The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Fifth 12 Chapter Gogir

Watching those who fled here, Sun Wukong smiled a little: “Ai Pai Ge Lin, these people will be handed over to you, don’t let go, or you will be punished!”

“Master, do you want to teach 1 to teach me?” Baru, who immediately stood up and expressed his sense of existence, was directly ignored by Sun Wukong.

Ai Pai Gelin took off her glasses and looked at the group of people who fled. The petrified eyes started, and the members of the ghosts who came to run away were petrified into statues!

I have to say that Ai Pai Ge Lin’s petrified eyes are really powerful.

The people in the rear saw the situation, they were all shocked: “Not good, the retreat is blocked, fast, fleeing here…”

“Can you escape? This is the end of your tempting tail!” Konatz screamed and squirted a hot blaze: “The roar of the dragon!”

In an instant, a dozen people were drowned by the fire…

At the same time, the cold is surging, and Gray is also shooting, freezing a dozen people in the ice…

And Elvisa waved his sword in his hand and flew out the members of each and every one of the ghosts, and fell to the ground…

The scene is very bloody and violent, this is simply a one-sided abuse…

But for a moment, everyone in the ghosts was put down to the ground, mourning more then …

“On this point, I dare to provoke the tail of our fairy! Not self-reliant!”

“Now know that our fairy tail is amazing!”

The members of the fairy tail, each and every one are all exuding, fast 1 expressions.

“You are ruining!” Sun Wukong watching, the branch of the ghost that has been turned into ruins, smiled slightly.

“They ruined our guild building, and we ruined their guild building. This is called a newspaper!” Gray looked at the hate.

“嘻hey hey ~~~”

Suddenly a black shadow descended from the sky and stood firmly on a ruined stone. Watching Konatz, their eyes were full of disdain: “What’s wrong, bastard, do you kill yourself with a bunch of rubbish? Now, let I am the Iron Destroyer, Gogir, to be your opponent!”

“Iron’s Dragon Slayer? Is this guy also a dragon sorcerer?” Konatz looked at Gogir with a look of surprise: “This guy will give it to me!”

Saying, Konazt stood up and attacked Gogir in the past: “The fire fist of the fire dragon!”

“Oh! Are you the leader of the fire of the goblin’s tail?” Gogir looked at Konatz with interest, but his eyes were all contemptuous: “But, there is no brain, the whole body is flawed. “When I saw it, I saw him punch it out. The right hand was instantly turned into an iron 1 stick. Konatz was shot and flew out and buried in the gravel pile…

“Konatz!” Gray and others were shocked.

“Ice hammer!” Gree Lima launched the magic of ice, a huge ice hammer appeared on the top of Gogir out of the air, and suddenly fell to him.

“such insignificant ability!” Gogir disdain, the left hand is instantly turned into an iron 1 rod, extended and elongated, ‘ka-cha’, it is the crushing of the ice hammer.

“This guy is very strong, everyone is careful!” Greeley’s dignified voice reminded.

The monk tails of the people heard the words, fell back, and handed the battlefield to Gray.

“The Iron Destroyer…can can transform his body into the nature of iron…” Ai Lusha’s facial expression is serious, the magic moves to the ancient sword in his hand, exudes a faint glow: “let me go !”

Said, Jiao 1 body flashed, rushed to Gogir…

However, Gogir’s mouth was a sneer of 1’s sinister sneer, and Eye Watching Ai Lusha attacked him. He turned out to be a squad, and Leibi launched an attack outside the battle circle…

“Damn!” Ai Lusha’s facial expression changed, her face showed anger, turned around, and wanted to save Leibi, but it was too late…

In the original work, Lei Bi and her two companions were attacked by Gogur and lived in the hospital. Now because of Sun Wukong’s relationship, the fairy tail directly launched a counterattack against the ghosts, but they were saved from the disaster. However, in the current situation, is Rabbi inevitably inevitably being attacked?

The so-called escape from the first day, but can not escape fifteen, this is the so-called fate.

“Gogil! You bastard!”

Everyone else is also a look of anger, especially with the two companions of the Leiby team, but also blocked in front of Gogur, but the strength is very different, the two were directly hit by Gogir Go out…

Immediately, with a smirk, Gogir’s fist is close to Leibi, but half a foot away…

Sun Wukong faintly shook his head, his body flashed, and appeared beside Leibi’s body, pinching Gogir’s iron fist: “Sneak attack is not shameful, but attacking a girl is not something that a man should do. It!”

Saying, Sun Wukong was a little harder, just listening to the ‘ka-cha’, and Gogir turned into the right hand of the iron 1 stick, and there was a sudden crack in his mouth, spreading toward his arm…

Gogir immediately issued a scream of screaming, his eyes wide open, cold sweats, and his legs were soft and fell to the ground!

“Good job, Goku big brother!”

“Too handsome! Goku big brother, quickly scrapped this bastard!”

“What shit’s dragon sorcerer is in front of Goku’s big brother is slag!”

“Bastard, what do you say?!!” Konatz, who had just climbed from the gravel pile, was furious when he heard this.

“Konatz, if you don’t accept it, there is a way to go with Goku’s big brother!”

“Do it, do not play it!” Konatz was so excited, his head was hot, and he really launched an attack on Sun Wukong.

However, before he was close, he was deeply mad by the extremely mad Alusha iron fist: “You are an idiot, is it time to do this kind of thing?”

“I’m sorry…” Konatz surrendered in tragedy.

“Konatz, it seems that your energy is very strong 1 Sheng, then I will hand him over to you…” Sun Wukong looked at Konatz and loosened the grip of Gogir’s palm, a touch of faint.

“Really?” Konatz suddenly rejoiced and instantly bounced off the pit.

Sun Wukong said with a plain face: “If you lose, you will not be allowed to eat for three days!”

“ahhh ~~ How can I lose!” Konatz screamed, and the evil screamed toward Gogir: “Smelly iron, we continue!” Saying, blazing in the mouth, attacking Gogir : “Fire Dragon’s Wing!!”

Gogil immediately rolled his left hand and put it on his lips: “The roar of the Iron Dragon!”

When Konatz saw it, he suddenly became shocked and hurriedly changed his moves. His hands rolled up and overlapped in front of his mouth. He also started the roar of the dragon!

The collision of fire and iron suddenly slammed a violent hurricane, causing everyone to spread out…

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