The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 66—The Truth

“Hugh…” Seeing his former companion, Ai Lusha looked very happy.

“That’s good, Ai Lusha, you have made so many good friends…” Milliana came to Ai Lusha and watched Lucy, and looked serious: “But you have to be careful.” Oh, otherwise, it will be abandoned ruthlessly…”

“Hey? Abandon?” Lucy looked confused.

“It’s like abandoning us, abandoning you, I’m right? Ai Luca’s sister!” Miliana watched Elisa in a tone of inquiry, but her eyes were full of hatred.

“Abandon… Miliana, what do you mean by that?” Ai Lusa Eyes huddled, and some did not believe that this was actually said from the mouth of Miliana.

“What’s wrong, sister Ella, do you want to pretend to be innocent?” Hugh’s face was distorted: “Take us away, but I ran with others, don’t tell me. Are we? Cunning… just looking at ourselves, but abandoning us all…”

“Hey?!” Lucy listened and was even more surprised.

“Abandoned? Have you already determined that I have abandoned you?” The voice of Ai Lusha was surprisingly calm: “The freedom you think is to complete the paradise just like those who used to enslave us.” Tower? So, what difference do you have with them?”

“As long as the tower of the park is completed, we can get the freedom of TRUE, we can control our own destiny, everything is just for freedom!”

“I want to be free, isn’t it simple?” Ai Lusha asked calmly: “don’t tell me I am not free now? If you were willing to leave with me at the time, now you, early I have already got the freedom, but you have chosen to stay and help Geral complete the tower of the park. What else did I abandon you? Are you abandoning me?”

“Don’t be sophistry, Ai Lusha!” Hushing out loudly: “We are killing the people of the magical eccles, but we want to leave together, but you blow up our ship, alone with that Called Sun Wukong to escape, you betrayed us! For your own freedom, but abandoned everyone! You guys, absolutely unforgivable!”

In the hustle and bustle, the magic of the hand surging, just want to launch the magic, but it was cut down by Arusha with a hand knife, the facial expression is gloomy and terrible: “You said that I blow up your ship? How can I possibly Will you do something like this? Who told you this?”

“I still want to argue? This is what Geral told us personally! If it weren’t for him, we were all buried in the belly!”

“Jeral!!” Ai Lusa almost gnash one’s teeth said the name: “Is this guy a ghost?” Saying, looking at Milliana, they are full of serious sinking: “I am saying it again, I have not blown up any ships at all. After you followed Geral, I also obeyed the instructions of Grandpa Rob, left Goku, and joined the tail of the fairy, I destroyed your ship. What are you doing? Are you knowing me? Do you think I am the one who does that kind of thing?”

“No! This is not right! This is different from what we know!” Hugh’s face squinted in pain and fell into madness: “Jeral clearly said that you destroyed our ship…”

“Calm a little, Hugh!” Simon took a break, Shen Sheng said: “I can explain this thing, because I saw the truth of the matter with my own eyes…”

“Simon?!” Wally, they all widened their eyes and looked at Simon.

“It was what I saw with my own eyes… Geral used magic in the dark, and broke through the bottom of the ship, which made the ship sink. Then, in order to gain everyone’s trust, he used heroes again. The gesture saved everyone. In fact, we all have been deceived by Geral…”

“Simon, you… are you all true?” Miliana widened her eyes and exclaimed: “Why don’t you tell us earlier? Aiming~”

“According to the situation at the time, if I really said something, I am afraid I will have disappeared.” Simon looked sorry for the watch. Everyone: “I am really sorry, I have always concealed everyone…”

“How come? How come?! Deceive us is Geral? How can this be?!” Hugh’s emotions almost collapsed: “I don’t believe, I must go back and ask clearly!”

“Let’s go! We are here to destroy the tower of the park!” Ai Lusha looked serious.

After everyone boarded the ship, Lucy was a sly look: “I thought I would have to fight a big fight. I didn’t expect it to be like this… But, listening to their tone, this mission is really dangerous! What is the tower of the paradise, what is the in the end?”

“The tower of the park, also known as the R system, is a magical sacrifice that can make a devil resurrect…” Mira explained with a dignified face: “I don’t know, they finished the tower of the park, what is it? For what?”

“The black magician in resurrect legend, Jerff…” Simon looked dignified.

“Jerff?!” Lucy immediately exclaimed: “The one that raised the evil magic to the extreme, and created a myriad of black magic and Demon to let the world fall into a chaos, with the invincible power of destroying the world. husband?!!”

“The guy actually wants to resurrect such a dangerous guy?” Shirley looked dignified: “This can’t be seen without seeing it!”

“It seems that we must destroy the tower of the park!” Mira’s face was dignified.

Isolated island, the tower of the park.

Geral sat in the main seat, but there was a very smirk in the corner of his mouth: “Simon guy, knowing everything, really sinking, even I was concealed. …but it doesn’t matter, I didn’t expect you anything…but, this way, my game becomes a bit boring…”

“Now is not the time to think about the game? That is called Ai Lusha, but it has already been killed…” The long-haired man on the side frowned.

“You can’t wait? Then, send you there, Vida Rudas!” Geral looked flat.

“Is it so good? Ahhh ah~~” Vida Rudston yelled in the sky, and the magic of the evil surged, making his clothes on 1 disappear and disappeared into a sect. It seems to be full of sinister and unknown.

“I have long wanted to see the same side with Ela, and I finally got what I want!” A woman with white silver hair looked calm and calm, but her eyes were graceful, but her eyes sparkled cold.

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