The latest update of the pen is the latest chapter from Dragon Ball!

Eighth 12 Chapter Lisana

“Is it because you don’t sit well, can you blame me?” Lei was reluctant to scream.

“Don’t dare to talk back, believe it or not!” Ed Lucy suddenly stood up and rolled up his sleeves.

“Come on! Come on! I am afraid of you!” Leibi did not show weakness, it was a provocative hook on Ed Lucy.

“Well, Lucy, now is not the time to be awkward…” Kana of Adelas gently pressed Ade Lucy down and said softly: “Ribe is busy now, you Don’t bother her, if there is an accident, we can be guilty!”

“Hey!” Lucy of Idras was awkward, but still very sensible, hum hum snorted and sat down. She just likes to bicker with Lei, but it doesn’t really work.

“Watching your completely subversive personality is really a bit unaccustomed!” Sun Wukong approached Alaska’s Kana a little bit and pushed a glass of sparkling and translucent Portuguese 1 wine to her: “Come on Come, Edkana, have a drink with me!”

“Adecana?” Ira’s Kana Obvious is squatting.

“Yeah! You two are exactly the same, you have to distinguish it when you call it? So it is more convenient to call you Adekana!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“Your name is pretty good!” Edkana smiled and watched the wine glass in front of her eyes, but shook her head: “However, I am allergic to alcohol, not drinking!”

“Hey! You are so too meaningless?” Karna put her right hand on Edkena’s shoulder, a good buddy’s posture: “Goku told you to accompany him to drink, how can you refuse? You, still me? And this Portuguese 1 wine is good thing! The ordinary people want to drink and can’t drink it! Not only keep fit, but also nourish the yin and make up the face, it has a very powerful beauty effect!”

“So great? How about giving me a cup?” Ed Lucy heard the words, and immediately looked at Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong smiled a little, and a glass of sparkling and translucent Portuguese 1 wine was flashed in front of her.

“Transparent like crystal, it’s really beautiful…and this fragrance is really unbearable!” Ed Lucy said, picking up the wine glass, gently paying for it, screaming, whole people’s The facial expressions all showed a kind of 1 drunken blush, and then exaggeratedly yelled out: “It’s so delicious! It’s so delicious!” Saying, the head is up, one drink, at the same time, two eyes I looked at Sun Wukong and said: “Can you have another drink?”

“Only one cup, can’t drink too much.” Sun Wukong smiled lightly.

Ed Lucy snorted, and suddenly his eyes widened, his face unfathomable watching his hands, feeling the warmth that emerged from the body, and screamed: “This… this is magic? My There is magic in the body? This… What is going on?”

“Magic? Karna! Are you talking about it?” The people in the hall were shocked.

You know, because of the lack of magic in the world, you can only use the magic guide to launch magic, using your own magic to launch magic, it is already a matter of legend.

“Goku Brother, give me a cup too!”

Gray and others are all looking forward to Sun Wukong.

“This thing is very expensive, men can’t talk, beauty can be a cup!” Sun Wukong announced that he was unruly.

“No? Goku, you are sexist! We despise you!”

“Okay! Don’t say that I am stingy, give you a bottle, go and divide it yourself!”

So, the alternative banquet began, and the other male members of the fairy tail squeezed 1together, forming a circle; and Sun Wukong, that is beautiful surrounded.

The day when I came to Idras, it was so simple…

The next day, just as I was eating breakfast, a person who had long waited for Mira appeared at the door of the fairy tail…

Seeing the figure that had been missing for a long time, Mira blinked two lines of tears silently, and the chopsticks in his hands fell to the ground because of the impact: “Li… Lisana?!”

“Mira…sister?!” Lisa was shocked when she saw the two Miras in the hall. At the same time, when she saw the Mira who stood up, she recognized it at a glance. It’s her long-awaited sister…

Eye watching is about to stage a touching scene of a sister’s two reunion. Lisa suddenly turned her eyes and fixed her eyes on Sun Wukong. In an instant, her eyes filled with water and flew toward Sun Wukong. : “Goku brother!”

Sun Wukong grabbed Lisana and laughed: “It’s been a long time since I saw it, Lisana, you are also grew up a lot!”

“Enn~~” Lisana held Sun Wukong tightly and did not want to let go, in order to declare 1 to vent her thoughts over the years.

However, the side of Mira is a look of taste: “Lisana, you are too much! I am your sister sister!”

Lisana heard the words and immediately turned to Mira and flew over. The two sisters finally embraced each other, and the tears could not stop flowing…

This touching picture makes everyone’s eyes in the hall a bit wet…

Only Ed Mir and Ed Eafuman have a complicated watch, the two sisters who embrace each other…

This situation, there is no need to explain, Lisa Na is Lisa of Adelas, still Assant Lisa…

“So to say… our sister… really already… dead?!” Ed Eafuman clenched his fist, and it was unbelievable about this fact, and tears could not stop flowing.

Ed Mira also clenched the 1 lip and forced to let the tears flow down…

The rest of the people are silent for a moment…

One party is happy, there must be a sadness…

“Mira Sister…Ea Fuman Brother…” Lisana came to Ede Mira’s two brothers and sisters and didn’t know what to explain.

She has not been looking for ways to leave the world because she is afraid of seeing the world’s Mira and Ea Fuman sad…

But now my own Goku brother and Mira Jie personally pick themselves up, she has to go…

“Actually… I knew it from the beginning… I’m glad you can stay with us for so long, now, it’s time to go back where you should go…” Ed Mira’s gentle watching Lisa, slight A smile.

Lisa took a bit of 1’s lips and suddenly turned around and looked at Sun Wukong: “Goku brother, can you answer me before leaving?”

“Say it!” Sun Wukong smiled.

“I want to overthrow the rule of the current king. Only in this way, everyone in the tail of the fairy can be safe and sound, I can safely go back with you!”

“As you wish!” Sun Wukong did not think about it, but nodded his consent.


The people of the fairy tail were immediately stunned…

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