of Demon. It should be the iceberg of Beida Road at this time. In… although I don’t know how it relates to the curse of the island, it must not exist on this island…”

“Do you mean that it was originally in the iceberg of Beida Road?” Ai Lusha frowned. “It seems that someone has shipped it here. Is this related to the curse on this island?” Looked at Sun Wukong: “Goku, what do you think?”

“It’s just a small Demon that’s all. Is it necessary to be so nervous?” Sun Wukong looked dull and walked toward the ice-filled Daoliola…

“Don’t get close to it…” Gray Lima said with a nervous exclamation: “The reason why you didn’t care about it was because you didn’t know Daley’s terror. This guy can’t exist in the world, otherwise it’s a battle. disaster!”

“Disaster?” Sun Wukong did not care about the faint smile: “I understand the meaning of disaster, but it is impossible for me to form a disaster because of this little point…”

“I know that Goku’s strength is unquestionable, but please be cautious. This monster is really not an ordinary monster.” Gray’s face is serious and serious. He is really afraid that Sun Wukong will inexplicably put this monster out of the ice. Released it.

But it is undeniable that Sun Wukong is playing this attention, and he is also very curious about what the living Daoliola has.

Moreover, he is more interested in the seal of Daluola’s Ulu.

Just as Sun Wukong is preparing to unblock the seal, the sound of footsteps is far and near…

“Someone is coming, fast, hiding!” Ai Lusha looked at the intersection when she came, pulling Sun Wukong and drinking low.

“Hidden? Why do you want to hide?” Sun Wukong did not care at all: “If even this kind of jealousy makes me hide, isn’t that too shameful?”

“呃~” Ai Rusha suddenly became speechless: “Isn’t this a shameful face? Just hide and see who the people are, that’s all.”

“I don’t hide, can’t you see it? Just can’t take the other person and ask for it!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Goku’s big brother is right. Is there anything to hide? Do you know if you are trying to get it?” Konatz echoed.

And this matter, they want to hide too late, because the other party has already appeared in the field of vision…


There are three people in total, one female and two male, and the female is very beautiful. One of the men looks more like a dog. It is very wonderful. The three of them are facial expressions when they see Sun Wukong and others. change.

“Who are you? Why are you here?” The woman glared at Sun Wukong and others, cold and vocal.

“This is what we should ask you, why are you here? Is this Daoliola brought you here?” Ai Rusha asked with a serious look.

“Daliora… You know the name of this Demon. It seems that you can’t leave it so safely. Otherwise, the Emperor of the Zero will be mad…” The woman snorted and her eyes were full of hostility. .

“Would you like to use battle to solve the problem? It’s better!” Ai Lusha said, the light flashed in his hand, and the two ancient swords flashed their hands instantly, ready for the battle…

“It seems that Daoliola appears here, and it really has something to do with you!” Gray looked at the opposite three with a look of anger, and the tone was full of gloom: “I would never forgive anyone who humiliates Ulu.” !” ….

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