The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

The seventh 12 chapter is destroyed

The R system is a magic that requires sacrifices to resurrect others, and everything Geral does is to resurrect the black magical guide Jerff to achieve the goal of ruling the world.

But Sun Wukong knows that Jerff can live in this world, so the R system has no value for Geral.

Sun Wukong is curious, using Geral of the R system, what can happen if he can’t resurrect Jeff.

“Lie! Go and save Goku brothers!” The sea is over, Wendy rides on the back of the bud, watching the terrible light that completely envelopes the whole island, dispels the broken island, and the turbulent waves that are stunned. The face was shocked and exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, no one in this world can hurt the owner!” Lei’s face was calm and soft, filled with the majesty of a superior and aura.

In the violent vibration of terror, in the dazzling light, everything has returned to calm, the vast island has disappeared, replaced by a beautiful giant magic crystal standing in the sky, emitting glow, an inexplicable sense of divine .

The magical fluctuations on it are even more moving. Just this Ki, it is already known about the extraordinaryness of this magic crystal.

“The magic power of very powerful! This is the R system after the completion?” Ai Lusha looked at the shocking watching in front of the huge magic crystal standing tall, the facial expression was extremely dignified.

“R system… seems to have been successful!” Urutia passed the scene of the magical image watching the tower of the paradise, smiled slightly, and in the heart, still a little excited. After all, this scene, but she has been planning since childhood, although the purpose of the change has changed, but the success of watching his previous plans, there will inevitably be some sense of success.

“It’s all safe, it’s really good…” Watching the people on the huge magic crystal, Wulu who came in came to breathe a sigh of relief.

“Mom, is it solved so soon?” Watching Ulu, Urutia is very surprised, but she is very clear that the old guys in the council can’t deal with it. According to her guess, I only need Uru to fight for a little time. Ok, but I don’t want Ulu to come in so quickly.

“Because of the relationship between the banned magic, it is really unexpectedly smooth!” Ulu is a slight smile, watching Urutia: “You should be very clear, why can we successfully cast magic in this magical array? What?”

“Listen to Goku, he said that he has set up his “Guardian Magic” in our body, and all the abnormal forms seem to have no effect on us. It seems that this magical array is no exception!” Urutia meditated For a moment, smile a little.

“Guardian magic? I didn’t find it anymore! When did he show it?” Ulu frowned slightly.

“If you let him know, he is not a Goku adult!” Ulu smiled.

Outside, suddenly there was a loud roar. Urutia looked at her mother and said softly: “Mom, it seems that we have to leave here!”

“The mission is completed. It is indeed time to leave. Otherwise, it will be troubled. The army belonging to the council has already started to move out…” Ulu nodded solemnly.

The reason why this incident was so smooth was entirely because of the arrogance of the council. If they had full strength to deal with the tail of the fairy at the beginning, I would have to trouble a lot; and the tail of the fairy also hit them. Unprepared, who can think of a Magisters Guild, suddenly, dare to fight with the council?

In addition, Geral and Urutia have disintegrated their hands and feet inside and inside and outside, and Rao is only a tragedy in the House of Representatives.

“Before leaving, there is one more thing that needs to be done for Goku adults…” Urutia looked around and his eyes flashed.

“I don’t remember that he still has other orders for us?” Ulu looked curious.

“Isn’t Goku an adult ever said… He wants to destroy the House of Representatives…”

“Urutia, you should not want to?…” Uluru immediately widened his eyes.

“Whenever Goku is unhappy, it will be destroyed!” Urutia said, with open arms, the magic of formidable emerged from her body, and instantly spread out, no matter building trees, it was decaying in an instant. Withered, smashed and collapsed…

The Lagosas and others who were still ravaged by the catastrophe were suddenly buried in the rubble by the collapsed houses…

“Urutia’s magic has been refined yet…” Ulu whispered and left the place with Urutia…

The big House of Lords has become a ruin at the moment, and if it is passed out, it will inevitably shock the magic world.

“呸呸~~” Lagoss got out of the ruins, full of angry gravel in the spit, and the anger was very: “Who is it? Who destroyed this place? Damn! Seeing that I am going to succeed Who is !in the end?! Get me out!!”

The resounding reverberation echoed, but no one answered. Only Konatz’s sounds that they had climbed out of the ruins…watching the ruins of the four ruins, it was all a slap in the face, and the House of Representatives really let them turn over? For a moment, all the members of the goblin tail are screaming for victory…

The tower of the park has become a huge magic crystal at the moment. .

Geral is a face of excitement at this moment, watching Ai Lusha, the mouth of the 1 mouth is a glimpse of the sinister smile: “Now, resurrect Jerff’s script has been basically completed, it is only your sacrifice , Ai Lusha!”

“Resurrect Jerff?” A voice suddenly came from behind, Sun Wukong looked strangely watching Geral, smiled a little: “Are you a teasing? I want to resurrect Jerf, it seems that you even the most basic Didn’t figure out everything…”


When Elsa and Bisca saw Sun Wukong, they suddenly rejoiced and hurried to his side.

Bisika watched Sun Wukong’s figure, and the original fearful heart suddenly relaxed. At this moment, there was an unspeakable sense of security.

Ai Lusha watched Lucy and they asked, “It’s okay!”

Lucy, they are all shook his/her head, look at Geral…

“Sun Wukong, what do you mean by this? Don’t tell me because of fear?” Geral saw the Sun Wukong moment, the facial expression changed slightly, and then his face hangs again. A ridiculous smile.

The white shadow flashed, and the buds with Wendy and Xialulu also landed here. Watching Sun Wukong They are all fine, but let Wendy and Xia Lulu breathe a sigh of relief…

“Afraid? You think too much…” Sun Wukong is extremely ridiculously watching. Geral: “I am not in the eyes of Jalph, but I think that you spend such a big price and want to resurrect a fundamental Who is not dead, isn’t it a comic?”

When this was said, not only was Geral shocked, but even Ai Lusa was a horrified look…

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