The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 49—Invincible People and Magic

Can teach a strong person like Ai Lusha, although Ai Pai Gelin’s mouth is very disdainful to Sun Wukong, but she still pays great attention to her, so she started to show her own magic – petrochemical eyes .

Seeing Sun Wukong, even if he didn’t know what to do, he went to see Ai Pai Ge Lin. The face of Lagosas suddenly showed a trace of disdain: “It seems that the outcome has been divided…”

However, the imaginary petrochemical did not appear, although it is already a good end station there…

“What is going on here?” Lagasus, they all frowned.

“Hey? Why didn’t you be petrified? Impossible!” Ai Pai Gelin watched the safe and sound Sun Wukong, shocked and widened his eyes, once again looked at Sun Wukong…

“Hey~ Even if I am handsome, you don’t have to watch me like this? Although my courage has always been great, but I have been staring at you so much, I am also afraid of 1…”

“You…” Ai Pai Ge Lin heard, depressed couple wants to vomit blood: “Why are you not petrified? Don’t tell me my magic failed? This is impossible…”

“Hey? Have you already started magic? Why don’t I feel a little?” Sun Wukong looked curious about Ai Pai Ge Lin.

“I…you…” Ibbaline, who was already very angry, was said by Sun Wukong, and it was even more angry: “Since petrochemical magic can’t work, then…” said, lightly at the foot, directly toward Sun Wukong Close attacked the past…

“Women are not good at killing and killing, hey, stop!” Sun Wukong watching attacked Ai Pai Ge Lin, but a casual smile.

Abba Glylin, who was already close, suddenly stopped in front of Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong touched her head and smiled slightly: “True!”

Ai Pai Ge Lin suddenly became a horrified face, but also very angry: “How… what happened? Why do I suddenly stop? Move! You are moving! Damn, you in the end What kind of magic? Why can’t I control my body? Also, don’t touch my head casually! Bastard!”

“The swearing swearing, this is not what the lady should do, it should be punished, come, turn around, take the 1 ass 1 up…” Sun Wukong watching Ai Pai Ge Lin, smiled slightly.

Ai Pai Ge Lin heard the words, and turned around really, turned the fart 1 stock up, a pair of ‘please punish me’ posture 1 potential.

However, the expression on her face was shy to the extreme, the facial expression was red, and she glared at Sun Wukong: “You…what do you want? Stop! Stop! If you dare to beat me, I am not finished with you!”


The sound is crisp and loud…

Ai Pai Ge Lin’s pretty face is instantly bloody red: “Ah~~Sun Wukong…you dare to beat me! I am not finished with you… I am not dead with you…”

“Ai Paglin…”

Fried and Bigusro saw Sun Wukong as shameful as 1 insulted Ebhaline, suddenly furious and rushed forward, attacking Sun Wukong…

“Your Majesty!”

However, the two men rushed in Sun Wukong’s low drink, and instantly stopped their body shape, then ‘touched’ and fell to the ground…

“This is… what magic?!!”

Both Friede and Picasso were shocked, and Lagosas was also moved, and Makarov was shocked: “Spiritual magic… This is Sun Wukong’s magical magic…”

“Spiritual magic?” Lagersas frowned slightly: “Is he not a star spirit wizard? What magic is this magical spell? Never heard of it…”

“Sun Wukong is the star spirit magician, yes, but it does not mean that he will not have other magic…” Makarov’s face dignified: “And the so-called magical magic, that is the lost divine magic in the legend It’s a must, it’s the magic of magic! In a sense, this is invincible magic!”

“The words must be done? Spiritual magic? Invincible magic?” Lagoss frowned, but his face was a trace of disdain: “There is no invincible magic in this world!”

“It’s true…” Makarov nodded with the same sympathy, watching Sun Wukong’s serious face: “There is no invincible magic, but there are invincible people, and this magical magic is in his hands, but it is changed. Become the invincible magic of terror, no one can do to resist in his hands…”

Lagosas heard the words, and the moment was moving…

And Fried, they heard it was also shocked…

After a moment of contemplation, Fried is a dignified face: “It must be said… It turns out to be so… So will our actions be controlled by his words?”

“So when I started, I said, if I don’t want to die, I will give it back, but you don’t listen to that’s all…” Makarov sighed slightly.

“Interesting…” The eyes of Lagosas suddenly appeared full of war, and wanted to see the so-called magical magic.

“Lagos, you stand for me!” Makarov suddenly screamed with excitement and stopped Lagoss: “Ai Paglin as an opponent of Sun Wukong will not be in danger.” If you go up, you can’t be killed, don’t doubt, he will do this… kill you, just need a ‘dead’ word that’s all !”

Lagosas heard that his brow was wrinkled and it was a bad mood. He would not be scared by Makarov’s words, but he was hesitant to see Makarov’s serious and terrible eyes. …

“Let him play for a while… After playing for a while, it will be fine…” Seeing Laghas stopped, and Makarov suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

“You said to play?” Lagosas glared at him, the face of the angry face, the thunder of the gods, even just to accompany the play? This made him an infinite angel in an instant, thunder and lightning in the whole body, like the thunder of the wrath, while stepping on a big pit on the ground, he slammed into Sun Wukong…

The more he said, the more he wanted to compete with Sun Wukong, because the arrogant people like Lagosas had a heart that did not admit defeat.

The human’s formidable is not said, but it is proved by actual action! Before it was proved, Lagosas would never be intimidated by Sun Wukong’s name!

This is the so-called no coffin and no tears!

However, Lagosas’s idea of ​​obvious was lost. I saw the ground suddenly cracking open. Baru’s song instantly smashed the ground, punching the boxing and blocking the way of Lagosas…

At the moment when the two fists collided, the power that broke out was that the ground was cracked, and there were countless thunder and lightning, leaving a black hole on the ground…

“The owner is playing, you shouldn’t go to the trouble…” Baroque looked at Lagosas, and the facial expression was calm.

“Xingling?” Lagersas frowned slightly, and his heart became very dignified: “In the collision with me, there is no wind…”

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