The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Chapter 70—Magic Wizard Power

While Lucy and Jubia defeated the Vidarudas Hawk, on the other hand, Mira, Kana, and Shirley also easily defeated the cockroach and merged with Ai Lusha…

And Sun Wukong, they are also on the way to…

“That, Goku, Wendy and Xia Lulu are not with you together? What about them?” Lucy asked curiously.

“Because this island is too dangerous, I asked Lei to take her outside and wait…” Sun Wukong replied faintly. The real reason is that the purpose of this product is a gorgeous, do not want to bring a drag bottle, so Wendy is waiting outside, anyway, a little loli, selling acting cute will also be, the battle thing has this How old is the sister, and she is not in her turn.

“I don’t think you want Wendy to be your drag bottle?” Lucy faintly stunned Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong suddenly felt like a deep shot: “This sister paper is really powerful!”

At the same time, Elsa has also met Geral on their side.

“The game is over so soon, it’s really dull!” Geral, who was sitting in the first seat in the center of the hall, watched a few girls, and her face was dull.

“Playing 1 to get someone else’s life makes you so happy? Geral!” Ai Lusha glared at Geral with a cold face.

Because of the relationship between Sun Wukong, Ai Lusha and Geral are not very familiar. Naturally, there is no other emotions to do with them. What they have is just to use him as an enemy.

“I am very happy, Ai Lusha!” Geral calm and calm, watching Alusha: “Life and death are the roots of all living things that gather all feelings. In other words, there is no more boring nothingness than life. …It’s been a long time no see, Ai Lusha!”

“Jeral, why do you want to do this? I remember that you were not like this before!”

“People will always change, not everyone is like you, will be lucky to meet a Sun Wukong!” Geral looked calm and calm: “I have to say, you really found a group of good The companion! Especially the one called Sun Wukong, even turned against the plague, I really don’t know how he did it! I don’t think that woman will be so simple and will give in…. Sure enough, he is a big Trouble!”

“Goku adult really conquered the woman named Dove?” Bisika looked horrified.

“Nothing to be surprised, what is expected!” Ai Lusha said with a calm face: “With Goku’s swordsmanship, it is enough to make that woman tempted!” Then he turned to look at Geral: “Look You are calm, don’t tell me Do you think there is still a chance to escape from our hands?”

“Escape?” Geral smiled. “Why should I escape, don’t tell me, can’t you leave all of you here?”

“It seems that you are very confident about your strength!” Ai Lusha said, holding the ancient sword in his hand, ready to attack: “Bisika, you first retreat to the side, this guy, by I will solve it!”

“Then I will wait to see the show!” Bisika smiled slightly, she was very clear about the strength of Ai Lusha, knowing that she would only add chaos, so it was cool that 1 quickly retreated to the side.

“Although I have long wanted to see the rumored fairy queen, how is the strength…” Geral’s mouth hangs a sinister smile: “But, I really have no time to accompany you to continue the game. Up…”

Saying, another person who is exactly the same as Geral walked out of the corner of the evil and stood side by side with Geral.

“Two Geral? What is going on?” Bisika was surprised.

“Zikrein?!” Ai Lusha frowned, her face dignified: “What is this in the end? Geral!”

“Zikrein? No, this is just a pseudonym in the House of Lords that’s all…” Geral smiled: “The real situation is that Zikrein is just my thoughts that’s all!”

“Thinking?” Ai Lusha and Bisca were shocked at the same time: “You guys invaded 1 from the beginning into the House of Representatives? What do you want to do?”

“You will know soon…” Geral said, slowly blending with his own thoughts: “Although this is somewhat inconsistent with my original plan, the result is the same. Thanks to the Sun Wukong that you admire, it makes me a rare opportunity to attack the House of Lords with the goblin tail!”

Say, Geral put his right hand on his own temple, and his mind said: “Get started! Can’t drag it…”

Far away in the Chamber of Secrets, Urutia, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly stood up and just saw Ulu coming in from the door. He smiled slightly: “Begin to start, Mom! What’s the situation outside?”

“The people in the House of Representatives are really a group of people who have been ruined by the people in the tail area of ​​the goblin. Is such an institution really a space restriction?

“A group of locusts who are smothered by rights, what happens when TRUE encounters a crisis!” Urutia looked disdainful.

“The more waste they are, the better it is for us. Has Zikrein sent a message?”

“Yes, during the launch of the magical wizard, it will definitely attract the attention of the top officials of the council. Although they are very wasteful, the real strength is still there, so during this time, the trouble mother will fight for some time. It!”

“Is the top of the council?” Ulu’s face showed a dignified expression on his face: “The guys are really more trouble, but they didn’t take the tail of the goblin seriously, so they are at the current disadvantage! You hurry to implement the plan, I will block the people who are obstructing you…”

Said, Ulu’s ear whispered in the ear of Urutia: “But according to the news, Goku adults seem to be in the tower of the paradise!”

“What do you say? Goku is in the tower of the park?” The Urutia facial expression suddenly changed.

However, in the next moment, the voice of Sun Wukong suddenly sounded in the minds of Ulu and Urutia: “Don’t worry about me, release the magical wizard power!”


Ulu and Ulutia squatted at the same time, and answered with a good voice.

Subsequently, Ulu turned and left the room…

And Urutia is a serious cold drink: “Is everything ready?”

“Ready, Urutia adults!”

These people are all secret hands that Zikrein has already prepared. This kind of thing he has already prepared for everything, naturally has loyalty to his subordinates.

“Pray to the light of the divine, liberate the magical wizard!” Urutia looked cold and ordered.

In an instant, the dazzling light illuminates the sky, and the three giant buildings in the council release a huge ball of light, straight into the sky…

Far away from the islands of overseas, the tower of the paradise, this island was immediately affected by a terrible magic and sent a violent shock…

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